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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Lets be honest here is it really that much of a shocker that a league organisation nevermind the SFL backtracking on their own rules?, it's not the first time it's ever happened and it won't be the last.

Since it seems as if Livingston aren't going bust, they should receive a points deduction. A points deduction will benefit the sides trying to fight relegation such as the likes of Raith Rovers, although Livingston fans won't care because all they wanted was to continue supporting their club and i'm pleased that they have survived. Furthermore hopefully Livingston can now be free off that clown Massone and finally have some stability under McDougall and Rankine.

On the positive side this at least means that we won't all have to travel to Airdrie next season! :D

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I know the moral high grounders dont like it (i.e. the wanky farmers) but I dont see how it serves our game to allow genuine 'big' clubs go to the wall, to be replaced by the Gala Fairies.

However, I cant see the point in allowing plastic, franchised, cheating, scheming coonts like Livingston continue.

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It was the correct decision at this time.

Too many teams have went to the wall lately with out any help from some kind of Messiah.

So what?

Clubs who rack up debt to unaffordable levels deserve to go bankrupt. They are hopelessly insolvent (quoted from their administrator) and Massone was given a deadline to get out or else the club would be liquidated. He didn't meet this deadline. Why are the SFL bending over backwards to force Massone out and prevent liquidation?

It's an absolute farce. Livingston have are being allowed to entirely cheat the system at the discretion of the SFL. The whole thing stinks.

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...and that sums up the Livi attitude in a nutshell- "we got away with it- we're no payin'- f**k you."

Nah, just the attitude towards all those who had their grave dancing shoes polished :lol:

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"Learning" is an alien concept to St Johnstone fans.

Let me make it simple for you:

Dundee - living within our means

St Johnstone - relying on Geoff Brown pouring his money down the drain

How's about changing the habit of a lifetime son and stop talking utter fucking pish.. Geoff Brown puts NO (I repeat just in case you are as thick as I think you might be) NO money of his own into St.Johnstone Football Club. Our club turnsover enough money to cover our expenditure. Now unless you have anything sensible to say....


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If you are a die-hard fan of your local football club, how the hell can you boycott watching them play???? I have friends who have sneaked into closed door friendly matches, just so they can say that they never miss their team play. :o

I would if I had such a team. :rolleyes:

Clydebank's fans did the "boycott" thing - and look what happened.

I think the Morton fans had the better idea when they had their problems with a wannabe asset stripper, force them to sell up on Health & Safety grounds (ie. their health and safety!)

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What a joke.....do the Livi fans seriously think that they are going to make Massone any kind of serious offer for his shares when the SFL appear to have given them the green light to form a new company and have the league membership transferred over so they can walk away from giving Creditors a single penny?

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the fans of LIvi....they are desperate to save the club and will take that by whatever means they can, just as any of the rest of us have/would where our clubs were involved. This is the SFL making a total joke of themselves AND Scottish Football.

League membership is the ONLY incentive that exists to keep clubs going in a financially sound manner, it's the ONLY protection creditors have from clubs continuously running up huge debts then walking away. Make it easy....or even possible....for the transfer of that membership to another company and you are taking that away. There's not a bank out there who'd be willing to allow a club and overdraft and there's going to be very few suppliers who will allow a club any kind of credit terms if this is allowed to happen and that will impact on EVERY club in the SFL.

I don't want to see Livi going to the wall, but I don't think saving them is worth risking the whole of Scottish Football....and that's exactly what will happen if they are allowed to form a new company and pass the membership over.

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Hope the b*****ds get a hefty point deduction. Will be a disgrace if they don't.

Watch for the Livi fans and new board mumping about vendettas should a penalty be imposed, Ten points minimum and transfer embargo for the SFL to try and salvage some credibility. Knowing the useless commitee it will be a suspended fine.

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How's about changing the habit of a lifetime son and stop talking utter fucking pish.. Geoff Brown puts NO (I repeat just in case you are as thick as I think you might be) NO money of his own into St.Johnstone Football Club. Our club turnsover enough money to cover our expenditure. Now unless you have anything sensible to say....

You're right - he sooks it out when they sell their star players - or should I say the one star player they had, who they stole of us in one of our darkest moments.

Before we got minted again.

How is the good Doctor doing - rattling them in?

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So what?

Clubs who rack up debt to unaffordable levels deserve to go bankrupt. They are hopelessly insolvent (quoted from their administrator) and Massone was given a deadline to get out or else the club would be liquidated. He didn't meet this deadline. Why are the SFL bending over backwards to force Massone out and prevent liquidation?

It's an absolute farce. Livingston have are being allowed to entirely cheat the system at the discretion of the SFL. The whole thing stinks.

Well they have won a League Cup. :o

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I'm a little concerned by this decision. After years in the first Division by living within our means and watching the likes of Livy, Killie and Gretna play SPL football I'm very disappointed and a little perplexed. Is it now ok to twice run up masses of debt (that you have no intention of paying) to buy league titles and cup final appearances? There has to be a compulsary relegation, at least one division FFS. Poor, very poor decision by the SFL.

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As has been said in the past couple of pages of posts, it seems to be one rule for some and another rules for others.

I know this seems to be an SFL decision, but only last season Ross County's youth teams were kicked out of the SPL league because of "an administrative error". This summer (and over the course of the last year) have blatantly broke rules, not paid wages to players or staff, own money (amount depends on who we listen too) to various companies, councils and the leccy man, they have yet to secure a safety certificate for the stadium they propose to play in, yet are allowed to continue - and it looks like without punishment !

I know it is different organisations that have made these decisions but, to me that sums up just how corrupt that the hierarchy of Scottish Football are.

The last thing I wanted to see was a club go to the wall, but as has been said this latest decision stinks, and sends a message to the rest of Scottish Football that you can do as you like !

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I hope Angelo goes round to Almondvale and sets it alight for the insurance money. There is no way Livi should be in business, they treat everyone with contempt and continually cheat, and they get away with it. There should be a boycott by all local businesses against the club. If Cowden & other smaller clubs were in this position , we would have been left to die.

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