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Yeah, Studio definitely seems better than I remembered.

Been to the gym twice so far, but not tried out the pool yet. Think I'll maybe head in tomorrow, I'll either do that or go for a run. Apparently it's a proper Olympic sized pool? I don't even think that I went there when I used to be at Stirling back in 2005/06, quite looking forward to it.

Incidentally, are any other people in first year at Stirling doing either Scottish History, Philosophy or French?

It's a proper Olympic pool but sometimes they split it in half to two 25m pools. It's usually so that the swimming team or something like that can practice in one half and still leave half open for swimming.

There's a timetable on Stirling Uni's website to show when it's available at its full 50m size and when it's going to be split / lane / recreational swimming and stuff like that.

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It's a proper Olympic pool but sometimes they split it in half to two 25m pools. It's usually so that the swimming team or something like that can practice in one half and still leave half open for swimming.

There's a timetable on Stirling Uni's website to show when it's available at its full 50m size and when it's going to be split / lane / recreational swimming and stuff like that.

Sounds good, I'll have a look into that. 50m pools are great, although it's a nightmare when you lok up expecting to be close to the end of your length and realise that you're not even half way there yet. :lol:

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My timetable is splendid.

A 2 hour tutorial on Monday afternoon, Another couple of 2 hour tutorials on a Thursday. Tuesday, Wedensday and Friday off.

Mines is fuckin shite. Ive got a Friday off but I'm in at the crack every other day which will mean super expensive train fares.

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I previously thought so too, but the pint was actually pretty shit hot. I wasn't even aware that there was such a thing as Red Stripe on tap.

Edit: On another note, £73 a year gym membership is sensational.

It's only £40 in Glasgow for excellent facilities.

I met Exuberant today and - rather unsurprisingly - it ended with him being taken to the A&E at the Western.

Long story short I don't think he will be posting much on here in the immediate future.

I wanted to go to the casino thing today but went to football trials instead and would have to come back and get changed, pretty gutted. Might go to the hive tommorrow but I'm not really bothered either way. Registered for two of my subjects and whilst one has lectures on Monday, the other has no lectures next week and for the third the registration is on Thursday next week - looks like a skive week :D .

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I met Exuberant today and - rather unsurprisingly - it ended with him being taken to the A&E at the Western.

What a way to embellish our encounter!

Long story short is that Supras here had convinced me to go to the Freshers' Football at Garscube. Turned out to be trials! I went in goal and was pretty poor. I had no gloves and the first half decent save I made broke my right wrist. In a cast for 6-8 weeks!

This poses considerable additional problems as I am right handed and lectures start on Monday!

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What a way to embellish our encounter!

Long story short is that Supras here had convinced me to go to the Freshers' Football at Garscube. Turned out to be trials! I went in goal and was pretty poor. I had no gloves and the first half decent save I made broke my right wrist. In a cast for 6-8 weeks!

This poses considerable additional problems as I am right handed and lectures start on Monday!

I thought the sixes matches were okay, most people weren't taking it that seriously.

You will probably need to invest in that notebook a little earlier than planned.

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I'm absolutely loving psychology and politics at the moment. Philosophy...not so much. Not what I was expecting at all, Higher English mark 2. It's awful, pretentious and basically a pile of wanky pish. I'm tempted to go out tonight but still undecided. Meeting so many sound folk through the footy team and from my course, got a girl's number yesterday so not a bad first week all in all. However I did miss my first philosophy tutorial yesterday. Not my fault, I was expecting to post the groups/times in the "announcements" bit of the online site. Apparently not. Mind-reading skills are required to do the course apparently, so I was still asleep an hour after it had finished. Not a good first impression.

But yeah, bloody loving this student malarky. :)

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Mines is fuckin shite. Ive got a Friday off but I'm in at the crack every other day which will mean super expensive train fares.

Oh no, £155 a year. Fucking ridiculous!

You get the money back you numpty. :lol:

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My timetable looks okay. Mondays are intense with basically a 9-3 of lectures and tutorials. Tuesday I have one lecture at 1pm. Wednesday 3 lectures in between 9 and 2. Thursday after week 3 is the same as Tuesday. Friday after week 3 should just be a lecture at 9.

Obviously a lot of my time will be spent preparing for tutorials though...

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Oh no, £155 a year. Fucking ridiculous!

You get the money back you numpty. :lol:

More than that like. £7.30 every day for the train then a fiver a week for the shuttle bus.

Aye I know I get a fair whack ae it back eventually but I'm skint the noo.

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I've pretty much stayed clear of the QMU. Nothing much there really interests me. I was in the pool and snooker comps at the GUU this afternoon and got to the semi-final in the latter. One suspects I'll be spending rather a lot of time there.

I've actually ended up there most nights - Pendulum were epic, Twin Atlantic were good considering I'd intended to see Simon Bird, Headphone disco was immense. Freshers Ball is shit. Was in the Hive Saturday Sunday and it was top notch :)

GUU tonight - foam party

So far I've joined up to the Law Society, Dialectic Society (Debating), Choral Society and the Cricket Club. I was thinking about doing Squash but I reckon that lot will probably keep me pretty busy as it is. I played a bit of Squash in School last year and might get involved again if I've got time on my hands.

I joined the squash and the band societies - band one I will probably do nothing about as its just an advert for people who want ot be in a band really! Also got an audition for the Kelvin ensemble, what are the chances of another tuba player auditioning :lol:

Mushroom, you and I need to meet up at some point. How about the GUU Beer Bar at about 4:30-5 ish tomorrow? The drinking competitions start at 7 so we can bag ourselves spectator seats!

Sorry, my internets been on the blink so only just saw this message - I'll PM you my mobile number, so I don't have to rely on this.

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What a way to embellish our encounter!

Long story short is that Supras here had convinced me to go to the Freshers' Football at Garscube. Turned out to be trials! I went in goal and was pretty poor. I had no gloves and the first half decent save I made broke my right wrist. In a cast for 6-8 weeks!

This poses considerable additional problems as I am right handed and lectures start on Monday!

Go and speak to the Support for Learning dudes, I would think they'd be able to arrange a scrib for you for the time you're in a cast.

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Go and speak to the Support for Learning dudes, I would think they'd be able to arrange a scrib for you for the time you're in a cast.

That was my plan. I'm getting a notebook to make things easier but the timing of this could scarcely have been worse. I've emailed my Advisor of Studies so she might help too.

I've got a "Formative/Summative" timed exam on Property in late October which in the best case scenario is when my cast is just coming off/has just come off and worst case still on for about 2 weeks more. Hopefully I can get a scribe for that.

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That was my plan. I'm getting a notebook to make things easier but the timing of this could scarcely have been worse. I've emailed my Advisor of Studies so she might help too.

I've got a "Formative/Summative" timed exam on Property in late October which in the best case scenario is when my cast is just coming off/has just come off and worst case still on for about 2 weeks more. Hopefully I can get a scribe for that.

You should do, get some practise in with the scrib first as it can seemingly take a bit to get used too. For both of you.

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Nobody can be pisher than me at these football games.

Mind you, I did hit the crossbar straight from kick-off the first time I ever played one of them (don't ask me which one it was, because I haven't the foggiest. Although being the media-geek I am, I recall that Jon Champion and Mark Lawrenson were commentating if that helps with the ID process...)

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