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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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2 minutes ago, Raith_Raver said:

I expect he'll have a decent team assembled and up and running for the new kick off.

I don't doubt he will but not sure it'll be good enough, especially if the Pars end up going down also. 

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For as much as I am ambivalent to McGlynn leaving, I'm also fairly certain that the Board have no replacement lined up. If he does jack it for Falkirk then the negligence by the BoD is glaringly obvious and we will almost certainly start next season with a poorer manager who has had a very short recruitment window.
Someone above mentioned being backed into a corner. Absolutley this, and much like everything else this season, very much of our own doing.
If we wanted to keep McGlynn after finishing 5th then we could've offered him a deal 6 months ago on pretty much the same terms and he very likely would have taken it. The only reason for waiting would be to assess the second half of the season in which case he should be drop kicked over Pratt Street. We should have announced his replacement yesterday morning and wished him well on his return to the seaside.
The fact we have no plan B is nothing less than a shambles, the BoD need to do one.
We couldn't announce his replacement. He was still under contract until the end of the month.
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Just now, Raith_Raver said:

I expect he'll have a decent team assembled and up and running for the new kick off.

He’ll have lots of spots to fill, they just reportedly punted the lot that were out of contract. That leaves one useless keeper, four defenders, four mids and two forwards…I guess that’s a team still.

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17 minutes ago, Raith_Raver said:

I expect he'll have a decent team assembled and up and running for the new kick off.


13 minutes ago, TxRover said:

He’ll have lots of spots to fill, they just reportedly punted the lot that were out of contract. That leaves one useless keeper, four defenders, four mids and two forwards…I guess that’s a team still.

More and more I get the impression you're stupid

Edited by Raith_Raver
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2 minutes ago, Raithie said:

It's going to be us v Falkirk in the playoffs next season eh? 

One of our or McGlynn’s atrocious play-off record will have to give!

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13 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Not as sure as you are. My theory is the BoD tossed JMcG to the wolves (press) after the DG mess while they huddled in their bunker. Now they allow John and Smudger to leave, hoping that keeps the heat off them (still in their bunker) because Sim has stepped down, one new (female) Director has been appointed, and the management staff that wanted DG is gone from the club. All that’s left is launching DG out of Kirkcaldy quickly now that the season has ended and then magically reappearing from their bunker…if Sim can keep his gob closed!

IMO it was a half hearted attempt to keep Mcglynn when really they wanted rid and Sim takes a back seat perfect solution for the BOD and hopefully the DG fiasco blows over, I don’t believe for one minute the Rovers haven’t thought of a replacement in case Mcglynn didn’t sign a new contract it wouldn’t surprise me if someone has already been approached or lined up but the big question is can they continue to improve the squad or my biggest worry is rovers go backwards 

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7 minutes ago, basher brash said:

IMO it was a half hearted attempt to keep Mcglynn when really they wanted rid and Sim takes a back seat perfect solution for the BOD and hopefully the DG fiasco blows over, I don’t believe for one minute the Rovers haven’t thought of a replacement in case Mcglynn didn’t sign a new contract it wouldn’t surprise me if someone has already been approached or lined up but the big question is can they continue to improve the squad or my biggest worry is rovers go backwards 

You're giving our board too much credit. 

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12 minutes ago, Raith_Raver said:


More and more I get the impression you're stupid

You pathetic moron. I post a comment that supports your point and you read it as an attack simply because you only post here to get attacked so you can shout back. Get back under your rock.

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Don’t mind McGlynn leaving,he took as as far as he was going to and his team selections and formations were rubbish for months, probably lucky not to have been sacked

of our players this season, I can only see bene joining him which again I’m fine with.

falkirk are a big club with a good fan base so an attractive job but are a mess and he will have his job cut out getting them out of league one, play offs at best next season I think

end of an era at Starks but with the right people brought in it’s a bright new dawn lol

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2 hours ago, baillieinleeds said:

This board will employ Jim Fuckin Duffy or some shit. 

With David Hopkin as assistant. 

You think the biggest mistake your club could make was signing an unapologetic rapist? 

Employing the Duffy/Hopkin dream team would eclipse that

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2 minutes ago, grumswall said:

Don't think that's possible with the regionalised draw. Happy to be corrected though. 

There's a proposal been tabled to scrap the regionalisation of the groups, although I can't see any confirmation that this will be adopted for the new season. 

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4 minutes ago, TxRover said:

You pathetic moron. I post a comment that supports your point and you read it as an attack simply because you only post here to get attacked so you can shout back. Get back under your rock.

It didn't read like that at all.

However, apologies are offered and hopefully accepted.

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4 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

There's a proposal been tabled to scrap the regionalisation of the groups, although I can't see any confirmation that this will be adopted for the new season. 

Unlikely to be in place for next season now then, thankfully. 

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22 minutes ago, zicoromaines said:

Don’t mind McGlynn leaving,he took as as far as he was going to and his team selections and formations were rubbish for months, probably lucky not to have been sacked

of our players this season, I can only see bene joining him which again I’m fine with.

falkirk are a big club with a good fan base so an attractive job but are a mess and he will have his job cut out getting them out of league one, play offs at best next season I think

end of an era at Starks but with the right people brought in it’s a bright new dawn lol

Apparently Brad Spencer is going there as well 

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1 hour ago, basher brash said:

They were under contract until May and terms didn’t suit them to stay at the Rovers if rumours are correct so Rovers were powerless to do anything 

What are the rumours may I ask I’ve missed it all in this chat 

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