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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I'm not sure why i use the word nonce - one of the vigilantes is called noncehunter i suppose. 

I don't think they get any sort of kick out of it, nonce hunter and Stinson Hunter both were abused themselves so i think they take it quite seriously.

Got another show you might enjoy, Throbs:


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I'm not sure why i use the word nonce - one of the vigilantes is called noncehunter i suppose. 
I don't think they get any sort of kick out of it, nonce hunter and Stinson Hunter both were abused themselves so i think they take it quite seriously.

How to catch a predator is the best one.
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Yeah the Americans are so different from the Brits though, almost as though it's a joke.

There is a "to catch a predator UK" you can watch on YouTube that had these sort of sting operations of officers pretending to be kids and arresting who ever meets up. Was in 2008 so long before these vigilante groups started up. The first video I watched I think was posted on here in early 2013 with Stinson hunter and a grey haired teacher in Birmingham.

You literally are just shooting fish in a barrel as there is no shortage of online predators wanting to meet up with children.

Your last paragraph is P&B, in a nutsack.
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Sure I read something about an Australian paedophile grooming a fake child in Britain who persuaded him to buy him a return air ticket in return for his hole. I think he laughed at him at the airport, not sure if he got him arrested.

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Not remotely comparable and you insult all victims of child abuse with your appalling attempt to link the two. I'm sure the police who were trying to help the guy at the time would have loved 50 random punters milling about rather than keeping a safe distance. Quite what point you thought you were making about the decline of human civilisation is beyond me, and it seems like you too.

There was no attempt to link the two and I'm not sure why you would think there was if you had read my post properly.

As for the rest, I'm struggling to get your meaning t.b.h. but I'll take a stab at the last part. Where voyeurism is more important than helping someone in dire need then the voyeur is wrong.
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