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I have the older uncharted for the ps4 and wanting to trade it in but as i got it as a package with the console it says not to be sold separately on the front of it - will that mean that Game won't take it as a trade in?

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Is it just me or dos there used to be flags on the half way line on pitches? I seem to remember stealing one a very long time ago.

If so, when did they stop using them and why?


Yes there were, it was stopped because sheep shaggers kept nicking them.

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Aye they weren't on the line but about a metre outside the pitch. They're still in use today but optional so most clubs don't use them. Think the were for in days gone by when real men played in all conditions ie fog and snow, I might be making that up though.

I feel a bit like BoredomGuy now.

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Is it just me or dos there used to be flags on the half way line on pitches? I seem to remember stealing one a very long time ago.

If so, when did they stop using them and why?

I seem to remember some piece of trivia that they are the only piece of equipment on a pitch that are optional.

There isn't a lot to do in invergowrie

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When u cancel home insurance do u phone company up to say f**k off or can u just cancel direct debit ?

If it's paid for for the full year, just contact them to say you're not renewing.

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