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Who's Going To Uni?

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Eh, I don't think so. As someone who has 14-16 hours of classes in any given week in addition to the likely 20-30 hours a week in the library, you can get yourself out of bed for 9am on Tuesday to Thursday, you lazy Arts student.

You underestimate how much I don't want to go to those lectures, money, positive reputation points can all be yours and for no extra effort! I say this with the utmost sincerity, I would help you out if the positions were switched.

I don't think I'm doing Arts :unsure:.

Get a job and stop sponging off the grants system, you lazy student.

Whilst you were surplus to requirements at your *erm* paper route I was scrubbing toilets in a Glasgow Youth Hostel. I've seen the ugly face of work and I'm not going back, I just value my free time too much.

Edited by Supras
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You underestimate how much I don't want to go to those lectures, money, positive reputation points can all be yours and for no extra effort! I say this with the utmost sincerity, I would help you out if the positions were switched.

I don't think I'm doing Arts :unsure:.

Get a good work ethic for the future. I'm coercing you into doing the bare minimum. How very dare I! :P

Actually, to be fair, you're right now that you've dropped History. More "Social Sciences" now... meh.

Whilst you were surplus to requirements at your *erm* paper route I was scrubbing toilets in a Glasgow Youth Hostel. I've seen the ugly face of work and I'm not going back, I just value my free time too much.

Merely a suggestion at how to use your time. It is frankly disgracefully lazy for students to try to work fewer than 20 hours a week when in the big bad real world people typically work around twice that.

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What do the Stirling lads think of the new library? It's nae too shabby but they have a shortage in computers. Mind you, ideal if you just wanna take your laptop in and head up the stairs.

Do you need to have CampusNet on your laptop, or do you just need to bash in a WiFi password?

With absolute honesty, in just over 2 years at Uni, I've been in the library for a combined total of about 20 minutes, over 4 or 5 visits.

My grades are poor.

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In fairness, doing 40 hours every week in second year us a bit extreme. I won't even do that much when it's coming up for exams.

Correct. Frankly, first and second year count for very little. You just need to pass in order to get to the real stuff.

Unless, of course, we misunderstand his reasons for spending so much time in the library. It's entirely possible he's struggling and so needs to spend every waking moment trying in vain to understand things.

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In fairness, doing 40 hours every week in second year us a bit extreme. I won't even do that much when it's coming up for exams.

If I weren't doing Law, I'd agree with you entirely. Last year I did √SFA for Politics, but particularly by Semester 2 I was easily spending 20 hours in the library. Admittedly, not all of it was spent productively, but I'd say at least 15 hours of it were spend solidly reading up cases, relevant chapters, completing 8-10 hours work for 3-4 hours of seminars, or writing essays.

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Correct. Frankly, first and second year count for very little. You just need to pass in order to get to the real stuff.

Unless, of course, we misunderstand his reasons for spending so much time in the library. It's entirely possible he's struggling and so needs to spend every waking moment trying in vain to understand things.

Not true if you want to get onto the Law Diploma. Most pre-requisite subjects covered in first and second year and merely "passing" isn't sufficient.

Edited by Ad Lib
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If he wants to work hard to get ahead, then what is the problem? Its no different from a Computing Student having a couple wee side projects on the go (say, designing a website, working on his own code). In an age of people scraping minimum passes and trying to do as little as possible, its nice to see someone actually put some effort in.

Yes. I am teaching classes again this semester, ten hours of them!

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I have to say, its a tragic snapshot of our society where we insult people for having the temerity to work hard.



First embarrassing library laugh of the new term.

Get a good work ethic for the future. I'm coercing you into doing the bare minimum. How very dare I! :P

Actually, to be fair, you're right now that you've dropped History. More "Social Sciences" now... meh.

The bare minimum is attending tutorials. Plus I've already promised the notes to other people, they're going to break my thumbs! It wouldn't surprise me if you are the only Scottish student* turning up to the lecture and writing notes that gradually circulate around the rest of the class.

It's business school, which is very highly rated I'll have you know. Recent surveys indicate of Glasgow business graduates only 2% were seeking employment or training and 78% were in full employment. But still no cheese and wine events :(.

*Foreign students pay to study here and it shows in their workload.

Merely a suggestion at how to use your time. It is frankly disgracefully lazy for students to try to work fewer than 20 hours a week when in the big bad real world people typically work around twice that.

Be fair, I'm in for 4 hours on Wednesdays <_<.

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If he wants to work hard to get ahead, then what is the problem? Its no different from a Computing Student having a couple wee side projects on the go (say, designing a website, working on his own code). In an age of people scraping minimum passes and trying to do as little as possible, its nice to see someone actually put some effort in.

Yes. I am teaching classes again this semester, ten hours of them!

But come on, 30 hours a week in the library? That's over 4 hours a day, assuming he's including weekends.

That's a tad excessive for 2nd year.

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But come on, 30 hours a week in the library? That's over 4 hours a day, assuming he's including weekends.

That's a tad excessive for 2nd year.

If you knew what he was going home to you'd understand...

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If he wants to work hard to get ahead, then what is the problem? Its no different from a Computing Student having a couple wee side projects on the go (say, designing a website, working on his own code). In an age of people scraping minimum passes and trying to do as little as possible, its nice to see someone actually put some effort in.

Yes. I am teaching classes again this semester, ten hours of them!

Didn't you read my previous reply? Working hard is gay.

Consider yourself taught, 'teacher'.

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But come on, 30 hours a week in the library? That's over 4 hours a day, assuming he's including weekends.

That's a tad excessive for 2nd year.

I suspect there may be some exaggeration, and I wouldn't expect it to be every week, or maybe he's a slow reader. Not an insult btw, some people just read faster than others! I'd call it excessive, but if thats what he wants to do then so be it. If I was to break up my undergrad years for (say) second year and not include timetabled time, then you have

Computing, 2 Tutorials a week, so maybe 2 hours preparation for each. An hour and a bit before to work through the questions, and then a bit of time afterwards to ensure I understood. Then you had 4 labs a week (I can't remember the exact number for each course), so then an extra 2 hours, half an hour for each one, to make sure I was finished and happy with them. Then you had maths, which had weekly "homework", which was fucking difficult, so 4 hours for that! So thats 10 hours, and I wasn't really that hard a worker. During assignment time it went absolutely mental, with all nighters and long shifts, where 30 hours would be relatively normal for our class.

So sure, his numbers are high, but they aren't exactly off the scale. I did a history course in first year, and so, so much time was spent reading stuff.

Anyway, considering the PhD related tantrum you threw a few months back in response to some light hearted ribbing, I think you're the LAST person who should be commenting!

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