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I bought my car the end of March and when I did the garage put 6 months tax on it. The tax runs out at the end of this month and I havent recieved a reminder yet! Is this likely to be at the garage and if not how else can I tax my car?

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I bought my car the end of March and when I did the garage put 6 months tax on it. The tax runs out at the end of this month and I havent recieved a reminder yet! Is this likely to be at the garage and if not how else can I tax my car?

It should come to you,i always renew online really simple and pretty quick,just make sure you have your insurance documents to hand

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How do I tell a couple of friends that I don't want them to stay at my flat? They're both women, I let them in for one day already and fortunately they found somewhere else to stay before I killed them, but I've just got a text asking if they can come back until the weekend or early next week.

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How do I tell a couple of friends that I don't want them to stay at my flat? They're both women, I let them in for one day already and fortunately they found somewhere else to stay before I killed them, but I've just got a text asking if they can come back until the weekend or early next week.

Sorry, No.


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Sorry, No.


I know that would work, I just don't want to come across as a total dick :lol: . The problem is that the flat is definitely big enough for them to live in, they were just insanely messy and kept me late for everything since I only have 1 set of keys.

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I know that would work, I just don't want to come across as a total dick :lol: . The problem is that the flat is definitely big enough for them to live in, they were just insanely messy and kept me late for everything since I only have 1 set of keys.

You can allude to the last part without being a dick by saying that you have a load of important appointments over the next while and you need to make sure you're on time for them. Tough situation but hopefully they'd understand.

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You can allude to the last part without being a dick by saying that you have a load of important appointments over the next while and you need to make sure you're on time for them. Tough situation but hopefully they'd understand.

Yep think this is the best way about it. I just told them that I was planning on being out and about a lot over the next few days (which is actually true anyway) so it wouldn't be ideal for either of us if they were here. Hopefully they don't think that's unfair!

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How do I tell a couple of friends that I don't want them to stay at my flat? They're both women, I let them in for one day already and fortunately they found somewhere else to stay before I killed them, but I've just got a text asking if they can come back until the weekend or early next week.

Let them in, but get drunk and naked then get in to the same bed as one of them on you way back from the lavvy in the middle of the night.

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Guest The Phoenix

I'm going to Carnegie College in Dunfermline tomorrow, what's the chances of getting parked in the college car park and if it's a non starter what are my options?

Jump start?

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Guest The Phoenix

Neither helpful or amusing, dear oh dear.

Could have went with "park somewhere else", "stay at home" or the classic "go to the pub". happy to help.

Best reply so far.

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Guest The Phoenix

If it is where I am thinking it is there is a massive asda over the road you could park in. Also there is loads of surronding streets that are a 5 minute walk tops.

Top marks Dazzle. That's exactly where it is. Asda is a great shout. There's plenty of parking at the college but I think it's permit controlled.

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