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Has anyone used or heard the term "home goal" instead of "own goal"?



Anyone else in Inverness or with Talk Talk lost their broadband?



Putting balsamic glaze on a pizza - acceptable behaviour or in the same league as coleslaw with pizza?


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Putting balsamic glaze on a pizza - acceptable behaviour or in the same league as coleslaw with pizza?

Coleslaw and hot sauce on pizza is the nectar of the gods. Balsamic glaze is worth a try though,could be a taste sensation......or not. :blink:

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Coleslaw and hot sauce on pizza is the nectar of the gods. Balsamic glaze is worth a try though,could be a taste sensation......or not. :blink:

Coleslaw? Beast alert whoop whoop whoop.
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Anyone else in Inverness or with Talk Talk lost their broadband?

My broadband was down all night, though I'm with Sky and in Dingwall. Something was up with the BT Openreach exchange apparently. Was back this morning.


What a night for it to go down, with Hibs hibsing it. :( shite signal on phone too, so point and laugh opportunities delayed until this morning.

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If a man had a love of the old chocolate box if he went downtown , would an appropriate surname be something like 'Bourneville'?

I would suggest "Brownlie", although tbf I don't know what you're post means.

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My broadband was down all night, though I'm with Sky and in Dingwall. Something was up with the BT Openreach exchange apparently. Was back this morning.


What a night for it to go down, with Hibs hibsing it. :( shite signal on phone too, so point and laugh opportunities delayed until this morning.


Mine was off all day, back on this morning. Didn't realise how much I rely on it, going on holiday tomorrow so need to print off boarding cards etc, and no telly either.

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Mine was off all day, back on this morning. Didn't realise how much I rely on it, going on holiday tomorrow so need to print off boarding cards etc, and no telly either.

I think ours was off all day too actually. When I got in from work the last email that had come through on my iPad was from about 10am.


Was a pain in the arse, especially when the Raith v Hibs game was readily available on streams.

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When you bought your house did you flush the toilet first? Flat is up for sale, flush works with a jiggle but never first time, not sure if I should fix if or chance it (estate agent soon to be the one showing viewers round as I'm leaving Glasgow).


You should be fine, people looking round a house are usually a bit nervous so wouldn't ask to take a dump, and it would be low down on their snag list.

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You should be fine, people looking round a house are usually a bit nervous so wouldn't ask to take a dump, and it would be low down on their snag list.

They may also panic thinking it is them who have broke the kazi and buy the flat to save any embarrassment.

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