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Decisions, decisions what spatial science essay to 'choose'. :(

1. Explain why many human geographers wished to abandon spatial science's treatment of human beings as little more than dots on a map, numbers in tables or 'rational economic men'.

2. Critically assess spatial science's concern with uncovering fundamental spatial laws, whether dealing with human beings or natural objects.

3. 'Sums, sums and more sums!' Critically discuss the contention that spatial science was only about quantification.

Basically as part of my geography tutorials i have to pick one of these essays, do it, which will then be peer reviewed. Worst of all, i don't really care for spatial science, with me concentrating my degree on the physical stuff. So i'll let everyone else decide.

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Guest Garibaldi
ffs its only 1500 words. get on your uni lib website, use your athens password (you DO have one of those surely) and use the journal database for sociology to search for "social construction" "Gender" surely. 5 minutes work, 1450 words. easy.

edit: dont forget your athens password but something like this will get you your 1450 words

Aren't you a clever one, cheers for this. I've never used Athens as nobody really explained what it is, and I never thought to find out. I can't get on at the moment, but tonight I'll read a bit about gender, make a plan of what exactly is going in the essay, then tommorow I've got between 9 and 3 in the library (plenty of time) to blitz out the essay and find quotes to back up my points.


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it sounds like a nightmare. for a start, what's to stop someone/the others saying in their 1000 words, "dunc did f**k all" or academic speak for the same.

the whole being a man down but having the same work is a right shitey situation. Has this been brought to the bloke running the thing's attention?

Pre-Honours group work is now being discouraged in CoHSS at Edinburgh at for this very reason.

Either you get some people putting in loads of work, and someone else never turning up but still getting the mark / or you get people saying 'X did nowt' when they did. Or worse - both happen.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I've now found out that there are "Group Peer Assessments".

Essentially, I get 2 points to divide amongst the other two folk in the group. I think I'll probably go to about 1.25 to the other guy, and about 0.75 to the girl, because he's been to more of the tutorials, and has been e-mailing me about the work, and I've been doing the same. She has a much bigger workload for her other classes though, so I don't want to just say she's not done anything, because she has.

There's every possibility that the two of them could collude and give each other 2s and me 0. They won't, of course, but you can see how it can easily be skewed.

Group work doesn't work.

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I just read the emails. Cannae fault that lecturer. Annoying accent but he tells you exactly what you need to do. 1000 words for a reflective piece will be quite hard.

This doesn't have anything to do with uni, but I can remember you saying you get the train from Croy.

Every morning about 20 people pile off the train at Croy about say 10 past 8, wearing bright red polo shirts. They come back on the train about 10 past 5 and get off at Central like I do.

What are they? Is there a school in Croy that wears red polo shirts, or are they young offenders? They look rough, so I'll go for the second.

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I just read the emails. Cannae fault that lecturer. Annoying accent but he tells you exactly what you need to do. 1000 words for a reflective piece will be quite hard.

Aye, I sent him a couple of e-mails earlier basically about the issues I mentioned in this thread, and he replied as quickly as can be expected, properly explaining a few things. He was saying that although it's not ideal to have groups of 3 and 4, there isn't a massive advantage to either, because it's harder to coordinate between 4, and harder to make it seem like one complete report, rather than just 4 separate ones. If the reports come in and the groups of 4 are scoring higher than the groups of 3, then he'll take another look at it and maybe take some action.

He's a stand-up bloke, even if he is Welsh.

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This doesn't have anything to do with uni, but I can remember you saying you get the train from Croy.

Every morning about 20 people pile off the train at Croy about say 10 past 8, wearing bright red polo shirts. They come back on the train about 10 past 5 and get off at Central like I do.

What are they? Is there a school in Croy that wears red polo shirts, or are they young offenders? They look rough, so I'll go for the second.

It could go either way when it comes to Crojans anyway tbh lol. I'm not sure about them . Theres only the one school in Croy and its a primary. Although I think they do wear red polo shirts.

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It could go either way when it comes to Crojans anyway tbh lol. I'm not sure about them . Theres only the one school in Croy and its a primary. Although I think they do wear red polo shirts.

They're aged about 16-20.

I'm going to have to investigate further.

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This doesn't have anything to do with uni, but I can remember you saying you get the train from Croy.

Every morning about 20 people pile off the train at Croy about say 10 past 8, wearing bright red polo shirts. They come back on the train about 10 past 5 and get off at Central like I do.

What are they? Is there a school in Croy that wears red polo shirts, or are they young offenders? They look rough, so I'll go for the second.

I saw them a couple of months ago when I was through in Edinburgh visiting my girlfriend.

I think they had a logo of some sort on the polo shirts with something written underneath. I can't remember what it said though.

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Group work doesn't work.

We've started doing group projects this year for 3rd year Statistics, and I think our system works well.

We are allocated to a group, given a project to work on, and one of the group members has to present it to the rest of the class. We are put into different groups each time, and every class member has to present once through the year.

After the presentation, we receive feedback, and then go away and each member of the group has to hand in their own report. It is these reports which we are marked on.

This means that you get some experience of group work - which I think is important because it will be something you need in the workplace - but you don't run the risk of your grade being affected by having some complete moron in your group.

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For example, the assignment has four distinct areas, and all of the tutorials except mine and one other are split into groups of four. Because there's only three of us, we have to try and work out who's going to do this other section, whilst also doing the work on our own one.

Aye but you don't need to talk about these 4 areas in the same amount of depth. I've done the history for our company and the other 2 boys are doing PEST factors and linking some of the areas covered in the tutorials. Agree on yer point that people in groups of 3 may get a slightly lower grade. Hopefully they calculate it so this isn't the case.

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We've started doing group projects this year for 3rd year Statistics, and I think our system works well.

We are allocated to a group, given a project to work on, and one of the group members has to present it to the rest of the class. We are put into different groups each time, and every class member has to present once through the year.

After the presentation, we receive feedback, and then go away and each member of the group has to hand in their own report. It is these reports which we are marked on.

This means that you get some experience of group work - which I think is important because it will be something you need in the workplace - but you don't run the risk of your grade being affected by having some complete moron in your group.

It can work very well in honours, where people have learnt a degree of professionalism and feel a pressure (and desire) to contribute to the broader good - and of course gain credit themselves. At Edinburgh at least, it's a shambles in 1st and 2nd year, and frankly should be pared back because it's really unfair.

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It can work very well in honours, where people have learnt a degree of professionalism and feel a pressure (and desire) to contribute to the broader good - and of course gain credit themselves. At Edinburgh at least, it's a shambles in 1st and 2nd year, and frankly should be pared back because it's really unfair.

Its the only way you'll learn! We only had group projects in third year, and it would have helped if we had any prior experience of running in groups. Therefore, for my first year tutorials, the students are expected to give a presentation, and the sheet mentions that you can also choose to work as a group. So I've ordered them all to work in groups, and have set up a competition with a prize for best speaker.

Its worked too, I found out that many of them met up and had a couple wee meetings where they worked on the presentations in sync, and I've tried to make the tutorials a place where they can get to know each other.

Some of them may think I'm a slightly cruel tutor, but they'll thank me one day! :D

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I've now found out that there are "Group Peer Assessments".

Essentially, I get 2 points to divide amongst the other two folk in the group. I think I'll probably go to about 1.25 to the other guy, and about 0.75 to the girl, because he's been to more of the tutorials, and has been e-mailing me about the work, and I've been doing the same. She has a much bigger workload for her other classes though, so I don't want to just say she's not done anything, because she has.

There's every possibility that the two of them could collude and give each other 2s and me 0. They won't, of course, but you can see how it can easily be skewed.

Group work doesn't work.

How hot is she?

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