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Livingston - all the threads merged

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got to agree with you jupe. of course there are a few of their fans i feel for. but then there are the ones who seem hell bent on blaming it on anyone else but their own club. I dont want to see them go out of business but I do want to see them in the 3rd with a points deduction for failing to play their game at the weekend.

Yup i'd say that would be a fair punishment considering everything that's happened.

Also, if the previously mentioned quote from Brown McMaster is true then relegation to the 3rd is totally justified. Gretna couldn't guarantee fulfilling their fixtures and suffered demotion, and if McMaster's quote is to be believed, neither could McGruther.

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Oh ferfecksake! :lol:

This is verging on Duffman and that tv with the volume control thread.

He was clearly making a point about the stupidity of the people posting the sort of things he was quoting on Livi Lions forum.


It might have been clear to you but it was anything but to me... I suppose it's down to interpretation...or the fact that you and those that got it are super-beings and me a the boy fae Livi are just thick as mince :ph34r:

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Yup i'd say that would be a fair punishment considering everything that's happened.

I didn't feel they should have been demoted, but they should be hammerred for scratching a tie.

Oddly, several LiviLions contributors now seem to be calling for further appeals to SFA/Court <_< . As I've said before - what will they take to the SFA, or Court? The SFL haven't broken their own rules... which means SFL can do as they wish as regards a punishment for entering insolvency...

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I didn't feel they should have been demoted, but they should be hammerred for scratching a tie.

Oddly, several LiviLions contributors now seem to be calling for further appeals to SFA/Court <_< . As I've said before - what will they take to the SFA, or Court? The SFL haven't broken their own rules... which means SFL can do as they wish as regards a punishment for entering insolvency...

Indeed. They don't seem to realise just how pointless this course of action is.

It's time for them to suck it up and try to get out of Division Three. To be fair there are a handful of Livi posters on LL that feel this is the way to go. The rest need to get their heads out of their arses though.

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It might have been clear to you but it was anything but to me... I suppose it's down to interpretation...or the fact that you and those that got it are super-beings and me a the boy fae Livi are just thick as mince :ph34r:

It wasn't funny, that's why we didn't get it.

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Indeed. They don't seem to realise just how pointless this course of action is.

It's time for them to suck it up and try to get out of Division Three. To be fair there are a handful of Livi posters on LL that feel this is the way to go. The rest need to get their heads out of their arses though.

We just want football, to be honest. However, we should go to the courts if we get expelled.

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we should go to the courts if we get expelled.

You won't be expelled: but let's imagine if you were - what would your case be based upon? You have breached Rule 28, which talks of "any game" btw... Do you expect the Court to rule on the moralities of the situation? No. The Court would rule on the legitimacy of SFL ruling via Rule 28...

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Perhaps because listening to little shits celebrating another football club's potential demise under a spurrious veneer of morality - especially when, once upon a time, their own clubs were up shit creek because the people in the boardroom couldn't run a bath, let alone a club, or were deliberately trying to kill them and asset strip - does tend to bring out the absolute worst in me,


and the big bit in the middle


Spare us the excuses, spare us the platitudes. It is not the least bit edifying, and only shows us up as a nation of petty, parochial, small-minds. And if you can't see that - you are only proving my point. :(

WaffenThinMint = Legend. :thumsup2

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We just want football, to be honest. However, we should go to the courts if we get expelled.

You won't be getting expelled. For one thing the SFL clubs in Division 3 aren't going to take a course of action that will reduce their income.

I'd reckon there will most likely be a 10 point deduction and a suspended fine.

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Repetitive - surely no! What is your message again? Aw go on tell us just once more!

I'll start "Once upon a time there was an organisation called WLC who.......

Ah but "Once Upon a Time" tends to be the pre-cursor to a fairy tale. Sadly, LFC and WLC is all too real....

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I've not started it as it would possibly start a riot & I'd get banned or the mods would delete it as we are very respectful of other fans feelings in Livilions. :lol:

There is mention of a certain terrible trio in one of the threads though. :huh: Who would do that? :rolleyes:

I think CDE would make up my entire top three.........

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Duncan, go on. You know you want to. You even get to choose the ending. :rolleyes:

Oh..................ok. Just for you mind.

..........and the other 39 clubs lived happily ever after.

Hope I didn't disappoint. ;)

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Oh..................ok. Just for you mind.

..........and the other 39 clubs lived happily ever after.

Hope I didn't disappoint. ;)

Bravo! That bit in the middle where Livi, having been given a second (3rd,4th?) chance, learned their lesson the hard way going on to be a club that was a model for the others to follow......was your best effort yet. :thumsup2

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Have to disagree there, WTM. In some cases yes but I can think of several cases (particularly if clubs came out on the Conference through spending big bucks... and Leeds...), where there was a lot more "grave-dancing" than here. Fans of clubs who were "done over" by Livi will particularly have reason for complaint. I know Hibs fans who feel they did us out of a League Cup via debt...

Oh please HJ and only in the interests of a bit of light relief on this thread, while you might make a case for Livi having got to the final on unaffordable debt funded players (and we are talking about the likes of Stuart Lovell who we deemed not good enough, a view I didn't share) once at the final Hibs lost through the same stupid Mr Blobby high ball tactics into the land of giants we had witnessed come to grief only the week before against Aberdeen.

Right, back to the grave dancing and SFL and Jim B bashing ...

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Bravo! That bit in the middle where Livi, having been given a second (3rd,4th?) chance, learned their lesson the hard way going on to be a club that was a model for the others to follow......was your best effort yet. :thumsup2

If only it were true or even part true. Lions never change their tune though, eh?

Edited by AND180Y
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I think CDE would make up my entire top three.........

Now that quote may force him into allowing the poll! :D

Right I'm best to be prepared so should do a shortlist


Duncan Freemason


Sir Calum Melville

AND180Y (don't want him feeling left out!)


(no due to him more than likely being the runaway winner)

Can others add any other plonkers that I have forgot? Cheers. :)

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