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Completed Games?


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Completed Prince Caspian (Narnia)... this could have been a good game if the camera angles at times weren't fucking horrendous, and you didn't have to complete 15 levels in 2 player (and I found out afterwards that it doesn't count if you die half way through)... you will never manage to get someone else to do this, as the best way is on the first level which takes 2 minutes, and repeating that might kill you... I managed to get my cousin to play it last week, and he gave up after 5 levels...

Had to play 15 controlling both guys, and unfortunately it's not split screen so you have to use both at the same time!

Took 45 fucking minutes for that final 40G achievement. :angry:

Edited by SaltyTON
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Get Cloning Clyde, it's easy but it's a fun 200G.

Cheers, I'll give that one a trial and see if it's worth getting next time I've got some points to spend.

Picked up NBA 2k6 for a fiver from Game today and got the 1000g in one playing. By far the easiest 1000g you will get without the shame of having Avatar TBE on your gamercard! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got round to getting all the audio diaries in Bioshock and completing it on hard difficulty taken me up to 100%!

I missed 2 audio diaries right back at the very start of the 1st level and you cant get back to that area, didnt realise this till near the end of the game, am not gonna be playing the whole thing again just for that. but it p*ssed me off :)

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Yeah, I missed one of them first time through as well. Its the very first 2 audio diaries if you miss them you cant get them back. There is a few in another level which you only have one shot at as well. Its a great game so I was quite happy to play through it again, it was the first time I had played it again since finishing it first time back in 2009.

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Completed X-Men Arcade, good fun, albeit a bit tedious in the end. The last 30G was completing it with all 6 X-Men which was claimed on TA that you could just complete with Cyclops and then play the last level with the others, but I had to play all 6... but luckily found a couple of games with loads of people in them so it took a lot less time to finish the game (about 15-20 minutes).

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Why would you do that to yourself, Salty? :P

The actual game itself was all right, but that last 30G was a pain in the arse... had to do it though as to leave it at 970G when you know you can do the last 30G seems a bit of a letdown.

Managed to sell it on Play.com for £8 within an hour of completing it though. :D

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Completed Rango, and now I'm glad I didn't go see that film as most of it is shown in the game (really fucking long unskippable cut scenes)... and it seemed like a terrible film!

Game was fun enough, except collect 200k sheriff stars... I had barely over 100k when I had completed the game and collected all the collectables and purchased all the upgrades! <_<

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I haven't ever completed a game, I just get bored really easily. One day I will do this though. I thought when I got an xbox I'd do it, but I got the RROD so it had to take a backseat for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bought Truth or Lies for £3 to see how the lie detector worked... the answer is, not at all well, even making stupid noises and whistling were occasionally given as truths...

Easy 1000G, but stressful trying to get it to believe you were lying so you could get under 1000 pts in a round to get the last achievement!

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