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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Why's that?

Waffen probably has him mixed up with someone else. I do remember someone posting on it that had been due money, pretty sure it wasn't Duncan though **

** Too hungover to bother checking

It may be Alibi, a Morton fan who lives in Dumfries, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread. The issue here is not Duncan Freemason, but the SFL and Livingston. There really is no point in sidetracking the thread.

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Why's that?

Waffen probably has him mixed up with someone else. I do remember someone posting on it that had been due money, pretty sure it wasn't Duncan though **

** Too hungover to bother checking

His posts regarding his clubs games are very hazy, no mention of the players performance, ref decisions, subbing etc, even when Falkirk were facing relegation he does not seem bothered too much. Very strange if he is a supporter, I think he may have been once upon a time but not now.

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At least in places like East Kilbride, Cumbernauld - and dare I say it Livingston - a club has a chance - but so long as Albion Rovers remain a Coatbridge club, a pig will break the sound barrier before they can even get so far as being promoted to Division 1, despite being in one of Scotland's most populated towns.

And that is what sticks in your craw about Livingston isn't it? For now, they are hasbeens, whereas Albion Rovers remain never-were-and-never-will-bes ;)

14 years of cheating is entirely justifiable because the club has managed to out-perform Albion Rovers.


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It's common place but it is not endemic. As to my own club..............every single penny of debt paid back in full. It is hard to argue with that.........so there's really no point to be made or discussion to be had on that subject.

Presuming you are talking about Falkirk here. Correct me if I am wrong Duncan but was your club not on the brink of liquidation until some rich guy came in and paid the debt off in full?

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His posts regarding his clubs games are very hazy, no mention of the players performance, ref decisions, subbing etc, even when Falkirk were facing relegation he does not seem bothered too much. Very strange if he is a supporter, I think he may have been once upon a time but not now.

Come come P-l-l. This may be a football forum but we all know that the finer points of the beautiful game is not the reason Duncan comes on here. It's just the banter he can't keep away from.

He's an awfy man. :rolleyes:

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QUOTE (EdinburghLivi @ Aug 2 2009, 02:11) http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php?act=findpost&pid=3659324' target="_blank">

Apparently, the Livi "Fighting Fund" is over £10,000 now. An excellent effort.

No, no it isnt

That's harsh. We have a famously small support who have dug deep. In addition it wasn't till Thursday night that we had any kind of reassurance that there would be a club next season. I wouldn't have blamed anybody who waited to see how the land lay.

Just keep kicking while we're down though. Apparently the nerves become desensitised eventually. ;)

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Going into liquidation is bad, yes. Coming out of it without shafting anybody is pretty fecking remarkable. ;) I'd ask Livvy to try it one day, but you'd take that as free reign to piss other people's money against the wall. Again

Edited by Millfield Marksman
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Apparently, the Livi "Fighting Fund" is over £10,000 now. An excellent effort.

It's a fucking terrible effort and you know it. The apathy of the majority of Livingston fans throughout the last few days make it very difficult to empathise with those who genuinely care.

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His posts regarding his clubs games are very hazy, no mention of the players performance, ref decisions, subbing etc, even when Falkirk were facing relegation he does not seem bothered too much. Very strange if he is a supporter, I think he may have been once upon a time but not now.


Not everyone on this board is an uber-fan.

DM's contribution on this thread is based mostly on the fact that Livi shafted him going into admin last time round.

I don't blame him in the slightest for posting what he's posted on here.

It's also worth noting that a few of the Livi fans who were praising DM when he was getting tore into Massone a few weeks back are suddenly on his case now that they're on the road to being saved and Massone is away.


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It's a fucking terrible effort and you know it. The apathy of the majority of Livingston fans throughout the last few days make it very difficult to empathise with those who genuinely care.

The apathy of the Livi fans makes it even more amazing that the Chuckle brothers at the SFL seem so determined to impose them on us again this season.

£10k is pretty pitiful, but it's around £200 per fan so on a per capita basis it's not too shabby.

Edited to add: Only another £1.199million to go...

Edited by banjo player
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It's a fucking terrible effort and you know it. The apathy of the majority of Livingston fans throughout the last few days make it very difficult to empathise with those who genuinely care.


Livi's Trust and fans have had MONTHS to start raising cash, but chose to sit on their arses and wait for a white knight/charlatan*.

And don't use the pish excuse about not wanting Massone to get it. It could EASILY have been kept aside until necessary.

(* Delete as applicable)

Edited by jupe1407
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Going into liquidation is bad, yes. Coming out of it without shafting anybody is pretty fecking remarkable. ;)I'd ask Livvy to try it one day, but you'd take that as free reign to piss other people's money against the wall. Again

We've clean run out of rich guys. ;)

Hey MM I'm in no way proud of what's been done in my name at Livi. I'm pig sick though of folk like the Pansy boy above belittling the efforts of the fans doing what they can now to help out and Duncan constantly casting up the fact that we sat back and waited for money men. Just a wee reminder to everyone that's all.

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"On a personal level, having been ripped off by Livingston for a significant sum"

Oh come off it Duncan - now we know you're at it!

You played that tune as well about Gretna!

So how many other football clubs are you going to claim "ripped me off" whenever they get into soapy bubble? Away and play with yourself, you sad little Walter Mitty :lol:

If you are going to pull the pseudo-intellectual routine, at least try and get your paraphrase right rather than just the only other pseudo-intellectual you've heard of.

do you ever tire of making accusations that are sh1te? No doubt you'll just forget about this one too once you've been shouted down by numerous posters again

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