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What's the best/cheapest way of getting to Braehaed Arena from Glasgow City Centre for a gig?

I'd imagine it'd be First Bus #747.. but the last bus back is at half 10 which I'm guessing i would miss...

The last bus is at quarter to eleven. I'd book a taxi btw, might not be as bad for you but I was at Pendulum two weeks ago there and we phoned taxis constantly for ages and nothing came. Ended up sharing with two other guys and got charged 25 quid. Unless you're gonna leave the gig early, I'd book one. Might not be as bad for you as Glasgow Airport's open but nothing was coming.

Might be an idea to ask someone to pick you up, that's what I'll do if I'm really desperate to go to a gig there, which isn't happening anytime soon.

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Guest The Phoenix

Do they know what electricity is in the Kirkcaldy/Glenrothes area?

Judging by the lack of response, I'd say not.

I phoned one at random from Yell.com and he promised to phone me back this afternoon.

Guess what? :(

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Anyone know the name of the Scottish guy who does the voiceover for the "Safer Scotland: Anti Drink Drive Campaign" advert? The one the guy brakes in front of a mother and son, and goes flying out the windscreen, but the car has now gone? I know it's really obvious but it's annoying me.

Also, trying to remember the name of a striker who played for Barca years ago, maybe only for one season, i'm sure he was Israeli and his first name was Mehdi? I was talking to a mate about Sensi Soccer and i'm sure i remember this guy, just not his name. <_<

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Also, trying to remember the name of a striker who played for Barca years ago, maybe only for one season, i'm sure he was Israeli and his first name was Mehdi? I was talking to a mate about Sensi Soccer and i'm sure i remember this guy, just not his name. <_<

I'm not sure why but i've just spent about 15 minutes scouring google trying to find evidence of this player around the early 90s (would this be the correct timescale?) and cannot find anyone who fits the description at all in any of their squads for seasons around that time.

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Anyone from Dundee know what bus runs to either of the cinemas?

Much appreciated.

The 14 lets you out at the bottom of Longtown road and that is a 2 minute away from Odeon.

The 28 also lets you out before the circle at the bottom of Longtown road and that's also about a 2 minute walk, it could go closer to the Odeon but I get off at the circle so I honestly couldn't tell you.

Don't know about Cineworld, sorry.

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I'm not sure why but i've just spent about 15 minutes scouring google trying to find evidence of this player around the early 90s (would this be the correct timescale?) and cannot find anyone who fits the description at all in any of their squads for seasons around that time.

Yeah, i'd say early 90s. Thanks for checking, i too have been rattling Google and have found nothing.

I'm pretty sure i'm not making him up. :unsure:

Not being funny, but are you getting confused with Txiki Begiristain? He was definitely in the Barca team around that time.

Nah, definitely not him.

Edited by Gall09
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