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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I know this isn't quite running with the flow of the thread, but back to this - Massone - is there any evidence that he put money into Livingston FC? With the amount of debt supposedly accrued in the last year, I would suspect not.

The money I was due from the club was paid from his personal credit card. Does that count as putting money in ? :D

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Is there anything to stop them making a whack of cash from Almondvale then just fucking off into the sunset without building such a new facility?

Surely the stadium and land are not part of the deal, are they?

I think there is still some tough negotiations to be conducted before anyone can say Livi have been saved.

Good luck.

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anybody any answers to my questions of 11 hrs ago?

1/ Is Hegarty situation resolved, yes or no?

2/ Can the SFL reject the business plan? yes or no?

3/ Can the offer be withdrawn? yes or no?


PS thanks P_L_L,I saw yours.

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Surely the stadium and land are not part of the deal, are they?

I think there is still some tough negotiations to be conducted before anyone can say Livi have been saved.

Good luck.

In the lease for the stadium it does state that if bought then sold on it must be retained for football, the lease was granted for 125 years, the surrounding land, though the councils, needs approval from the tennants of the stadium before developing can go ahead, this has reached the planning stages twice; last may & around 4 years ago, I do not know if the surrounding land would be in the purchase with the stadium or not, I assume it was believed it is & that is why there was so much interest in it, The land is of much more value than I think was expected when the stadium was built as it was mainly all wasteland then.

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Any deal with the stadium won't be included in the rescue negotiations with the council, I would imagine.

That's what I thought.

On a separate issue, kudos on the fact that you personally have not hidden from the shitstorm that your successive "bosses" have created. There have been a few (understandably) bitter posts on this thread. That is a result of your owners' actions rather than the punters behaviour. I personally wouldn't lose any sleep if I never had to visit Livi again but fair play to you. Keep fighting your corner.

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anybody any answers to my questions of 11 hrs ago?

1/ Is Hegarty situation resolved, yes or no?

2/ Can the SFL reject the business plan? yes or no?

3/ Can the offer be withdrawn? yes or no?


PS thanks P_L_L,I saw yours.

1) I presume so because Hegarty said something about not leaving the club until he was completely paid or something along those lines. He has left the club, yes.

2) No idea. I doubt they would if they've seen it as the way forward from Thursday's meeting. I think Longmuir got his words mixed up on the 1st division plans thing because McDougall is still taking the club forward despite knowing that relegation this season is almost certain.

3) Yes but I doubt it will come to that unless the SFL pull a real "doozy" on Wedneday and reinstate Airdrie in the First Division. Even then, it is unlikely.

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You're living in cuckoo land if you think McDougall and Rankine are investing on the basis that they are likely to see a penny of their money back from the football side of things.

I suspect that once the current mess is cleared up, CVA's agreed etc then they'll move to buy the Stadium, rent it to the club for a few years and then look to get a change of use for the site to allow them to shift you somewhere else and sell the current site to developers......that's the only reason I can see for them throwing any money at Livingston FC.

Not a bad deal for Livingston FC given the situation they are in at the moment and there's room for Rankine and McDougall to make a few quid whilst setting Livingston FC up on a sustainable business model so they can continue when these guys disappear a few years down the line. You just have to hope they don't sell out to another headcase.....or even better still, you use the Trust to set up a pot of money which can be used to buy these guys out at some point in the future, or get an agreement with them that you have first option on at least half of the shareholding they have to ensure they don't punt a majority shareholding to the next Keane, Flynn or Massone!!!

Anyway, the long and short of it is that it doesn't matter too much to McDougall and Rankine which league you end up in, but it might matter to the business plan and how much you can offer Creditors in a CVA.....relegation certainly wouldn't be a deal breaker in terms of the larger picture.

Edited by Caley D
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"On a personal level, having been ripped off by Livingston for a significant sum"

Oh come off it Duncan - now we know you're at it!

You played that tune as well about Gretna!

So how many other football clubs are you going to claim "ripped me off" whenever they get into soapy bubble? Away and play with yourself, you sad little Walter Mitty :lol:

If you are going to pull the pseudo-intellectual routine, at least try and get your paraphrase right rather than just the only other pseudo-intellectual you've heard of.

The line in question was by Dr Samual Johnston, not Wilde (and he probably ripped it off from Chaucer anyway) :rolleyes:

Obviously I don't use Google as much as you. I see the land of personal insults is your permanent abode. I'll give you the grace of responding one last time as I know it's important to you to be noticed. That you made the comments concerning Albion Rovers, and then defend them by calling people names says all that needs to be said. You've kind of hung yourself by your own petard......and it's something you probably do time and time again. When people then tire of your land of smarmy insults and no longer respond, you'll mark that down as a victory. Ok, mark me becoming tired of your obsessive use of sexual references and shock jock innuendo as a victory. You can now skip off in search of your next "victim". This one has tired of you.

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Sorry, I do have to correct you when you are wrong. That is not what happened. No-one paid of the club's debts other than the club itself. Even if that had been the case, then I would have had no problem with it whatsover. One guy paying debts in full is absolutely fine..........the debts are paid. Just as I had no issue woith Livingston up to the point of debts not being paid. You will find not a single post from me on Gretna's rise to the SPL. As far as I was concerned, it was being funded by the BM. When it transpired that he was not funding the debt, then it became an issue in which I had an interest.

At the heart of this is that debts be paid in full.

I am not obsessed by Livingston's "franchise" story, although I'd never be impressed by the way they came into being. I had (and have) precious little time for Jim Leishman. I've always found him to be a bit of a fake, and has a history of appearing at clubs when there has been money to be frittered away. He disappears when there isn't. His ventures at Dunfermline, Montrose and Livingston all amply demonstrate this.

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His posts regarding his clubs games are very hazy, no mention of the players performance, ref decisions, subbing etc, even when Falkirk were facing relegation he does not seem bothered too much. Very strange if he is a supporter, I think he may have been once upon a time but not now.

An interesting piece of Sherlock Holmes work there, but entirely wrong. "Once upon a time" supporter.............I have been a season ticket holder for over thirty years. My work takes me abroad a fair bit, so I miss games, but due to buying a season ticket, I've paid for the seat even when I can't be there. I don't always choose to indulge in match precis of every game I attend.

About Falkirk facing relegation and "not bothering too much"............this is based on my comments in the Falkirk thread from last season that you probably missed?

Other funding to Falkirk FC. Well, I guess I am your usual shareholding fan with a couple of thousand in shares, but over the last decade, I could legitimately claim to have put well over fifty thousand pounds Falkirk's way through a couple of ventures. None of it gave me any form of return in kind. I have never taken a penny profit out of Falkirk FC.

Owed money from the past Livingston regime.................yep, £6808.18 plus VAT for work carried out in June 2003.

Hope that removes some of the "haziness".

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Sorry, I do have to correct you when you are wrong. That is not what happened. No-one paid of the club's debts other than the club itself. Even if that had been the case, then I would have had no problem with it whatsover. One guy paying debts in full is absolutely fine..........the debts are paid. Just as I had no issue woith Livingston up to the point of debts not being paid.

Credit & blame can be assigned to individuals. Responsibility remains with the club.

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Sorry, I do have to correct you when you are wrong. That is not what happened. No-one paid of the club's debts other than the club itself. Even if that had been the case, then I would have had no problem with it whatsover. One guy paying debts in full is absolutely fine..........the debts are paid.

I have heard that a rich guy did save Falkirk from going down the tubes. I find your comment surprising considering the scorn you have poured on clubs with sugar daddies. If some one hadn't come in at the 11th hour there would have been a few shafted creditors down Falkirk way.

Just as I had no issue woith Livingston up to the point of debts not being paid.

Dearie me Duncan I must have imagined all those Celtic references

You will find not a single post from me on Gretna's rise to the SPL. As far as I was concerned, it was being funded by the BM. When it transpired that he was not funding the debt, then it became an issue in which I had an interest.

At the heart of this is that debts be paid in full.

A worthy sentiment. Sadly we live in a less than perfect world.

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I'm no expert on employment law but would it not be possible for them to fire all their full time players and replace them with part timers?

A CVA, can, negate all contracts, leases and agreements pertaining to the club.

They will be able to ditch players if it suits them. This might also be where the land/stadium investment realisation comes into play.

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I have heard that a rich guy did save Falkirk from going down the tubes. I find your comment surprising considering the scorn you have poured on clubs with sugar daddies. If some one hadn't come in at the 11th hour there would have been a few shafted creditors down Falkirk way.

I think you need to revisit the definition of 'sugar daddy'. ;)

I think I need to read posts more carefully

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