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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I see. So basically this whole holocaust was unavoidable given the timings.

It's clear that we are now surely going to be the undisputed owners of the "most hated clubs" title in Scotland (OF aside of course).

I heard that we're now so badly thought of that Gary Glitter and George Bush refused to renew their season tickets. However Michael Jackson was still going to get his (in the family section)

That's a slur on GG he only wanted to purchase one under an assumed name.

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Perhaps a small country should not be run by 3 seperate bodies who by all accounts can't work together for the greater good of our game.

The seperate governing bodies issue is pretty irrelevant here... I don't see how one organisation instead of 3 makes any different to the financial scrutiny. On other issues, it is relevant though.

The problem with accepting the consequences is that I as a fan of club have absolutely no say in wether my club is run by a mature/immature person,as with other clubs the supporters will be there long after the baton holder is gone,the rules should be introduced to protect the clubs of the supporters not to allow anyone with a few bob to do as they like.

I agree with this tbh but it's not up to SFA SFL etc. to force a sea-change and take away clubs from businessmen and give them to fans. Especially since SFA, SFL etc. are clubs+businessmen.

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That is the thing with owing your own business though. You can do what you like - even if that is running it into the ground.

That's a fair point,but to gain entry into our footballing bodies owners should be foregoing the right to do as they please,instead being expected to act with more integrity than other businesses.

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I see. So basically this whole holocaust was unavoidable given the timings.

It's clear that we are now surely going to be the undisputed owners of the "most hated clubs" title in Scotland (OF aside of course).

I heard that we're now so badly thought of that Gary Glitter and George Bush refused to renew their season tickets. However Michael Jackson was still going to get his (in the family section)


one of the reasons Kim Jong Il met Clinton yesterday was to ensure that he got a visa for the UK, allowing him to buy a season ticket, pay off the creditors and have Almodnvale re-named "The Kim-Jong-Il Dear Leader Juche Thought Workers' Stadium"

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Regarding helping clubs in financial difficulty... this is a pandora's box. Ultimately, if you want to establish a fund to help clubs in hardship, you're taking away money from all 30 clubs to create it. If such a fund existed, and Livingston FC had come along and said "look guys we need £300k or we'll fold", fans of Brechin/Arbroath/Morton/Annan etc. would be up in arms. And quite rightly.

There is a difference between helping a club with short term cashflow issues and helping one that can't ever repay it's debts. A fund could operate as an emergency loan scenario if say a club had a number of postponement during January and therefore had little or no income to meet the bills in that month. The fund could give a short term handout which would be repayable as soon as the income tap was turned on.

Obviously there would be a risk to the fund that the club would fold before repayment could be made and in order to avoid this a strict set of criteria would need to be established.

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okay- fair enough- I don't agree that a football Stasi should be set up whereby a club is thrown out the league for defaulting on a hire purchase agreement for a sit-on lawnmower.

I take on board what you have said about cost. I think annual audited accounts is the way to go. yes, expensive, but the chaos surrounding Livingston and their very late relegation is going to be costly in other ways, too.

Annual audited accounts are already required by the SFA for club licensing purposes. I have no great objection to that. You were wanting six monthly accounts in the previous post. It's the additional cost of those if they are to be audited that I'm asking about.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Annual audited accounts are already required by the SFA for club licensing purposes. I have no great objection to that. You were wanted six month accounts in the previous post. It's the additional cost of those if they are to be audited that I'm asking about.

yes, well, as I said, that was without thinking of the cost implication.

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That's a fair point,but to gain entry into our footballing bodies owners should be foregoing the right to do as they please,instead being expected to act with more integrity than other businesses.

The majority of club owners will be decent people and will try their best for the club. However, I would assume even these guys would resist foregoing their right to do as they please, stating they are in a better position to judge what's best for their particular club.

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one of the reasons Kim Jong Il met Clinton yesterday was to ensure that he got a visa for the UK, allowing him to buy a season ticket, pay off the creditors and have Almodnvale re-named "The Kim-Jong-Il Dear Leader Juche Thought Workers' Stadium"

To be honest he could rock up to the stadium, turn the strip red, open up a sweat shop, erect a sign saying "David Bingham likes it doggy-doggy", build a missile silo in the Aldi car park and boil all the babies in the town but he'd still be more popular at Livi than Angelo Massone.

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The majority of club owners will be decent people and will try their best for the club. However, I would assume even these guys would resist foregoing their right to do as they please, stating they are in a better position to judge what's best for their particular club.

The majority will be decent people trying their best.

The problem is having cash doesn't always mean you have good judgement,as most entrepeneurs would admit that at some point in the past the had to take massive gambles to get where they are.

Edited by ayrmad
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Seen the ad on Livi's web site?

Debt problems? Want to know if you can wipe out all the debt you can't afford? Take the 30 second test.

How apt. Someone's got a sense of humour or the company are very clever.

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They had a third team - it was called Meadowbank Thistle. :lol::lol:

Yeah, I know - I used to watch them occasionally in the early 80's when I was a student in Edinburgh and couldn't get back to Dumfries for QOS games. ;)

No way am I slumming it down here.

I'm out.

I'm back in and willing to invest......

(puts on Duncan Bannatyne accent)

£9.99 for 51% of yer company - Livi the dream. :lol:

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Some of these posts are unbelievable! :barf

The way some of you are gloating is quite repulsive and perverse considering the overall state of Scottish football and the likelyhood of this repeating itself in the not too distant future. Your provincial, narrow minded, short visioned tripe spewing from your keyboards reminds me we, as livi fans, now have NOTHING to be ashamed of. NO-ONE to apologise to, no one to ask to be kind and not harsh. GIRUY. Why the harshest penalty possible, because only then did it secure promotion for two other clubs. Cynical? That word doesn't even cover it. One trouser leg up, get licking those frogs boys!

What a scene today in the meeting eh? The Airdrie chairman chairing the meeting that will see his club get promoted, Black, red faced and passionate, rallying the old gaurd. What a conspiracy of wanks! The SFL that is bigger than the rest of us and been around 100 years pish is easy to spout when it suits you. 5 minutes ago they were hell spawn and utterly redundant in your opinions! Plus the members effectively said, NO to the SFL policy of allowing Livi to continue. "oh but mumsy wumsy, now livi will have an unfair advantage in the lower leagues and might just bounce back up!" FFS !! Admit it, you just don't like to see other teams succeed because you are tight, mean and cynical MTF.

Pathetic, what a bunch of miserable misers (mostly). I hope the boot is on the other foot sometime, and oh boy, I don't think we'll have long to wait.....

To those amongst you who have been gracious and supportive of us, I apologise for my tirade.

Everyone else, ask yourselves how you would feel in our position and get a grip.

GIRUY cheat.

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Posters on the 8,400 post strong "Livingston-All Threads Merged" thread today reacted with dismay when the thread was relegated without warning to the third division by the Pie & Bovril management committee.

"We feel that, having bored the first division forum for the whole of last season, explained P&B Secretary Div, "that relegation to the third division gives this thread the best possible hope of survival on P&B".

However, a wide range of posters queued up to lament the almost inevitable extinction of the thread. "This is the death knell of the thread" complained KingfaetheSooth, who vowed to set up a Thread Trust in oder to ensure fair governance and a voice for all, with the thread finding its own level in future years. Meanwhile, the interested SkylineDrifter-qos75-Yoss consortium was urgently seeking a meeting with the authorities, to establish a new location for their nuanced observations on league management. "It's going to be very difficult" posted a tight lipped Yoss after crunch four hour crisis talks in an internet cafe in Kirkcaldy.

There are real fears that the collapse of the thread will have knock on effects in the local economy, with internet cafes across the country reporting a 448% drop in revenue in real terms, pointing to serried ranks of empty chairs previously occupied with Champions-League standard procrastinating fans. Virgin media bosses warned of the likelihood of administration after seeing a 2.7 GB-per-user-drop in bandwidth consumption in the last 24 hours. Most damningly, posters across Scotland now face the ghastly prospect of actually having to do some work.

As activity drained from the thread, with poster after poster leaving with a bitter "ah'm no slummin it doon here" valediction, at the eleventh hour, a cigar smoking Stadio delle Almondvale arrived to announce that he was here to save the thread, and that he was ready to write 60,000 posts immediately, in order to ensure its short term survival.

He was last seen being pursued by an angry mob from the internet, however, whilst the discussion sank to the humiliating oblivion of page four on the third division forum, falling below little visited titles such as Update on Chris Jardine's toenail fungus, Berwick's new fourth change strip available to pre-order online, and the Prohibition of Promotion for Montrose Football Club (Scotland) Act 1996


Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Posters on the 8,400 post strong "Livingston-All Threads Merged" thread today reacted with dismay when the thread was relegated without warning to the third division by the Pie & Bovril management committee.

"We feel that, having bored the first division forum for the whole of last season, explained P&B Secretary Div, "that relegation to the third division gives this thread the best possible hope of survival on P&B".

However, a wide range of posters queued up to lament the almost inevitable extinction of the thread. "This is the death knell of the thread" complained KingfaetheSooth, who vowed to set up a Thread Trust in oder to ensure fair governance and a voice for all, with the thread finding its own level in future years. Meanwhile, the interested SkylineDrifter-qos75-Yoss consortium was urgently seeking a meeting with the authorities, to establish a new location for their nuanced observations on league management. "It's going to be very difficult" posted a tight lipped Yoss after crunch four hour crisis talks in an internet cafe in Kirkcaldy.

There are real fears that the collapse of the thread will have knock on effects in the local economy, with internet cafes across the country reporting a 448% drop in revenue in real terms, pointing to serried ranks of empty chairs previously occupied with Champions-League standard procrastinating fans. Virgin media bosses warned of the likelihood of administration after seeing a 2.7 GB-per-user-drop in bandwidth consumption in the last 24 hours. Most damningly, posters across Scotland now face the ghastly prospect of actually having to do some work.

As activity drained from the thread, with poster after poster leaving with a bitter "ah'm no slummin it doon here" valediction, at the eleventh hour, a cigar smoking Stadio delle Almondvale arrived to announce that he was here to save the thread, and that he was ready to write 60,000 posts immediately, in order to ensure its short term survival.

He was last seen being pursued by an angry mob from the internet, however, whilst the discussion sank to the humiliating oblivion of page four on the third division forum, falling below little visited titles such as Update on Chris Jardine's toenail fungus, Berwick's new fourth change strip available to pre-order online, and the Prohibition of Promotion for Montrose Football Club (Scotland) Act 1996

:( .

:lol: Tremendous :D

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Some of these posts are unbelievable! :barf

The way some of you are gloating is quite repulsive and perverse considering the overall state of Scottish football and the likelyhood of this repeating itself in the not too distant future. Your provincial, narrow minded, short visioned tripe spewing from your keyboards reminds me we, as livi fans, now have NOTHING to be ashamed of. NO-ONE to apologise to, no one to ask to be kind and not harsh. GIRUY. Why the harshest penalty possible, because only then did it secure promotion for two other clubs. Cynical? That word doesn't even cover it. One trouser leg up, get licking those frogs boys!

What a scene today in the meeting eh? The Airdrie chairman chairing the meeting that will see his club get promoted, Black, red faced and passionate, rallying the old gaurd. What a conspiracy of wanks! The SFL that is bigger than the rest of us and been around 100 years pish is easy to spout when it suits you. 5 minutes ago they were hell spawn and utterly redundant in your opinions! Plus the members effectively said, NO to the SFL policy of allowing Livi to continue. "oh but mumsy wumsy, now livi will have an unfair advantage in the lower leagues and might just bounce back up!" FFS !! Admit it, you just don't like to see other teams succeed because you are tight, mean and cynical MTF.

Pathetic, what a bunch of miserable misers (mostly). I hope the boot is on the other foot sometime, and oh boy, I don't think we'll have long to wait.....

To those amongst you who have been gracious and supportive of us, I apologise for my tirade.

Everyone else, ask yourselves how you would feel in our position and get a grip.

You'll just be bringing yourself down to the same level as the morons themselves IMO.

It will be coming to a club near you soon of that there is no doubt,I hate Killie to the bottom of my toes(when we are in opposition)but would never wish that on them,in fact I'd be out with the big bucket to raise cash for them,even although my team lost out against them last season no other team could instill the feelings of those 2 games and that's why the sooner we reach Killies level the better.

And I'd expect TBC,Findus etc to be of a similar opinion.

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Posters on the 8,400 post strong "Livingston-All Threads Merged" thread today reacted with dismay when the thread was relegated without warning to the third division by the Pie & Bovril management committee.

"We feel that, having bored the first division forum for the whole of last season, explained P&B Secretary Div, "that relegation to the third division gives this thread the best possible hope of survival on P&B".

However, a wide range of posters queued up to lament the almost inevitable extinction of the thread. "This is the death knell of the thread" complained KingfaetheSooth, who vowed to set up a Thread Trust in oder to ensure fair governance and a voice for all, with the thread finding its own level in future years. Meanwhile, the interested SkylineDrifter-qos75-Yoss consortium was urgently seeking a meeting with the authorities, to establish a new location for their nuanced observations on league management. "It's going to be very difficult" posted a tight lipped Yoss after crunch four hour crisis talks in an internet cafe in Kirkcaldy.

There are real fears that the collapse of the thread will have knock on effects in the local economy, with internet cafes across the country reporting a 448% drop in revenue in real terms, pointing to serried ranks of empty chairs previously occupied with Champions-League standard procrastinating fans. Virgin media bosses warned of the likelihood of administration after seeing a 2.7 GB-per-user-drop in bandwidth consumption in the last 24 hours. Most damningly, posters across Scotland now face the ghastly prospect of actually having to do some work.

As activity drained from the thread, with poster after poster leaving with a bitter "ah'm no slummin it doon here" valediction, at the eleventh hour, a cigar smoking Stadio delle Almondvale arrived to announce that he was here to save the thread, and that he was ready to write 60,000 posts immediately, in order to ensure its short term survival.

He was last seen being pursued by an angry mob from the internet, however, whilst the discussion sank to the humiliating oblivion of page four on the third division forum, falling below little visited titles such as Update on Chris Jardine's toenail fungus, Berwick's new fourth change strip available to pre-order online, and the Prohibition of Promotion for Montrose Football Club (Scotland) Act 1996

:( .

Brilliant,our economy will rise over the coming months. :)

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