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Was speaking to a boy in 2nd year at Edinburgh now and he was telling me the best thing about the place is the washing machines phoning your room when the cycle is done. Is this fact or bullshite? Would be a major pulling factor if it was true. laugh.gif

Thing about Edinburgh as well, is it not spread out a bit? I think the main campus is a good walk from Waverly Station (don't know where the Engineering campus is though) then the accomodation at Pollock is another good walk. Heard there's good gyms and that though, would be using them and would hope to get into one of the football teams.

I'm not familiar with Edinburgh but if it's them steps I'm thinking of then they are a nightmare. laugh.gif

30-35 minutes, jesus.

Is all the self catered accommodation outside of Pollock or can you still get it there? I don't fancy the catering, always hated school dinner type spaghetti bolognaise and that but would like to be at Pollock.

I'm in 2nd year at Edinburgh doing Civil Engineering. In first year (for all engineering students) all your subjects (unless the outside subject you chose is at Kings) are at the central area. For second year onwards as far as I'm aware all the engineering is at kings, all the civil is anyway. There is much cheaper self catered accomodation other than Pollock spread throughout the city. Pollock is mostly catered.

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Walked up them every day for 2 years. The biggest problem was a Monday morning when there was still large amounts of fluids from the weekend. You name it, it was there somewhere.

It wasn't just a Monday morning! Those steps constantly smell of tramp's piss and are frequently positively dripping with the stuff. I have seen some strange things happen on those steps.

Edited by Enigma
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Got my Politics tutorial and essay grades back. Got an A1 for tutorial and an A3 for the essay. A quick Excel table says that if I manage to average B2 in the exam I've managed to get an A, and that I have got as low as a D1 and still get a B3.

Downside is I'll have to start re-revising for my cancelled Law exams soon and I've got an essay on Trusts for mid January I haven't even looked at.

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Got my Politics tutorial and essay grades back. Got an A1 for tutorial and an A3 for the essay. A quick Excel table says that if I manage to average B2 in the exam I've managed to get an A, and that I have got as low as a D1 and still get a B3.

Downside is I'll have to start re-revising for my cancelled Law exams soon and I've got an essay on Trusts for mid January I haven't even looked at.

Why are you using a twattish grading system, can't you count?

What's wrong with saying you got 70, or 92%

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I'm not a member of the gym this semester but I was last year, the facilities there are really good but then every university has facilities like that as far as I know. I was a member last year and will definitely be joining next semester. There's plenty of football teams in the intra-mural that you can join but again I don't play in that.

From my experience of university sport Edinburgh has much better sports/gym facilities than the vast majority of other unis. The only place I've been that came close was the sports park in UEA.

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Was speaking to a boy in 2nd year at Edinburgh now and he was telling me the best thing about the place is the washing machines phoning your room when the cycle is done. Is this fact or bullshite? Would be a major pulling factor if it was true. :lol:

Thing about Edinburgh as well, is it not spread out a bit? I think the main campus is a good walk from Waverly Station (don't know where the Engineering campus is though) then the accomodation at Pollock is another good walk. Heard there's good gyms and that though, would be using them and would hope to get into one of the football teams.

If you can stand being out of the centre in first year, Heriot Watt has a really good mechanical engineering school.

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Got my Politics tutorial and essay grades back. Got an A1 for tutorial and an A3 for the essay. A quick Excel table says that if I manage to average B2 in the exam I've managed to get an A, and that I have got as low as a D1 and still get a B3.

Downside is I'll have to start re-revising for my cancelled Law exams soon and I've got an essay on Trusts for mid January I haven't even looked at.

Your post inspired me to check what I need to get to ensure a first in my degree.

I need 164 points this year from 12 courses, and an average of 13.67. This is on a scale from 1-22 where 22 is an A1. So I make it that I have to average B3 and above this year to make sure I get a first.

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Why are you using a twattish grading system, can't you count?

What's wrong with saying you got 70, or 92%

Because I didn't get a percentage. At absolutely no point in Glasgow for either Politics or Law does a percentage come into grading except for weighting elements of a course (e.g. Politics 2A Tutorial grade is 10%, Essay is 30% and Exam is 60%).

Because they don't tell us that. I'm not sure why it's particularly important.

Exactly. We get a GRADE for things.

If you want to try to convert their 22 point scale into a % grade (which they insist you don't because it's grossly misleading) then I got 100% for the tutorial, 91% for the essay and need 73% in the exam I sat on the 13th to be sure of an A grade, which is 82% and above. Happy?

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Your post inspired me to check what I need to get to ensure a first in my degree.

I need 164 points this year from 12 courses, and an average of 13.67. This is on a scale from 1-22 where 22 is an A1. So I make it that I have to average B3 and above this year to make sure I get a first.

I have no idea how they work out the honours award for a Law joint honours degree. Suppose I'll find out next year. All I know is the School of Law hand out First Class honours to under 4% of graduates and are continuing to receive a ticking off from the Senate for being too draconian.

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Walked up them every day for 2 years. The biggest problem was a Monday morning when there was still large amounts of fluids from the weekend. You name it, it was there somewhere.


Because I didn't get a percentage. At absolutely no point in Glasgow for either Politics or Law does a percentage come into grading except for weighting elements of a course (e.g. Politics 2A Tutorial grade is 10%, Essay is 30% and Exam is 60%).

Exactly. We get a GRADE for things.

If you want to try to convert their 22 point scale into a % grade (which they insist you don't because it's grossly misleading) then I got 100% for the tutorial, 91% for the essay and need 73% in the exam I sat on the 13th to be sure of an A grade, which is 82% and above. Happy?

How did you find out your politics (second?) essay grade?

The e-mail I got said come up to the office for collection by midday tomorrow, and that's not going to happen. Is there another way to find out your grade.

Haven't worked out my tutorial grade either, 18 out 22 is good enough for me.

But after meeting with my business lecturer and him assuring me that he is not going to change my coursework grade, he is totally happy with what he has done, he then sends me an email saying he is bumping it up two grades. Kinda loses his credibility, but I'm happy.

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How did you find out your politics (second?) essay grade?

The e-mail I got said come up to the office for collection by midday tomorrow, and that's not going to happen. Is there another way to find out your grade.

I emailed back explaining I was over 100 miles away and wouldn't be back at the Uni until the next semester and asked if they could venture my grade. They obliged and wished me Merry Christmas.

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I emailed back explaining I was over 100 miles away and wouldn't be back at the Uni until the next semester and asked if they could venture my grade. They obliged and wished me Merry Christmas.

Good call, B1.

Pretty happy, if you look back a few pages I thought it was totally shit.

Last year I was getting Cs for my essays and so far this year I've had two B1s Forget writing something worth reading, just fucking repeat the question and insert a few pieces of questionable analysis you got from Wikipedia and you're sorted.

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I have no idea how they work out the honours award for a Law joint honours degree. Suppose I'll find out next year. All I know is the School of Law hand out First Class honours to under 4% of graduates and are continuing to receive a ticking off from the Senate for being too draconian.

Ours is just done on a points scale, with A1 being 22 points, A2 being 21 points, ...

You need to average 18 points over all of your courses from the two years to get a First Class degree.

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Ours is just done on a points scale, with A1 being 22 points, A2 being 21 points, ...

You need to average 18 points over all of your courses from the two years to get a First Class degree.

I think it's fiddled about a bit for non-science subjects. Not all subjects are carried forward for Honours classification.

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Ours is just done on a points scale, with A1 being 22 points, A2 being 21 points, ...

You need to average 18 points over all of your courses from the two years to get a First Class degree.

Or 70% at every other university, that system is just such a load of w**k! :lol:

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Or 70% at every other university, that system is just such a load of w**k! :lol:

Ours is also done on a grading system, to grade is 1A**, then 1A*, then 1A. Then 1B and 1C. You get 2A - 2F for second class, 3A- 3C for third ,and even the fails are split into 4A - 4C and 5A - 5C. If anything, it sounds so far like your uni is the odd one out, as you need your mark in as simple and idiot proof a style as possible! :P

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