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Maybe a silly question..but why do we have R & L on our head phones? OK if you are listening to a Classical concert where the orchestra is set up a certain way,but otherwise....?

One of the earphones is mainly used for bass, the other for treble. My bass earphone usually goes first, because metal and punk use a lot of bass in their songs. You can change it with the EQ.

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One of the earphones is mainly used for bass, the other for treble. My bass earphone usually goes first, because metal and punk use a lot of bass in their songs. You can change it with the EQ.

OK but even the ones i have for my stereo at home that can be altered are marked. As a Bass player though i do crank it up a bit.

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Where in Glasgow can I buy one of those construction hats with the beer can holders on the sides, and do they have a proper name?

I stumbled across one of those last year in Clinton's Cards around about Father's Day. Ended up buying one and modifying the message on it for a friends' birthday present.

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