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AI can beat real university students in exams, study suggests - BBC News

@scottsdad will not like this.


In other news and much as I hate to blow my own trumpet but...



I get the feeling that it's because I was the only one of the 18 students on the course to actually go to all the lectures and tutorials so probably not as impressive as it sounds at first glance.

I did average 89% over the year so it wasn't just rewarding attendance.

Edit: And I didn't use AI to cheat on the essays.



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The team I am leading is trying to develop our own AI guidance. 

We cannot beat it in the future, so we have to find a way of incorporating it responsibly. 

That said, after a morning of disciplinaries, good to see old fashioned plagiarism still turning up. 

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39 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The team I am leading is trying to develop our own AI guidance. 

We cannot beat it in the future, so we have to find a way of incorporating it responsibly. 

That said, after a morning of disciplinaries, good to see old fashioned plagiarism still turning up. 


Plagiarism seems to be getting worse. At least at my wife's work.

I've got to fill in some survey about using GenAI tools 'responsibly, ethically and effectively'. 🙃

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I work in a bank, we're having discussion about using AI to write code and come up with architecture designs

this won't end well

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The thing is, in my role I have to talk a lot with people in industry. AI is being used in the wider world already. One guy said they use it for repetitive tasks. Another said they use it to bring down word count in reports and submissions (re-writing, essentially). 

One (older) professor commented that this was like when calculators came in in the 70s and 80s. Loads of educators were dead set against them as it meant the pupils didn't have to do the actual calculation themselves. A vital, intrinsic skill lost. The discussions we're having now are similar. We need to adjust to the world as it is, and AI is part of it. 

QUite how we do that is what we're discussing now. 


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Students, a tip from me.

If you and three mates are accused of collusion in coursework because they are all so similar...don't collude in your written response as well. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got 94/100 on my last assessment on my module, which got me a distinction overall. 

Buzzing doesn't begin to cover it

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On 27/06/2024 at 15:49, scottsdad said:

The team I am leading is trying to develop our own AI guidance. 

We cannot beat it in the future, so we have to find a way of incorporating it responsibly. 

That said, after a morning of disciplinaries, good to see old fashioned plagiarism still turning up. 

Plagiarism is also a valuable skill in real life. They just need to get better at it. Changing unusual phrases and removing indentifying details are the main thing. 

Along with "winging it" and "gaming the system" it's up there with top skills developed at university, way ahead of any academic bs. 

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Enrolled on the MSc Psychology Conversion. Open Uni has finally received BAP accreditation for their course. Was going to do the RGU one but other things got in way.

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Only just discovered this thread annoyingly as I would've enjoyed it while at uni.  Graduated last summer which is terrifying how long ago it was, effectively just been kicking the can down the road working in retail since then and ambitiously applying for jobs to no avail.  Might go back to do a post grad, or just teacher training - really missing it.  

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7 hours ago, RH33 said:

Enrolled on the MSc Psychology Conversion. Open Uni has finally received BAP accreditation for their course. Was going to do the RGU one but other things got in way.

Is this the one to cure gay people?

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  • 2 weeks later...
51 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

I mentioned earlier that plagiarism seemed to be getting worse at my wife's work.

Well here's the proof. More than 200 university students caught using AI to cheat in Aberdeen - Aberdeen Live

Half the folk caught cheating in the whole of Scotland were at RGU. 🤔

My brother works there as well.

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Good article on the rise of Chegg here: Chegg’s Growth, Response Rate, and Prevalence as a Cheating Tool: Insights From an Audit within an Australian Engineering School (springer.com)

In al honesty, I feel that old fashioned plagiarism and collusion are on the way out. Our numbers of cases in these have collapsed - generative AI is what the kids are doing these days.

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

It was confirmed today that I am going back in September to finish my course after taking a leave of absence. I should be finished just after Christmas. 

Everything OK Jamie?

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