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How are you going to approach it (out of interest)? I guess a lot of their objectives were met, but not because of anything they actually did! I seem to recall our History teacher telling us that Queen Victoria signed the Chartist's petition about 20 times...

I think I'm just going to start rambling and see where it takes me, but it's certainly not going to be too kind to the Chartists - as you say, they achieved pretty much bugger all in the grand scheme of things.

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Despite a natural interest in history the subject is taught and assessed so poorly I will probably drop it next semester for something like criminology or sociology.

Yes, it really is that bad.

There is only so much you can take of Cluny and Hildegard of Bingen.

But according to Exuberant: Glasgow = brilliant for everything...

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Despite a natural interest in history the subject is taught and assessed so poorly I will probably drop it next semester for something like criminology or sociology.

Yes, it really is that bad.

There is only so much you can take of Cluny and Hildegard of Bingen.

It isn't that bad that you want to take sociology. Trust me, do not put yourself through that ;)

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I've done a bit more digging into Stirling University's Honours Classification and I'm actually completely bemused.

Whereas other Universities have a system where 70%+ = 1st, 60%+ = 2:1, 50%+ = 2:2 and 40% + = Third, Stirling appears to completely contradict this.

The grading system works as follows:

1A, 1B, 1C - First

2A, 2B, 2C - 2:1

2D, 2E, 2F - 2:2

3A, 3B, 3C - 3rd

But in an email I've had from last semester it suggests that 2C is 70%.

What's more their bloody website is down :angry: so I can't have a shoofty around the Ruffell Algorithm thing they use :angry:

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Isn't it that you only need 40% of the total mark to get a pass? Obviously you won't exactly be hitting honours with that...

No, believe it or not about 40% counts as a third-class Honours degree in most British Universities.

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Ive pretty much dingied the studying. Really cannae go it the now. Hopefully I can still scrape it. Good luck tomorrow anyway the ones that are doing Management.

Same to you.

I've managed a 2A from the project, so it shouldn't take a massive amount of effort to pass.

I've actually done more preparation for this than any other exam ever, purely because of the fact that I read the first half of the book that Friedman's Flattening Forces come from (The World Is Flat).

It's actually pretty interesting, if you're a boring b*****d like me, and if I hadn't only found it yesterday I would've liked to have read the whole thing before this exam.

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Aircraft Structures and Materials 5 tomorrow at half 9 :(

Worst course I have ever done at Uni, with a poor lecturer, shocking quality of notes, absolutely no examples and no indication what is in exam.

The only two past papers are the excact same and I can do them; any deviation from that and I, and I suspect/hope everyone else, will fail spectacularly

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Aircraft Structures and Materials 5 tomorrow at half 9 :(

Worst course I have ever done at Uni, with a poor lecturer, shocking quality of notes, absolutely no examples and no indication what is in exam.

The only two past papers are the excact same and I can do them; any deviation from that and I, and I suspect/hope everyone else, will fail spectacularly

Metal, glass and wheels.

There are two wings, a cockpit and some seats.

Nothing difficult about that ;)

I have Finance tomorrow morning at 9. I'm pretty hacked off with myself as I made an arse of the project (worth 25% of the grade) by misunderstanding the question, which means instead of a 1 banding I'll be lucky with a 2. The exam's worth 75%.

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Well Saturday's exam was just rewritten past paper questions with some different numbers so should have aced it, and that coupled with 20% FAE Assignment I should be able to get an A; even accounting for the lecturer's random markings.

Last late night library session finished just there and feeling quite confident about Flight Dynamics 4 on Tuesday; could easily have got an A if I started studying a bit earlier but will accept a B if it's coming.

Cannot wait for these to be over

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Mechanics and Game Theory at 2pm this afternoon.

I've done pretty well in the module so far - 21/30 for a class test and 23/30 for a project gives me 11.66% and 12.77% of my grade so far respectively.

A decent performance in the exam (should do alright as I'm getting between 90 and 100 out of 120 in the past paper) could see me getting a high 2, possibly a 1 (I could calculate it better if Stirling weren't so bloody secretive about their grading systems).

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Ive pretty much dingied the studying. Really cannae go it the now. Hopefully I can still scrape it. Good luck tomorrow anyway the ones that are doing Management.

How did you lot find the exam then?

I wrote a belter (I think) of an essay on Globalisation, fired out a detailed analysis on five of Friedman's flattening forces.

The other essay I did was the Operations one, which was 80% Yield and 20% JIT. I did the Just in Time bit first, and then ended up just scribbling down everything I could remember about Yield in the last half hour.

Combined with my marks from the project, I should have done enough to pass well-ish.

Leisure Management tomorrow, though. *sigh*

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