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Don't be an idiot. To say that people who wear university hoodies are 'generally twats' is ridiculous. I don't know if you go to uni or not, or have been in the past, but that's such a ridiculous statement to make.

I personally don't wander around Uni on a standard day wearing my Law Society or Ski Club hoodie, but each to their own.

Just because somewhere wears something doesn't make them a twat. I personally never wear a football top anymore, because I think they should be reserved solely for matchdays. That doesn't make anyone who does wear one a twat though.

It's an observation based on personal experience.

I currently attend Glasgow Uni, and I see numerous people around the campus wearing "Glasgow University" hoodies. As if you couldn't guess which uni they went to from the fact you were walking about the campus of it. I have had a number of classmates who have worn these hoodies, and to a man they have been the sort of twats who do 'zany student' things like stealing road signs and drinking beer out of shoes.

Edited by craigkillie
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It's an observation based on personal experience.

I currently attend Glasgow Uni, and I see numerous people around the campus wearing "Glasgow University" hoodies. As if you couldn't guess which uni they went to from the fact you were walking about the campus of it. I have had a number of classmates who have worn these hoodies, and to a man they have been the sort of twats who do 'zany student' things like stealing road signs and drinking beer out of shoes.

Fair enough, if that's what you've come across from your personal experience. That's not the way I see it but I'm not going to argue with you about it. What course are you doing?

To be fair you'd probably classify as a zany student type. But I've drank out a shoe, or stolen a road sign. I just get that impression that's what you'd think of me.. Don't think there's much wrong with that though. You're only at uni once, and should make the most of it.

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But every Law society is different depending on which uni you go to. Just like every student union is different and every sports association is different. Out of interest where do you study?

We'll just have to disagree on that one. The fact that the Law society is widely recognised as one of the biggest and best clubs at Glasgow Uni makes a difference. The social side to it is fantastic, and this year all the nights out have been awesome. If like at some uni's the Law society was shite, then no one would wear the hoodie.

I'm the exact opposite of that. I only ever wear my Law hoodie at actual Law society events, you'll very rarely see me wearing it around uni, and never if I was going anywhere else. I personally am in the position that when most people who aren't at uni ask me what I study I say something rather than law because I feel slightly uncomfortable about it. Smugness? I think not.

Why would anyone wear a blue t-shirt when they could wear a green one. It's a petty petty point you're trying to make.

I'm at Edinburgh, the lawsoc there is also good fun and I'll take part in some of the events but me and my mates wouldn't dream of getting a hoodie, its the gimps who do.

In fairness to you, you only wear it at lawsoc events which is almost acceptable (but still not really).

Asking a blue or green t shirts is silly, you know exactly what I mean.

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I'm at Edinburgh, the lawsoc there is also good fun and I'll take part in some of the events but me and my mates wouldn't dream of getting a hoodie, its the gimps who do.

In fairness to you, you only wear it at lawsoc events which is almost acceptable (but still not really).

Asking a blue or green t shirts is silly, you know exactly what I mean.

Fair enough. It's basically only the first years that wear the hoodies. The only reason I wear a hoodie anyway is that I'm in the committee for it, and it makes sense to wear it at events so folk know who you are, makes you more approachable and that.

Still, the hoodies this year are quite smart, and are popular. In previous years, when they've been shite only the gimps have worn them. I don't think that people that wear them this year round uni are twats or are trying to show off, which was the point of this petty argument in the first place. I know there are plenty of gimps who do law.

Edited by Mitch_ECFC
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Not me, but if you gave me five guesses I'd get there. GUSSC is utter class though. Definitely worth going along to a social, or if you can stretch to it a full ski trip.

I would have, but my only experience of skiing was hideously awful, I'm just too much of a wimp really :(

I'm in the same boat. I can see why people think its pretentious/posh or whatever to wear one, but if you're just wearing it around uni I can't see the problem. And to say that anyone who wears one is a twat is just total ignorance.

Don't get me wrong, many people wear them for completely knobbish reasons, but like any other hoodie people wear them because they're comfy, because they're proud of the uni/society. Hell, if there was a society hoodie for something I was really into I would probably wear it.

Right. Beer Bar. How is next Wednesday evening?

I'm in, my diary for Wednesday is completely blank. B)

Might head to the comedy night as well the night before.

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Where is this?

GU Debates chamber, Dan Nightingale and Joe Wilkinson, whoever they are, been told that the guys the comedy network send are usually very good.

9pm, £3 for entry (£4 to non member)

Kevin, people have always gone to kid-on unis, as far as I know UWS still is.

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GU Debates chamber, Dan Nightingale and Joe Wilkinson, whoever they are, been told that the guys the comedy network send are usually very good.

9pm, £3 for entry (£4 to non member)

Kevin, people have always gone to kid-on unis, as far as I know UWS still is.

Members of what?

Anyway, I might decide go, who is you are going with?

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I'd have to agree that Glasgow has signficantly less posh c**ts than St Andrews or Edinburgh. In fact those who do go to Glasgow are mainly the poor posh c**nts, the academically weak posh c**nts, or "Diet Posh C**nts" :rolleyes: IMO.

Don't understand the hoodie thing... at Edinburgh, huge numbers of people wear hoodies or jackets from their own favoured society (or even course/sports club). In fact PE (and related subjects) students seem to be majoritavely kitted out in university-branded gear :huh: ... Plus every 3rd fresher seems to be wearing their school leavers hoodie.

EDIT: I'd have to say that if wearing a society hoodie is enough to not get ID'd for entry to your union: security is lax!!

EDIT AGAIN: And I've personally owned: Football Supporter's Club, EUSA Societies Executive, EUSA Union Board, First Year Halls, FW Volunteer, Politics Society and History Society hoodies/jumpers/T-Shirts during my 5 years B) :ph34r::lol: .

Due to the large number of practical lessons and also the fact that the complusory kit cost over £500, wearing the PE kit seemed most practical. (Pun intended).

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Anyway - Beer bar meeting, I will be about next week from Tuesday (maybe earlier) so I'm up for a pint or 5, especially since I will be lecture-less B)

Jesus, you're old enough to drink now?!

I still remember you as the annoying wee 14 year old attention seeker that we all knew and loved.

Funny where the years go.

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Due to the large number of practical lessons and also the fact that the complusory kit cost over £500, wearing the PE kit seemed most practical. (Pun intended).

Fair doos. £500+ compulsory kit? You should submit that info to the "Hidden Course Costs" campaign.

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Jesus, you're old enough to drink now?!

I still remember you as the annoying wee 14 year old attention seeker that we all knew and loved.

Funny where the years go.

Don't worry, there are some new little Clyde supporting fuds that took my place. I do apoligize for my over exuberant* cringeworthy juvenile bawbaggery of those days.

*no pun intended

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Don't worry, there are some new little Clyde supporting fuds that took my place. I do apoligize for my over exuberant* cringeworthy juvenile bawbaggery of those days.

*no pun intended


I have ACTUALLY immortalised that word in P&B memory.

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