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Who's Going To Uni?

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Likewise Supras. We've had our *ahem* differences on this forum, but I need an excuse to make it a whole lot worse for you in person :P .

Law/Politics for me. As with Supras, would be good to meet up for a drink some time.

Good luck with that, I couldn't deal with that kind of workload so good on you!

Yes, that would be good :)

I just need a job so I can afford all of these pints... any tip offs??? I've found a few vacancies but not many - I was very surprised that most of the QMU's hours are in the daytime, not very student friendly especially when we dont know when we're free yet...

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Has anyone else got the necessary results and now don't actually want to go? Im having serious second thoughts.

I've had second thoughts in the past too, although I'm definitely going to see how it goes anyway. If it's not for you, there's nothing stopping you from dropping out.

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Good luck with that, I couldn't deal with that kind of workload so good on you!

Yes, that would be good :)

I just need a job so I can afford all of these pints... any tip offs??? I've found a few vacancies but not many - I was very surprised that most of the QMU's hours are in the daytime, not very student friendly especially when we dont know when we're free yet...

I'll be looking for a part time job as soon as I go, I've been told they have many links with businesses in the area so I can find something in a cafe or something that fits my hours that'd be great.

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i don't know what the best thing for you to do but I'll tell you what happened with me and you can make what you will.

I left school and wasn't sure if I wanted to go to uni, so decided not to (I didn't even know what course I wanted to do). After that I worked at a job for a year and a half whilst living at home which was fucking shit, hated my job and hated living with my mum. 6 months ago I decided to pick my arse up and apply for uni's, and I'm heading to Glasgow Caley and out the house next month.

I do feel like I've wasted a couple of years but I'm delighted I never went straight after school, I know lots of people who rushed straight it to uni and regretted it, although others I know have loved it. I can't fucking wait for next month to come round so it probably makes up for the fact that the last 2 years haven't been great, I doubt I'd have made it to 3rd year now tbh.

Yeh I left school early (well, 5th year), went to college, couldn't be arsed with it, left, and went and got a job. it was a crap job, but because it was full-time and I was living at home with no rent, I was bloody loaded, went and bought a car, had a girlfriend who I spoiled silly, and life was generally alright.

When I got older though (into my 20's) it became all a bit boring, thats when i went to college again (this time to do my highers that I would have done had I stayed in 6th year) and went to uni.

Uni is great, but its the social life thats great, there is actually work involved in your course, early mornings, long essays, presentations, lots of exams etc.

If you're

a) Under 18 so not gonna fully enjoy the social side


B) Not quite sure you can be arsed with four years of studying yet(ie you're just out of school and would rather have the feeling of not having to be up for 9am every day)

Then you should wait, defer the course for a year, go work for 6 months and save up some dosh, and spend the other 6 months travelling somewhere.

Thats my advice, and I give nothing but lovely advice.

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Yeh I left school early (well, 5th year), went to college, couldn't be arsed with it, left, and went and got a job. it was a crap job, but because it was full-time and I was living at home with no rent, I was bloody loaded, went and bought a car, had a girlfriend who I spoiled silly, and life was generally alright.

When I got older though (into my 20's) it became all a bit boring, thats when i went to college again (this time to do my highers that I would have done had I stayed in 6th year) and went to uni.

Uni is great, but its the social life thats great, there is actually work involved in your course, early mornings, long essays, presentations, lots of exams etc.

If you're

a) Under 18 so not gonna fully enjoy the social side


B) Not quite sure you can be arsed with four years of studying yet(ie you're just out of school and would rather have the feeling of not having to be up for 9am every day)

Then you should wait, defer the course for a year, go work for 6 months and save up some dosh, and spend the other 6 months travelling somewhere.

Thats my advice, and I give nothing but lovely advice.

I fall under both categories and planned to work for a year before going next September, but I couldm't find a job so uni really is my only option.

Oh well, will just make the best of it.

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I fall under both categories and planned to work for a year before going next September, but I couldm't find a job so uni really is my only option.

Oh well, will just make the best of it.

What about a job abroad?

I spent 4 months working in Ayia Napa, best summer of my life.

You could get a job on a cruise ship, go see some of the world.

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What about a job abroad?

I spent 4 months working in Ayia Napa, best summer of my life.

You could get a job on a cruise ship, go see some of the world.

Wouldn't it matter if I was under 18 though. I'll have a look at a few things but it is likely too late now.

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Wouldn't it matter if I was under 18 though. I'll have a look at a few things but it is likely too late now.

I'm not sure, but pretty sure you can get a job as a waiter or in one of the shops on a cruise ship.

There's other things to do also - I considered going to austria and working in a ski resort.

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I've stayed at home for the first two years of uni, and I've never really felt that I've missed out on much. I've never really been that bothered about going out and getting drunk or going clubbing all the time, and I don't reckon I would do it that often even if I stayed in Glasgow.

I've still managed to find a close group of friends, and I am still able to go to the pub or the union with them, or go the odd night out to a comedy club or whatever, which to me is a much more enjoyable evening than going and getting blitzed.

The main reason I went to uni was to get a degree so that I could get a good job, so I'd rather do it straight after school than waste a couple of years earning a lot less than I could get when I get through my course. Obviously having a social life makes it more enjoyable, but that shouldn't be your main reason for going to uni.

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What's so ridiculous about that?

You'll understand when you're older.

Basically, with every year that passes between the age of 17-20, you think: "Wow, I've grown up so much in the past year". I'm 22 and will still probably think roughly the same in a few years' time.

Sixth years think that they're grown up. They aren't.

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You'll understand when you're older.

Basically, with every year that passes between the age of 17-20, you think: "Wow, I've grown up so much in the past year". I'm 22 and will still probably think roughly the same in a few years' time.

Sixth years think that they're grown up. They aren't.

Well, you can grow up a lot without getting near to being fully grown up, I guess.

Supras, I went to Uni at the end of fifth year - I hated the restrictive learning school offered and I didn't like the new building they had when I was in 4th and 5th year. I loved Uni, it'll vary between people though. Just throw yourself into the experience and talk to whoever you can :)

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Well, you can grow up a lot without getting near to being fully grown up, I guess.

Supras, I went to Uni at the end of fifth year - I hated the restrictive learning school offered and I didn't like the new building they had when I was in 4th and 5th year. I loved Uni, it'll vary between people though. Just throw yourself into the experience and talk to whoever you can :)

Was the new building really that bad? :lol:

I'll see how it goes, I only have to wait until March to be 18 anyway so isn't really that far away. But I do plan to throw myself into it, I've been starved of football over the summer so will be trying to play as much 5s and 11s as possible.

You absolutely shouldn't go to University until you are old enough to drink.

That's a universal truth.

I can still drink illegally.

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Well, you can grow up a lot without getting near to being fully grown up, I guess.

True, but I don't think that it's what he was getting at.

I left school at the end of fifth year and worked for a year before going to uni. I can remember noticing how, in certain situations, my mates who'd stayed on seemed really immature to me - and I was still hardly exactly a grown up at the time.

Sixth year for most people's just a year of pissing about and having a laugh. You'll maybe get people growing up a wee bit inasmuch as it's a bit less cliquey (is that even a word?) and pupils start having more grown up relationships with their teachers, but it's still a very sheltered environment.

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