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That's American pissed rather than the British pissed. Yeah?

For a moment I pictured the scenario of a paedoler approaching the lassie. At the college gates.

"Hello gorgeous. Your mummy and daddy had to go for an emergency meeting at the bank. So they called me and asked me to take you home. I'm your uncle Robert"

"I'm 23 years old and I have my own flat"

"Aw for fucks sake" Then proceeds to down a bottle of cheap voddy, pishes himself and falls asleep on the pavement.

You know a disturbing amount about the young lady's personal circumstances, Mr Dee.

Two things;

1. Did they think the universal laws of time wouldn't apply to her, that somehow she wouldn't get older?

2. You'll get over it

1. Presumably, or they'd only just seen the show and didn't realise it was eleven (!) years old now. Nobody's accusing paedophiles of being the sharpest knives in the drawer.

2. My PeadoPatter isn't sharp enough to combat that one, unfortunately. On the plus side, Miley owes me a solid for taking the heat off him.

Wait, not that kind of solid! :o

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Surely a farm would be the best place for a farmyard dicktaster to live?

You'd think so, wouldn't you? I can't think of a poorer combination of career and residential choice, for the life of me.

Unless, Millie's, implying that the Saintees #perthshire are all farmyard dicks and I, somehow, taste them when they log in to my abode. That. Might. Just. Work. Once the obstacle of online tasting is cleared.


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You know a disturbing amount about the young lady's personal circumstances, Mr Dee.


Nice try, Dave. In the scenario, described, the paedo gets totally Yeltsined, thus wiping his memory and able to play the I dunno defence. Eventually, #gettingawawiit.

If I were a beast, on two legs, my memory would be wiped and I, certainly, would be mentally incapable of stating the young woman's age. I am not that creature.

Lastly, is she 23? It was a total guess :ph34r:

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Owe you a solid? Taking the heat off me?

Last question: Da f**k you on about?? :huh:

No idea Deedles old bean, I just found the phrase amusing!

You'll not get far if that's your attitude. Sniggering and tittering, at the back o the class, during basic terminology lessons. Sakes! They'll have your hide rasping down the Tarmac in two twos.

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Lastly, is she 23? It was a total guess :ph34r:

Oh no no no, you're not catching me out that easily. Like Mark Corrigan, I'm not on the Child Protection Register, and not because I'm an incredibly hard to detect paedo.

Owe you a solid? Taking the heat off me?

Last question: Da f**k you on about?? :huh:

I understand there are accusations about your good self and ladies of the younger persuasion. I'm currently taking one for the team, as it were.

Never mind about the solid, though; poor choice of words :shutup

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Oh no no no, you're not catching me out that easily. Like Mark Corrigan, I'm not on the Child Protection Register, and not because I'm an incredibly hard to detect paedo.

Or one that has, conveniently, suffered complete, and total but strangely specific,

memory loss wherever/ whenever the werthers originals have been deployed.

It's a fair cop guv. :lol:

On a serious note, I see you mentioned earlier you were somewhat lacking in paedopatter skills. How close are you to the kingdom of Fife? Allegedly, there's an established paedopool league there. I dunno if the rules are the same as normal pool, I'm afraid, but I'm sure existing members will readily welcome newcomers and a veteran will take you in as his own, so to speak. If you go for it, I'm absolutely positive you'll pick up skills galore.

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I remember a massive thread about this before but I still find it bizarre that people are happy to steal from rail companies when they wouldn't just walk into a shop and steal food/clothes.

Ok who wants first punch?

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Realise I will probably get pelters for this as still October but anyway...

Going to start getting some Christmas stuff in over next couple of weeks. A few weeks ago I got my brother in law a really nice jumper from River Island, for his birthday, it fitted well and he has had it on a fair few times. They have it in other colours I noticed, so do the P&B masses think it would be acceptable to get him a different coloured one as part of his Christmas or does that lack thought?

All responses/sarky comments/suggestions welcome

I rarely buy clothes on the high street, and have to admit that I thought River Island was a ladies outfitters. Silly me.
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