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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Right I'm going to start a poll on Livilions; Which P&B twat do we hate the most?

Predictions anyone? :lol:

Well, I should win the "Depressing repetitive twat" category. My learned Morton and QotS colleagues should edge me on the overall award though. If truth prevails, then the "Telling Bad Bad Lies about Livvy" award might prove difficult to hand out, although there might be twenty or thirty candidates on LL.

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Well, I should win the "Depressing repetitive twat" category. My learned Morton and QotS colleagues should edge me on the overall award though. If truth prevails, then the "Telling Bad Bad Lies about Livvy" award might prove difficult to hand out, although there might be twenty or thirty candidates on LL.

Repetitive - surely no! What is your message again? Aw go on tell us just once more!

I'll start "Once upon a time there was an organisation called WLC who.......

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I'm hoping that I win your poll on Livilions! :P

I'd be proud as punch to be the most hated P&B poster on there. :lol:

It's a no contest as far as I am concerned. :rolleyes:

You'd probably win the most boring sanctimonious b*****d award as well.

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(why are you in such a foul temper all the time?)

Perhaps because listening to little shits celebrating another football club's potential demise under a spurrious veneer of morality - especially when, once upon a time, their own clubs were up shit creek because the people in the boardroom couldn't run a bath, let alone a club, or were deliberately trying to kill them and asset strip - does tend to bring out the absolute worst in me, that side that thinks, "maybe the English had a point wanting to test nuclear weapons on Scottish soil in the 1950s - I can think of a few places they'd have done us a favour."

Forget the childish excuses, forget the platitudes, this is Scots at our absolute worst. That trait of never happier than when kicking someone when they're down.

In England if a club is in crisis, even amongst rivals there is universal concern. But up here in Scotland there's a pandemic of Gloat: major symptoms of which include an increase in bile, priaprism, and habitual rubbing others noses in it.

And that gloating will be justified by the following:

1. "It's only because it's them, because [insert Spurious Justification Here]."

2. "If it was [insert Club Whose Fluffy Bunny Persona Comes Courtesy Of Winning Hee-Haw Last 100 Years - And Remember Big Dollop Of Pish About 'Friendliest Fans In That Area Of The Country!'], then I'd be first in line to contribute - in fact I'll have you know that I sold my children for medical experiments for the Save Third Lanark fund, so don't tell me I don't care about other clubs!"

One need look no further than the fact the same shits on this thread gloating over Livingston's troubles went over to the Livingston fans own boards to do the same, and then complain when - stone the crows, the missus will never believe this 'un! - they got banned! It's like listening to repeats of Steve Irwin going "Oh wow, that African Barlinnie Special Unit Cobra really went for me there after I poked him with that red hot poker dipped in nitric acid, didn't it?"

Spare us the excuses, spare us the platitudes. It is not the least bit edifying, and only shows us up as a nation of petty, parochial, small-minds. And if you can't see that - you are only proving my point. :(

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It's a no contest as far as I am concerned. :rolleyes:

You'd probably win the most boring sanctimonious b*****d award as well.

Excellent stuff - can you get one of the durum wheat mafia to present it to me with accompanying roll on their drums and with their wee flags and bunting hanging down? B)

You, on the other hand, win the prize for being one of the few c***s who went against the Meadowbank fans and followed the franchise to Livingston. Like your mate MCL - you did it for personal profit as you got paid to write in the programme - then came out with some sanctimonious pish about how difficult it would be to tell your son about Livingston going bust and disappearing. :rolleyes:

Edited by KingfaetheSooth
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Ehm Sir Calum, in this whole sorry debacle, Gordon McDougall is a principal, McGruther is a principal

One of the principal points is whether Livi broke the rules. Whether it is right or not to relegate Livi is a principle

I think that was the simple point WTM was making.

Thank you WJR - I was attempting to correct him without making a public point about it, however like most pseudo-intellectuals he just had to come back for more :rolleyes:

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In England if a club is in crisis, even amongst rivals there is universal concern. But up here in Scotland there's a pandemic of Gloat: major symptoms of which include an increase in bile, priaprism, and habitual rubbing others noses in it.

Have to disagree there, WTM. In some cases yes but I can think of several cases (particularly if clubs came out on the Conference through spending big bucks... and Leeds...), where there was a lot more "grave-dancing" than here. Fans of clubs who were "done over" by Livi will particularly have reason for complaint. I know Hibs fans who feel they did us out of a League Cup via debt...

Even I'll admit to having lot less sympathy for Livi, than I did for ES or Stranraer in their trauma: though tbf my mood toward Livi was severely dampened by the disgrace of scratching the game last weekend. Can't imagine being particularly more 'up for it' than I'll be for any other opponent when they come down to Shielfield in a fortnight either. Livi are just another small football club...

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Perhaps because listening to little shits celebrating another football club's potential demise .... etc

I think you're over-generalising here. When Stranraer and Morton, in fact even Dundee were in bother, there wasn't a huge amount of grave-dancing.

Up until a couple of weeks ago i'd say that bar the usual wind-up merchants, the only posters who were getting tore into Livi had genuine reasons for doing so. Duncan Freemason for example was done out of money by them the last time they went into Admin.

However, Livi and indeed the attitude of some of their fans since the initial meeting seemed to preserve Div one status, and the subsequent "blame everyone else" behaviour since the demotion decision, coupled with refusal to fulfil a fixture has probably tipped the balance hugely against them.

Indeed i had some sympathy for them until several Livi fans on this thread started the "GIRFUY" shite after the initial SFL meeting. Since the weekend's events i have absolutely none.

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Got fucking what...
Bollocks.. You made an arse of it and now SD is trying to dig you out of the idiot hole you dug for yourself... You kid yourself you were trying to be clever, I'll believe you cannae count...

If you had added a wink or a laugh I would have believed it was done on purpose

I'm still in a state of whoosh - can someone let me in on the joke?
Nah I just don't buy it.....

Oh ferfecksake! :lol:

This is verging on Duffman and that tv with the volume control thread.

He was clearly making a point about the stupidity of the people posting the sort of things he was quoting on Livi Lions forum.


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got to agree with you jupe. of course there are a few of their fans i feel for. but then there are the ones who seem hell bent on blaming it on anyone else but their own club. I dont want to see them go out of business but I do want to see them in the 3rd with a points deduction for failing to play their game at the weekend.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm only seeing one poll on LiviLions and that's to do with the punishment :huh:

I've not started it as it would possibly start a riot & I'd get banned or the mods would delete it as we are very respectful of other fans feelings in Livilions. :lol:

There is mention of a certain terrible trio in one of the threads though. :huh: Who would do that? :rolleyes:

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