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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Burger King! Burger King! The home of fine dining. Who the f**k cares about Burger King? Shitey burgers.

Bollocks. The XL bacon double cheeseburger is the king of fast food burgers. Pisses all over anything mcdonalds can come up with.

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Bollocks. The XL bacon double cheeseburger is the king of fast food burgers. Pisses all over anything mcdonalds can come up with.

I prefer chippies. McDonalds and Burger King are not places I frequent.

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Last year when we played Falkirk between Christmas and New Year, we stopped at the BK at the bridge on the way through to get our tea as we'd all come straight from work.

I ordered a large triple Angus beef whopper meal with a strawberry milkshake. About 4000 calories of sheer stodge. Still to this day the fullest I have ever felt, it was unbelievably uncomfortable, and the mega shite I had the next day wasn't much better.

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Last year when we played Falkirk between Christmas and New Year, we stopped at the BK at the bridge on the way through to get our tea as we'd all come straight from work.

I ordered a large triple Angus beef whopper meal with a strawberry milkshake. About 4000 calories of sheer stodge. Still to this day the fullest I have ever felt, it was unbelievably uncomfortable, and the mega shite I had the next day wasn't much better.

Photo, or it didn't happen.

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I'm going to complain about FanTalk, again. I know it's a bit like complaining about Hitler, in as much as everyone already knows how terrible it is, but I just can't help myself.

How do you get through life without learning how to spell the word "away". Especially as a football fan, the word "away" occurs several thousand times every Saturday, and not once, in any newspaper, television programme or website is it every spelled "awey".

I'm paraphrasing some wordsmith from this website, but it really does seem like most of the posters on said Rovers forum think that a comma is a deep sleep you don't wake up from, and that the full stop is a dance from the 30s.

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I'm going to complain about FanTalk, again. I know it's a bit like complaining about Hitler, in as much as everyone already knows how terrible it is, but I just can't help myself.

How do you get through life without learning how to spell the word "away". Especially as a football fan, the word "away" occurs several thousand times every Saturday, and not once, in any newspaper, television programme or website is it every spelled "awey".

I'm paraphrasing some wordsmith from this website, but it really does seem like most of the posters on said Rovers forum think that a comma is a deep sleep you don't wake up from, and that the full stop is a dance from the 30s.

Fantalk is always taking a kicking. The website is fine, what you are really complaining about is the general intelligence of your fellow fans. The spelling of 'away' is the least of your worries. How many of our supporters think we 'loose' games.

Personally, I look around me in the South Stand and think 'why isn't everyone as intelligent, handsome, trendy and god damn sexy as me? These punters are fat, ugly, braindead slobs'. We should do some free transfers and get rid of the old men and ugly freaks and get in some sexy ladies for me to ogle.

Edited by Scary Bear
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I normally defend fantalk as there are plenty of decent posters on there too. However, the amount of moaning on there just now is absolutely ridiculous. Apparently, each of the directors should be ploughing millions into the club, our strip for next season should have been released in 1990 and it's a scandal we haven't arranged friendlies against Man Utd, Barcelona and the 1970 Brazil squad.

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One that always got me was on the updates, where instead of free kick it would say merely 'free'. For instance, take the updates for the partick game where it says "31 mins: Rovers free on the left. McBride swings it in and Campbell heads wide.". Surely there must be a reason for not adding one simple word. Yes, it is petty but I'd like to know. Not a dig at the updates or updater, as it is a handy service to have, more something which has annoyed me for the past few seasons.

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I normally defend fantalk as there are plenty of decent posters on there too. However, the amount of moaning on there just now is absolutely ridiculous. Apparently, each of the directors should be ploughing millions into the club, our strip for next season should have been released in 1990 and it's a scandal we haven't arranged friendlies against Man Utd, Barcelona and the 1970 Brazil squad.

It's the silly season and there's little else to talk about.

I'm at a loss as to why the directors should plough their money into the club, that's hardly a sustainable approach.

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Realistic budgeting would be a better option than directors having to dig deep.

What might also be nice, is an acceptance amongst fans that what constitutes a realistic budget, can vary dramatically from year to year, that massive budget cuts are not necessarily a sign of previous incompetence.

Edited by lzreid
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What might also be nice, is an acceptance amongst fans that what constitutes a realistic budget, can vary dramatically from year to year, that massive budget cuts are not necessarily a sign of previous incompetence.

While that may be the case, attendances have stayed fairly stable, so what is the cause of the 'massive budget cuts'?

It's not as if we expected to be challenging for the league title at the start of last season, so I would have thought we would have budgeted for average crowds of around 2100/2200.

I recall this article from the FFP, which alarmed me at the time.


“To say that the crowd for the last home game was disappointing is putting it mildly,” he told SportsPress. “People can make excuses about it being the school holidays, but that’s so far off what we expect.

“Crowds of 1700 will not be enough for the club to break even. In this financial climate it is extremely difficult for every football club and anyone who thinks Raith Rovers are in a better position than many other clubs is completely off the mark.

“It’s not a case of whether we can get to the Premier league on crowds like that, it’s a question of whether we can sustain things as they are in the First Division.”

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While that may be the case, attendances have stayed fairly stable, so what is the cause of the 'massive budget cuts'?

It's not as if we expected to be challenging for the league title at the start of last season, so I would have thought we would have budgeted for average crowds of around 2100/2200.

I recall this article from the FFP, which alarmed me at the time.


"To say that the crowd for the last home game was disappointing is putting it mildly," he told SportsPress. "People can make excuses about it being the school holidays, but that's so far off what we expect.

"Crowds of 1700 will not be enough for the club to break even. In this financial climate it is extremely difficult for every football club and anyone who thinks Raith Rovers are in a better position than many other clubs is completely off the mark.

"It's not a case of whether we can get to the Premier league on crowds like that, it's a question of whether we can sustain things as they are in the First Division."

No large end of season cheque from the SFA would be my guess. it's entirely possible that using the Scottish Cup prize money we were able to break even - or even make a small loss - on last season and that the massive budget cuts are simply a reflection of this. Indeed, I'm fairly certain I recall it being made clear at the begining of last season that the cup money was all that had prevented the board from making the cuts last season.

I'm not closing my eyes to the precarious financial position we're in and until the accoutns are released we'll not know for definite but I can also see reasons not to panic or to accus the board of massive incompetence.

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No large end of season cheque from the SFA would be my guess. it's entirely possible that using the Scottish Cup prize money we were able to break even - or even make a small loss - on last season and that the massive budget cuts are simply a reflection of this. Indeed, I'm fairly certain I recall it being made clear at the begining of last season that the cup money was all that had prevented the board from making the cuts last season.

I'm not closing my eyes to the precarious financial position we're in and until the accoutns are released we'll not know for definite but I can also see reasons not to panic or to accus the board of massive incompetence.

Should the board expect a large cheque from the SFA when we are working out our budget for the year? The cup run last season was a bonus, nothing more. If the cup run was the only reason we didn't make a loss that season, then the board weren't making a very good job of balancing the books. If we need a cup run to break even, then the board need to be a bit more conservative in their planning.

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This may sound daft, but there is another sporting team in kirkcaldy that could have a bearing on the rovers crowds next season - the fife flyers. The flyers have been competing in the lower echelons of scottish ice hockey since the demise of the british national league 6 years ago, and there is a chance they could be joining the elite league next season. I know of people who stopped going to watch the flyers and started going to starks park instead. A Few of those people have said that if the flyers get back into a high standard of competetive hockey, they would happily go back to watch, even if they had to fork out £15. Ok, there is the choice of going to watch the rovers in the afternoon, then the flyers at night, but not everyone can afford that luxury. If the flyers do go elite, surely both themselves and the rovers could make some deals which could help people afford to watch both teams? say for instance, buy a ticket for a raith game and get a voucher with a £5 discount on entry to a flyers game, and vice versa maybe?

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