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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Did not know Turnbull was ill, so was a bit of shock to read this news earlier today.

Very sad and I can only echo what others have said - he stood up and said what a lot of ordinary punters were thinking around the time of the Rangers carry on, showing great conviction on behalf of the "diddies" at the same time.

But regardless of that, I'm sure he would still have been highly thought of within Scottish football as a guy who wanted to make a difference for his team. And given Rovers have gone on an upward curve in establishing themselves in the Championship and on a much more stable financial footing after the Claude Anelka carry on, no-one can doubt his impact there.

I also remember the gesture of the Rovers board in offering to donate gate receipts during the derby at Stark's Park after we entered administration. They didn't have to do that and I imagine that TH was at the heart of his club offering to help.

Condolonces to his family, friends and all at Raith Rovers FC.

I had a wee double take back in November at the Linlithgow cup game, he was looking thinner in the face, at the time I thought it may have been a diet thing, maybe I got it wrong.

What stands, is he is held in the highest regard.

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Can I ask - I am going to the match on Wednesday with my girlfriend and her Rovers supporting side of the family. I'd like to hang my Pars scarf up outside Starks Park on the railings to show my respect for Turnbull Hutton. Would any Raith fans have any reservations about this? I don't want to cause any anymosity, just want to show my respect for a great guy who done so much for Scottish football. I hope there is a big crowd there on Wednesday night to give Turnbull the respect he deserves, he will be sadly missed by all in Scottish football. We are all Turnbull Hutton.

Go for it, I actually think a lot of us would really respect you for doing that!

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Terrible, terrible news.

turnbull helped navigate a very difficult couple of years for Raith Rovers. However not only did he simply help us get from one month to another, he and his fellow board members have steered this club into a really sensible operation, never chasing the dream but always looking to do as well as we can.

Of course with finances being so tight, the easiest thing to do would have been to accept that dirty carrot that was paraded about back in 2012, however for a club that had really endured tough times financially it took a real man of integraty to stand up and say what all the fans across Scotland were all saying.

I guess karma was repaid lats year when Hutton saw us turn over the Rangers at Easter Road.

So I'm genuinely gutted tonight but I'm immensely thankful for what Turnbull has done for my club and scottish football.

Rip Turnbull.

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Can I ask - I am going to the match on Wednesday with my girlfriend and her Rovers supporting side of the family. I'd like to hang my Pars scarf up outside Starks Park on the railings to show my respect for Turnbull Hutton. Would any Raith fans have any reservations about this? I don't want to cause any anymosity, just want to show my respect for a great guy who done so much for Scottish football. I hope there is a big crowd there on Wednesday night to give Turnbull the respect he deserves, he will be sadly missed by all in Scottish football. We are all Turnbull Hutton.

It would be a sad day if anyone gave you grief for that. Nice gesture.

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we should all put a scarf up on Wednesday great idea….. attached to the fence where he used to lean on having his fag….had a great conversation with him after the Rangers fiasco, he really appreciated the support from the rest of scottish football

Edited by RRFC2711
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Condolences to Turnbull's family and those who knew him.

When he spoke out in 2012 he voiced what thousands of us (fans of all clubs) felt, and yet it took guts and conviction to be that voice in contrast to most others in his position. I was proud that he did it in the name of the club I support.

Grateful to him for his contribution to the Rovers and to the game more widely.

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The big man was diagnosed with leukaemia quite recently and had been in the hospital.I still thought he would pull through as he was a battler.It will be an emotional game on wednesday as we not only mourn turnbull but all the raith fans there will also be thinking of ronnie coyle.There is plans to have a minutes applause in the 4th minute for ronnie but not sure whats happening for turnbull yet but am sure that will be in the public soon enough.There wont be any problem if any pars fans show their respects by tying a scarf at starks park.It would be very much appreciated.R.I.P TURNBULL you will be sorely missed.

Edited by BIGQ FAE KDY
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Considering the utter outrage that accompanied comments about Sandy Jardine from a Raith fan (which WERE out of order), the reaction to Turnbulls death on Rangers media is absolutely disgusting.

What an utterly appalling and disgusting institution.

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Can I ask - I am going to the match on Wednesday with my girlfriend and her Rovers supporting side of the family. I'd like to hang my Pars scarf up outside Starks Park on the railings to show my respect for Turnbull Hutton. Would any Raith fans have any reservations about this? I don't want to cause any anymosity, just want to show my respect for a great guy who done so much for Scottish football. I hope there is a big crowd there on Wednesday night to give Turnbull the respect he deserves, he will be sadly missed by all in Scottish football. We are all Turnbull Hutton.

Lovely gesture.

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Considering the utter outrage that accompanied comments about Sandy Jardine from a Raith fan (which WERE out of order), the reaction to Turnbulls death on Rangers media is absolutely disgusting.

What an utterly appalling and disgusting institution.

Just read some of the comments. They are so detached from reality it beggers believe. Im glad any tribute will be paid tomorrow at Starks and not on Sunday

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Just read some of the comments. They are so detached from reality it beggers believe. Im glad any tribute will be paid tomorrow at Starks and not on Sunday

Deluded c***s, for the most part.

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Deluded c***s, for the most part.


Turnball's stance was Rangers must not be shoe horned into Division 1 and must start in Division 3


Rangers fans always claim they wanted Division 3


Hatred for Turnball Hutton (could it be a wee fib they all wanted Division 3)

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I was really sad to hear the news. Very unexpected. I only wish the Hamilton Accies chairman had shown the same integrity as Turnbull. Last season's challenge cup win was very fitting and I'm sure he loved every single minute of it.

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I also remember the gesture of the Rovers board in offering to donate gate receipts during the derby at Stark's Park after we entered administration. They didn't have to do that and I imagine that TH was at the heart of his club offering to help.

Was good business for Raith aswell , was for every fan over 2000? Upto that point barely anyone wanted to go to the game.

Outwith his stance on newco it's pretty remarkable what he achieved with Raith, a really brilliant chairman it must be said. His stance over that fiasco was fantastic though.


Turnball's stance was Rangers must not be shoe horned into Division 1 and must start in Division 3


Rangers fans always claim they wanted Division 3


Hatred for Turnball Hutton (could it be a wee fib they all wanted Division 3)

Aye they were all talking shite, seemed like they believed Scottish football should bend over backwards to accommodate them, thank f**k you had a chairman with a backbone.

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