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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Reading Livilions it looks like it was Charles Darwin?

Seriously? I have my significant differences with that fellah, but if he is indeed the author of that piece of tripe, then perhaps he really does need to go set up a forum dedicated to Victoriana, and just leave the footie stuff to people who know better.

It is such a shameless misrepresentation of the truth. I noticed there's a topic over there berating all things P&B. My God, they really are an offshoot of the flat earth society if the Facebook piece is given the slightest credence by anyone over the age of seven.

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Seriously? I have my significant differences with that fellah, but if he is indeed the author of that piece of tripe, then perhaps he really does need to go set up a forum dedicated to Victoriana, and just leave the footie stuff to people who know better.

It is such a shameless misrepresentation of the truth. I noticed there's a topic over there berating all things P&B. My God, they really are an offshoot of the flat earth society if the Facebook piece is given the slightest credence by anyone over the age of seven.

I was assuming since his was the first post on Livilions about the group then he was the author.

How does Facebook work? I followed the link but it wanted me to sign in?

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Start praying that Gordon McDougall has waved his magic wand and saved your club from extinction. He did it for Cowden and will do so for Livi as long as the idiot does not decide to kill the club off.

Massone does not care about the club, this is the outcome he always wanted if he goes so does the club. Jeez I could strangle that eejit!!! :angry:

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Seriously? I have my significant differences with that fellah, but if he is indeed the author of that piece of tripe, then perhaps he really does need to go set up a forum dedicated to Victoriana, and just leave the footie stuff to people who know better.

It is such a shameless misrepresentation of the truth. I noticed there's a topic over there berating all things P&B. My God, they really are an offshoot of the flat earth society if the Facebook piece is given the slightest credence by anyone over the age of seven.

Ive not been on facebook but that does not sound like Darwin's words to me either!

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waada mistayka to mayka

Looks like its going to be the end

If Massone does refuse the offer, how does he expect to get the alleged huge sums of money he has invested back?

From what i've read on here, the ground and land belongs to the council. Do the players contracts revert to the SFL/SFA?

What assets does the club actually own that can be sold off?

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Can someone explain to me what it is that is worth £25k from the creditors?

Not an insolvency expert so words of one syllable preferred.

I'm assuming it's just the clubs name (oh, and league status). Have they got a scabby mini bus kicking about? A few bits of furniture?

Edited by Scary Bear
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That's an absolute outrage.

Doesn't he realise that if the club folds he'll get nothing? Surely £25k is preferable to that?

If this was at Ayr I'd be paying the man a wee nocturnal visit, put it that way.

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I'm assuming it's just the clubs name (oh, and league status). Have they got a scabby mini bus kicking about? A few bits of furniture?

Liz Franchi's on the verge of a dream move to Gianni's in Greenock for a six-figure sum and a portion of garlic bread.

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Liz Franchi's on the verge of a dream move to Gianni's in Greenock for a six-figure sum and a portion of garlic bread.

Sorry, that attempt at humour was lost on me :huh::ph34r: . Who is Liz Franchi? Does she do the catering?

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That's an absolute outrage.

Doesn't he realise that if the club folds he'll get nothing? Surely £25k is preferable to that?

If this was at Ayr I'd be paying the man a wee nocturnal visit, put it that way.

Yes he does realise & this is what the twisted, evil, vindictive, fecker wants!!!!!

Sorry my rage is getting the better of me now. :angry:

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He tells lies. Has no one told you?

He must have spent some money, or got a bank loan/overdraft in the clubs name. How did the wages get paid last season....oh....well he must have paid them eventually, and I doubt the players and staff accepted magic beans.

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Liz Franchi's on the verge of a dream move to Gianni's in Greenock for a six-figure sum and a portion of garlic bread.

A quick internet search and...



Ah! Some bint at Livi. Is it his gfriend?...sorry he's Italian. Is it his mistress?

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So, let me get this straight. If the Ferranti-Christ* doesn't sell up by Wednesday afternoon, will I have a free Saturday this weekend, or is it not that simple?

(* - from one of the 'When Saturday Comes' annuals of the early 90s)

:lol: Terrific, top marks to whoever penned that one.

46 hours to go. :bounce3

I hope this thread tuns into the Gretna-style countdown we saw last year. That was excellent, very little work got done that day as I was too busy reading it and laughing.

Here is perhaps the quintessential piece of revisionist horesh1t that tells me that I'm not wrong in believing that the self serving arrogant livvy fan is alive and well and perhaps surviving in bigger numbers than I thought. It is the Save Livvy piece from Facebook. It is bollox from first word to last. Whoever wrote it deserves a slap. Now here is a truly pompous p***k............and also one capable of jaw dropping fabrication.

Who I’d like to thank for Livi plunging into administration:

- Thanks to warped megalomaniac owner with no respect for the club. On the power cut: “It was our decision to show the people what happens if I don't put in my own money.” Most people in their right mind would never choose not to pay my bill as a reminder to my family that they rely on my income.

- Thanks to the decision to sell the First Division player of the year, top goal scorer in our history, future Scotland star and brightest prospect since McFadden for a pittance which did nothing to cut the debts. We could easily have got half a million for Griffiths, but sold ourselves short, while his true value was hidden by the media where he barely got a look-in (hardly likely to highlight a Livi success story I suppose).

- Thanks to the West Lothian glory hunters who were happy to turn up when we were in top half of Premier League, then disown the club and pull back on the Glasgow tops out of the wardrobe as soon as a couple of defeats came along.

- Thanks to the media for disenchanting any remaining good-will towards Livi FC. If the Record decides a club is in a bad way it will chase it all the way down the greasy pole even if it takes the best part of the last year to do so. A great example was this week’s friendly against Plymouth where two prominent TV institutions advertised kick-off at 3PM instead of the correct 7.45PM time (refusing to correct their mistake) resulting in at least halving the paying crowd. (By the way, apologies everyone but we won that game comfortably.) How do you attract supporters when faced with this every day?

Those are just a few of those to thank, but hopefully they are all proud of their contributions to our club. There is a core 1500 support, and if we do see this club collapse the one thing none of the above can take away is our memory of the CIS final win, unbelievable 3rd place in SPL, the best fight back against relegation ever seen in Scotland in 2004/05, romping through the SFL in the late 90s, UEFA Cup run (we beat Vaduz where Falkirk failed), and the fantastic players; Griffiths, McKenzie, Big Marvin, Rubio, O’Brien, Duthie, Young, Alleyne, Rab Douglas and Harvey to name a few.

This is a club that has contributed massively to Scottish football in recent years. The media (mainly Scotland on Sunday / Daily Record) want you to believe this club is asset-less and rotten to the core so they can sell a few extra papers on the back of the club going bust. This should be far from the end for us. This football club is easily financially viable. Long-term investment and effort into the academy has resulted best under 19s side in the SFL over the last 2 years. They are probably already good enough to keep us up in the current division this season – yes you don’t hear about any of that in the press. Take away this platform so cheaply and you could lose at least 1 future Scotland star from the game. We need to encourage investment and turn up in large numbers or Scottish football will be all the poorer for its loss.

Deary, deary me. I assume this has been written by Massone's lawyer who advised against taking the £25k. It seems the administrator has turned into the banker from Deal or No Deal - you can take this £25k now or you can hold it in the hope you'll get more but run the risk of losing it all.

The deadline will change nothing in my view, just like it changed nothing at Gretna.

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Seriously? I have my significant differences with that fellah, but if he is indeed the author of that piece of tripe, then perhaps he really does need to go set up a forum dedicated to Victoriana, and just leave the footie stuff to people who know better.

It is such a shameless misrepresentation of the truth. I noticed there's a topic over there berating all things P&B. My God, they really are an offshoot of the flat earth society if the Facebook piece is given the slightest credence by anyone over the age of seven.

It wasn't CDE who set up the group, he just brought it everyone's attention.

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