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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Massone had a hand in killing the club but FLYNN was the one that started it down the road to oblivion and he should be held more responsible than massone although massone hasnt helped matters.


We're making progress at last! I'm going to fling Keane's name into the ring, didn't leave Livingston in the bets of positions either, did he? Why's he escaping the blame?

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Massone had a hand in killing the club but FLYNN was the one that started it down the road to oblivion and he should be held more responsible than massone although massone hasnt helped matters.

The last accounts Flynn submitted showed the Livi £1.2 million in debt. Flynn f*cked them over big time.

Remember Massone was new in town and all was rosey when last seasons ticket books were on sale but they only sold 800 because Flynn had alienated a large part of their support.

Massone was f*cked from day one.

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We're making progress at last! I'm going to fling Keane's name into the ring, didn't leave Livingston in the bets of positions either, did he? Why's he escaping the blame?

Have you never heard the phrase 'last man carries all'?

Massone decided to buy a debt laden club for £1, and then racked up more debt, ending in administration and possible liquidation. So he is rightly getting stick.

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There is yet to be a credible plan to save Livingston, be that by Massone or the trust or stalking horses like McDougall. There isn't one because the chances of it succeeding would be improbable. All the so called saving plans do is drag out a bit of time on the life support while the club keep haemorraghing money.

There is a credible plan which has just about been accepted by the administrator but it can't happen because Massone won't hand over his shares

Massone had a hand in killing the club but FLYNN was the one that started it down the road to oblivion and he should be held more responsible than massone although massone hasnt helped matters.

Massone bought a debt of around £300k and has since increased it to £1.7m (according to the Admin figures). Who's fault is that?

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We're making progress at last! I'm going to fling Keane's name into the ring, didn't leave Livingston in the bets of positions either, did he? Why's he escaping the blame?

After Keane left Flynn got the club debt free for £150,000.

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There is a credible plan which has just about been accepted by the administrator but it can't happen because Massone won't hand over his shares

The administrator doesn't accept the "credible plan" the creditors do.

Do you think the proposed "new order" have enough cash to get Livi on it's feet?

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what happened to the lotterry winner that pished away a good bit of cash.

He got made bust.

Ironic that when McGuiness looked at buying Livi on his own he decided to bring someone else in as he felt he didn't have the experience himself, couldn't have done a worse job than Keane!!

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There is a credible plan which has just about been accepted by the administrator but it can't happen because Massone won't hand over his shares

The administrator only cares about getting enough money to cover his fee. That's it. There is no package that can put Livingston's finances on the straight and narrow: you have no assets of worth and a track record of being a bad debtor. Companies will only provide services to Livingston if there is yet another rich benefactor with his hand on the tills. That's the only convinving guarantee for payment Livingston FC can ever offer.

After Keane left Flynn got the club debt free for £150,000.

Well that's alright then.

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what happened to the lotterry winner that pished away a good bit of cash.

Last seen having to sell his £750,000 home and move into a Council house. I think he's also been declared bankrupt.

In fact:


Four fucking million :o

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If Livingston do fold, the fact Airdrie will take their place in the first divison will give a far higher budget to Airdrie than they were expecting. Is it likely that Airdrie will buy up most of the Livingston players and some of the backroom staff as well then :huh:

the budget thing is true, Ballantyne has the budget worked out when/if Airdrie get the nod to go up (again), Kenny Black hinted at moving for some of the players, not most of them and certainly no backroom staff would be needed.

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Sorry to all the Livy fans. Not nice to see a club being run down by a muppet like this.

Obviously to a lot of provicial football fans Livy were always a bit of a franchise club. Came into a bit of cash, bought their way through the leagues and despite a good bit of success, never harnassed the hard core support that other problem clubs had (PT, Falkirk, St Mirren, Morton etc).

Ultimately when these clubs had trouble (self inflcited or not), they had a big enough support to keep things ticking over and crucially find a wealthy fan or consortium who was able to buy the club.

Also, I guess the timing of this couldn't have been worse with 18 months of recession I guess the chances of a wealthy fan having shedloads of cash to throw at a 'hobby' is even lower.

No offence but I wouldnt describe St Mirren as a problem club. We have never been in administration (Motherwell, Dundee, Livingston 1st time round, & Falkirk?) or gone out of business (Gretna) or resurfaced as another team (Airdrie). We had some debt like every club but nothing like the debt of many clubs (Kilmarnock, Hearts etc). We, unlike most of the clubs mentioned above, played within the Rules. We built stands to meet SPL criteria they we didnt need; we laid undersoil heating that was never used. We played by the Rules which often meant having a poorer team as we paid our creditors.

We hit the jackpot when we sold the stadium to Tesco but that was down to some brilliant negotiating by our Board. It has really annoyed me over the years when clubs bought success by playing high wages to players that they couldnt afford in order to gain success while creditors got zilch then used administration as a convenient way of resurfacing (eg Motherwell & Dundee) with no sanctions being made against them. And I was also annoyed when Rules were changed about SPL criteria AFTER we had paid for white elephants. St Mirren are a well run club and the support realised that we couldnt sign big name players as we paid our other bills first. We had to suffer in lower leagues as thats all we could afford.

Clubs that have spent more on wages than they could not afford should in my opinion suffer the consequences like any business. I dont remember many Motherwell, Dundee or Livingston fans complain when they had high earners that the club could not afford so have to take it on the chin when finally the money runs out. Clubs, by law, should have a ratio in place where they can only spend in wages a percentage of their income which would mean that they live within their means and dont cheat their way out of justice by using administration as a tool to do so. I am truely sorry for the Livingston fans but did they stop to think 5 years ago where the money was coming from for their brief success or do anything about it then? Now is too late.

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If Livingston do fold, the fact Airdrie will take their place in the first divison will give a far higher budget to Airdrie than they were expecting. Is it likely that Airdrie will buy up most of the Livingston players and some of the backroom staff as well then :huh:

I doubt it, they might get one or two. Airdrie have decided to snap up the players released from Clyde, the only team to finish below them.

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