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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Just now, Wardy said:

You's have Dougie Hill As well? What's next? Will you be changing your badge to look like ours? Maybe sign Jordan Thompson on loan from rangers? 

Have a good season! :lol:

Hill, Mango, David Smith, Nade, Stewart, Johnston, Handling and a red away kit. We're really going out of our way to be a tribute team to you lot. Thompson is a non-goalscoring midfielder, and would likely be available on loan. He's ticking our boxes :(

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27 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Hill, Mango, David Smith, Nade, Stewart, Johnston, Handling and a red away kit. We're really going out of our way to be a tribute team to you lot. Thompson is a non-goalscoring midfielder, and would likely be available on loan. He's ticking our boxes :(

At least you never signed Scott Roberts.

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When we played Clyde the other week Dougie Hill came up from the dugout to the stand with a water bottle, only for a steward to sprint over, take him from him and bin it!

There appear to be an awful lot of stewards seriously lacking common sense.

I wonder about the standard of training they receive and what level of intelligence the stewards have.
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I worked as a steward for G4S for a few months when I was between jobs and it's fucking shite. You're given literally zero training; here's your jacket, stand here, don't move. The majority of the people doing it are really, really stupid and a few of that group also take it very seriously - that's the group you've to watch for.

They essentially paid me (poorly) to watch a load of Hibs and Hearts games last January and February. Got to work the Edinburgh derby where Hibs pulled it back from 2-0 at Tynecastle and then the subsequent replay. The easiest cash you'll ever make.

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4 hours ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Hill, Mango, David Smith, Nade, Stewart, Johnston, Handling and a red away kit. We're really going out of our way to be a tribute team to you lot. Thompson is a non-goalscoring midfielder, and would likely be available on loan. He's ticking our boxes :(

at least you haven't got either Gary F Locke and Yogi F Hughes as well

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Maybe a money saving scheme would be to get fans to steward the game

I reckon you could go zero stewards at almost every home game this year with no incidents. There's the occasional arsehole that tries to get on the pitch and that but 99% wouldn't even notice.
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Some of these "Stewards" are real jobswortha. How are they recruited and what instruction, if any, do they get in dealing with the public?
I realise they have a job to do but, come on, what is the difference with a parent accompanying their diabetic child with a fruit shhot bottle and some one buying a bottle of juice inside the stadium?                      "Ah ken bit it's ma joab"                  Get a grip Raith.
It's not as though Mario et al are going to lose £'s from reduced sales of juice.!! 
Someone REALLY needs to have a word with the Security Company, terrible the way many these stewards act like clueless buffoons. 

The point is Sandy you can't buy a "bottle" of juice in the ground.
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The best way to deal with it (doubt it will be the way they do)

But you contact the supporter directly, meet with them and come up with some sort of pass and maybe a covering letter from the club explaining that the child has a medical condition and needs the juice.

Even stick a footnote on it for the stewards saying to contact the office if they have any queries about it.

10-20% discount for the club shop as a goodwill gesture and maybe a statement on the clubs website asking fans in the same situation to contact the club and put a plan in place (the card/letter) to prevent this happening again.

As i say, that's what i would do, the club though...

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1 hour ago, buchan30 said:

The best way to deal with it (doubt it will be the way they do)

But you contact the supporter directly, meet with them and come up with some sort of pass and maybe a covering letter from the club explaining that the child has a medical condition and needs the juice.

Even stick a footnote on it for the stewards saying to contact the office if they have any queries about it.

10-20% discount for the club shop as a goodwill gesture and maybe a statement on the clubs website asking fans in the same situation to contact the club and put a plan in place (the card/letter) to prevent this happening again.

As i say, that's what i would do, the club though...

Just to play devils advocate, I don't think the club can be blamed for this. Not allowing plastic bottles into a ground is probably a police rule that the club won't have any say over. You only have to look at what happened at Linfield to see that there are morons out there that'll throw stuff. I'd imagine getting hit in the face with a full bottle of fruit shoot would be pretty sore.

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Just to play devils advocate, I don't think the club can be blamed for this. Not allowing plastic bottles into a ground is probably a police rule that the club won't have any say over. You only have to look at what happened at Linfield to see that there are morons out there that'll throw stuff. I'd imagine getting hit in the face with a full bottle of fruit shoot would be pretty sore.

No blaming the club really, but maybe could get involved to come to some sort of solution with them given the bairns situation. I see your point about the risk it being thrown at someone.

Another alternative is that they look at the catering side and provide childrens drink like fruit shoots, even if it means them being poured into one of they polystyrene cups?

It's full fat coke/bru they serve, he could have bought one of them? Just kept it beside themselves incase the bairn needs it, and you don't have to worry about it going flat, because it already practically is.
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Just to play devils advocate, I don't think the club can be blamed for this. Not allowing plastic bottles into a ground is probably a police rule that the club won't have any say over. You only have to look at what happened at Linfield to see that there are morons out there that'll throw stuff. I'd imagine getting hit in the face with a full bottle of fruit shoot would be pretty sore.

How many times have you seen a full bottle of fruit shoot thrown on the pitch at a football ground?

It's stupid. It's the typical blanket ban affecting everyone rather than targeting and adequately punishing the halfwits.

It's modern Britain in microcosm. We're going to hell in a handcart. Etc. Etc.
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3 hours ago, Zen Archer said:

You appear to have fingers like coo's tits.

Try spellchecker.

Yes, I make typos and because I am visually impaired I do not always pick up on them. I will have another look over the article and change anything which is spelt wrong. Thanks for letting me know I've missed certain mistakes within the article. 

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I would imagine that stewards at our level should really have a pretty easy job.  Rarely any “real” crowd issues to deal with and it should be a case of keep your head down and get through the game.

The worst ones tend to me those who think they are like a branch of the police force.  Walking around with Bluetooth headsets or walkie talkies treating bottles of fruit shoot as if they were mobilising troops towards a terrorist target.  A game at Morton springs to mind when one of the stewards asked for “backup” to the away end as it was a “hot-spot”.  About ten pissed up Rovers fans refusing to sit down and causing minimal fuss to anyone from my memory.  Think the same steward went in a huff last season as fans were swearing too. 

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