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Quick Question Thread

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Ok, so this might be a really vague question, but I'm having a flashback to a case of mistaken identity on P&B that had me pissing myself laughing...

A picture was posted of someone famous on here, and I think it was Dryhorce said something really stupid, confusing the person in the pic with someone else. Anybody remember who the poster was and who the case of mistaken identity was?

I didn't know who the guy in Mozza's avatar was and got pelters for it. He says it's some John Smith singer fella but the more I look at it the more I reckon it's former QoS player Andy Thomson :ph34r:

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I didn't know who the guy in Mozza's avatar was and got pelters for it. He says it's some John Smith singer fella but the more I look at it the more I reckon it's former QoS player Andy Thomson :ph34r:

It's clearly Andy Walker.

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'bout time for a Mozza avatar update IMO. I'll only really believe Spring has arrived when Morrissey emerges from his cave and declares he doesn't see a shadow.

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Moths - when's the last time you saw a moth?


Haven't seen one of those things for ages - are they still a thing?

I think the reason you've not seen them is that they all moved in to my neighbour's place and have eaten most of his clothes over winter.

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I think ours was off all day too actually. When I got in from work the last email that had come through on my iPad was from about 10am.

Was a pain in the arse, especially when the Raith v Hibs game was readily available on streams.

Turns out some Moray farmer hammered a fence post through the main cable. NFM (normal for Moray).

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Moths - when's the last time you saw a moth?


Haven't seen one of those things for ages - are they still a thing?


Open your bedroom window and leave the lights on at night. You'll see plenty.


They might chew on your missus' jammies, so probably for the best if she takes them off before bed. Can't be too careful.

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Im a busy man, Dave. Things to do, places to be, people to meet.


I'll make no apologies for recycling an old gag. None whatsoever.

A picture is worth a thousand words, Dave.

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FAO Grimbo

Were you walking along the waterfront earlier between Newhaven/Leith, talking loudly at a wmobile phone?

Was I limping & smelling slightly of cussons talcum powder?


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Been breaking in the new gimp suit, Grimmy? It's a bugger, eh?

Never thought I'd find anything more irritating to my skin than the plastic Beatles wig I found as a kid.

Dees you know where I can get a 2nd hand gimp suit from, I'm never going BNWT again.


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