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Who's Going To Uni?

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Edinburgh. Me and him nearly had a major falling out over it but I eventually just dropped it.

Why did you fall out with him?

There was lots of people at my uni that applied for it. It the became really hard to get it. So people were making up ridiculous stories. One guy said his mum and dad were really ill and couldn't work. Ridiculous

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I've been off Uni for a week now to do training for my job and won't be back for another week. I've done f**k all in the way of reading/listening to lectures and I just found out today I've missed the deadline for a History document report by about 5 days, and it's worth 25% of my overall grade.

Stupid b*****d.

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I've been off Uni for a week now to do training for my job and won't be back for another week. I've done f**k all in the way of reading/listening to lectures and I just found out today I've missed the deadline for a History document report by about 5 days, and it's worth 25% of my overall grade.

Stupid b*****d.

Speak to your tutor and explain why you missed it. He might say its tough shit but he might not and it's worth it to get your marks in full. Good luck

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Why did you fall out with him?

There was lots of people at my uni that applied for it. It the became really hard to get it. So people were making up ridiculous stories. One guy said his mum and dad were really ill and couldn't work. Ridiculous

His parents pay his rent and he took a minimum loan because he had over seven grand savings. Halfway through the year he decided that he fancied some free money so moved his savings to his Dad's account and closed his saving account. He was left with only about £500 in a account so claimed that he couldn't pay the rent. He got a grand hardship and then transferred his saving back and booked flights and a holiday in Thailand for summer off it.

He's a middle-class English guy and has plenty dosh. Me and my other flatmates take full loans to get by so we showed our disgust at him. He just seemed really smug with himself that he'd screwed the system and didn't couldn't get why we found it immoral.

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Speak to your tutor and explain why you missed it. He might say its tough shit but he might not and it's worth it to get your marks in full. Good luck

He'd almost certainly tell me to sling my hook. He wasn't best pleased at me missing 2 weeks of teaching in the 1st place so I'll just have to work my arse off when I get back and hope for the best.
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His parents pay his rent and he took a minimum loan because he had over seven grand savings. Halfway through the year he decided that he fancied some free money so moved his savings to his Dad's account and closed his saving account. He was left with only about £500 in a account so claimed that he couldn't pay the rent. He got a grand hardship and then transferred his saving back and booked flights and a holiday in Thailand for summer off it.

He's a middle-class English guy and has plenty dosh. Me and my other flatmates take full loans to get by so we showed our disgust at him. He just seemed really smug with himself that he'd screwed the system and didn't couldn't get why we found it immoral.

Sounds like a dick. But fair play to him really

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Never got hardship money but I succesfully applied for travel expenses despite living about 10 minutes away.

Think the hypothetical journey involved leaving my flat and walking the complete opposite direction to St George's Cross, then catching the tube to Buchanan St. My journeys home were strictly at peak times as well.


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Finding uni a bit daunting so far, if truth be told. I'm studying maths (which isn't too bad so far). However, the main problem is in one of my 2 secondary subjects. I (stupidly, probably) chose computer programming despite having no previous experience at school of it, although the course entry did no ask for any prerequisites and said it was open to those with no prior experience. Its like a completely different language to me already and its only a few weeks in, f*** :( Also, I'm at edinburgh

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I too have the arduous task of applying for Grad Schemes...I did it to good effect with internships and landed myself a cracker in London...but Grad jobs are so crucial, feel nervous just typing the application!

Also applying for Postgrads as you can't rely on any employer right now even though my CV is in banging shape. Tough market for us lads, best of luck to you all in applying!

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Sounds like a dick. But fair play to him really

No, not fair play to him really. Blatant fraud taking money away from those that need it. A student I know got hit with a whole load of unexpected circumstances in one go, and as a result, couldn't cover their rent for a couple of months. He got hardship funding to cover that, which is what it should be for, not so that some rich kid can fiddle the system.

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My college mucked up sending my results to the uni, which in turn resulted in me not getting enrolled into the course until 2 weeks after it had started :thumbsdown(the module I picked was computer programming which i'm finding ok as I did similar stuff at school) . I didn't have a clue what I was meant to sign up for, but eventually got it sorted :thumsup2

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Readings are brutal for me this year. I've got about 20 books assigned as essential reading and that's just for my first semester alone. I picked comparative literature as my third subject purely because I thought it would be just like an easy version of English Lit which I'm also doing, and because it gave me a handy timetable, but completely underestimated the reading I'd have to do. A good few of my mates from first year have fucked off, and all three of my tutorials are packed with the usual GU hipster bores. On the plus side I've got a big fuckoff loan and I can buy lots of booze.

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Finding uni a bit daunting so far, if truth be told. I'm studying maths (which isn't too bad so far). However, the main problem is in one of my 2 secondary subjects. I (stupidly, probably) chose computer programming despite having no previous experience at school of it, although the course entry did no ask for any prerequisites and said it was open to those with no prior experience. Its like a completely different language to me already and its only a few weeks in, f*** :( Also, I'm at edinburgh

Just try scrape through it and next time make sure you pick an easy course like something from the business school or since your doing maths go for something like physics or astronomy. The programming courses are supposed to be really hard because Edinburgh is apparently number one in the UK for it.

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Finding uni a bit daunting so far, if truth be told. I'm studying maths (which isn't too bad so far). However, the main problem is in one of my 2 secondary subjects. I (stupidly, probably) chose computer programming despite having no previous experience at school of it, although the course entry did no ask for any prerequisites and said it was open to those with no prior experience. Its like a completely different language to me already and its only a few weeks in, f***  :(  Also, I'm at edinburgh 

I had a very similar thing with a f****** programme called MatLab. All you need to do is these secondary subjects is scrape a pass for the credits though. My other one was geography which probably involved more work than everything else combined due to essays on topics which scramble for relevance.

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Just try scrape through it and next time make sure you pick an easy course... go for something like physics or astronomy.

Exactly what I did later on. Far more interesting so you don't mind doing the work for it so much.

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