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Science-y question.

I'm getting the 2500 litre oil tank we have next to the house moved when we're getting our new heating system installed this month. We've run the kerosene right down to almost nothing, but I want to get a container to transplant the remaining dregs into when they move the tank.

I'm looking at one of these 210 litre plastic water butts you can get in B&Q. I've checked and it's made from HDPE which a look about online seems to suggest should be ok for storing kerosene in.

Anyone know about this stuff and can say for certain it'll be ok?

I may also want to dissolve a body in sulphuric acid at a later date. Will this also be ok?

IIRC the tank has to be de-gassed prior to be transporting and have the paperwork to show it, HTH.

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IIRC the tank has to be de-gassed prior to be transporting and have the paperwork to show it, HTH.

It's being moved about 10 feet. It's having to be moved because we've been told its illegally sited currently as its butted right up against the side of the house. Apparently it needs to be 1.8 metres minimum from the building.

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Guest The Phoenix

Does coffee granules that say 'keep refrigerated and consume within two weeks' become poisonous or are they the exact same as jarred granules that folk seem to keep for a millennium?


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Does coffee granules that say 'keep refrigerated and consume within two weeks' become poisonous or are they the exact same as jarred granules that folk seem to keep for a millennium?

It just loses freshness and flavour due to contact with oxygen. It won't be poisonous but should taste more bitter and just not as nice. Beans get that way in about 2-3 weeks, ground beans about 2 and I don't know about the freeze-dried granules (I assume that's what you're talking about) but I can assume it's similar. Just keep them air-tight. You're not really meant to refrigerate them.

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