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11 hours ago, Phantoms Livi Lass said:

If you use a lure do you need to stay in the same place or can you walk about? How long does it last and is it better than incense or much the same? I've got lucky eggs too so don't know which works the best or if you need to stay still while they are on? Cheers.

I'm possitive if you use a lure you will assign it to a pokèstop which will draw pokèmon to that stop, so it is best to stay around the lure.

Lures and Incense both lasts 30mins and Incense you usually move about when active as they spawn pokèmon more frequent.

As for lucky eggs I have found the best time to use them is when you have 10+ evolves ready to go as you get tons of douple xp, I usually equip them next to 2/3 pokèstops that are all close by and if I stand in the middle of the stops I can activate them all. I then lure all the stops so whilst evolving my pokèmon, there are also frequent pokèmon coming to you to capture which is giving you tons of xp.

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i'll need to test this further when im out today, but either something really coincidental happened this morning or i found a nice wee trick

the 3 step thing is glitched obviously, however this morning at the shops an abra came up, so i selected it as i was gonna focus my map on that rather than the crap on it as well, the very next pokemon that spawned in my area was an abra, i thought that was just a bit of luck, so walking home a shelder appeared, again i tried to focus on that, the very next pokemon again to spawn was a shelder, now given i live in a rattata and pidgey infested area i was very shocked,

so right before i went into my house i tried it with a ghastly, focus my 3 step radar on that, and a ghastly appeared, no pidgey's, no rats, no zubats, just a ghastly, today im gonna test this further but it could be a way of almost picking the pokemon you want in the near area

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Seething. Evolved a Pidgey a week or so ago and had been occasionally powering up the Pidgeotto to evolve when I could. Got a Pidgey this morning that meant once I transferred it for the extra candy I could get Pidgeot. Completely forgetting what it was I was doing, instead of evolving the Pidgeotto, I transferred that as well. What a fanny.

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1 hour ago, 53_and_counting said:

i'll need to test this further when im out today, but either something really coincidental happened this morning or i found a nice wee trick

the 3 step thing is glitched obviously, however this morning at the shops an abra came up, so i selected it as i was gonna focus my map on that rather than the crap on it as well, the very next pokemon that spawned in my area was an abra, i thought that was just a bit of luck, so walking home a shelder appeared, again i tried to focus on that, the very next pokemon again to spawn was a shelder, now given i live in a rattata and pidgey infested area i was very shocked,

so right before i went into my house i tried it with a ghastly, focus my 3 step radar on that, and a ghastly appeared, no pidgey's, no rats, no zubats, just a ghastly, today im gonna test this further but it could be a way of almost picking the pokemon you want in the near area

I think that's just really lucky. When you focus on a pokémon in your nearby, you do it so that you can out which direction it's in (if you turn your phone so that your avatar turns on the map, when he's facing in the direction of the focused pokémon, a little green pulse, for lack of a better word, comes round the nearby box).

The 3 step bug is just that pokémon's true distance isn't showing up, but the pokémon should still be spread out between 0 and 300m like they would be if the nearby thing wasn't broken.

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I was at a wedding yesterday, seemed to me like the ideal opportunity to see what was hanging around in a different neck of the woods from where I normally mince around. Was sneakily trying to get some Poké action, under the table, in the cubicle, puffing ny vapouriser further round the corner.

Caught absolutely f**k all and after my girlfriend jailt me for the third time she told the full table about my loserish behaviour. Work colleagues and all sorts now know my secret.

Decided to now just embrace it and I feel like Caitlyn Jenner. Time for me to be the person I want to be, no more living a lie. It feels good.

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5 hours ago, BaSeDG0DSA1NT said:

I'm possitive if you use a lure you will assign it to a pokèstop which will draw pokèmon to that stop, so it is best to stay around the lure.

Lures and Incense both lasts 30mins and Incense you usually move about when active as they spawn pokèmon more frequent.

As for lucky eggs I have found the best time to use them is when you have 10+ evolves ready to go as you get tons of douple xp, I usually equip them next to 2/3 pokèstops that are all close by and if I stand in the middle of the stops I can activate them all. I then lure all the stops so whilst evolving my pokèmon, there are also frequent pokèmon coming to you to capture which is giving you tons of xp.

Cheers. I will be trying that.

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4 hours ago, forehead7 said:

I think that's just really lucky. When you focus on a pokémon in your nearby, you do it so that you can out which direction it's in (if you turn your phone so that your avatar turns on the map, when he's facing in the direction of the focused pokémon, a little green pulse, for lack of a better word, comes round the nearby box).

The 3 step bug is just that pokémon's true distance isn't showing up, but the pokémon should still be spread out between 0 and 300m like they would be if the nearby thing wasn't broken.

yeah seems like massive luck, managed to make it work another couple of times but it was for starter shite so again might have been pure luck,

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8 hours ago, Shtuggie said:
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Caught this bad boy - apparently pretty rare? 


Hope you had more than 2% when you had it in the ball, I'd have been stressing like f**k

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Got a doduo and a jigglypuff out of 5k eggs today, hadn't seen either before so pretty decent return.

Also won a gym battle for the first time with a fearow, though lost about 10 minutes later :(

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3 minutes ago, Lex said:

Got a doduo and a jigglypuff out of 5k eggs today, hadn't seen either before so pretty decent return.

Also won a gym battle for the first time with a fearow, though lost about 10 minutes later :(

taking gyms are a joke, if you find a gym next to housing then you pretty much have no chance of holding it unless the ones nearest to it are the same team, i took a gym one night and before i could heal my strongest pokemon to put it in the gym to defend it i had lost it again, utterly pointless, couldnt even collect the assigned defenders bonus from the shop

they really should change it so that a newly taken gym has a 5 hour window where it cant change hands, gives the holding team time to get more defenders in, nowadays i just look for gyms in my teams colour and attach my pokemon to them, still get the bonus and much better chance of holding your spot

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