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My Pokedex is now up to 91.

I am still getting absolutely annihalated against the Elite Four. It's always against Agatha. I can get through Lorelei and Bruno with no problems at all, but Agatha wipes me out as I have no Pokemon strong against her Ghost- and Poison-type (Gengar, Golbat, Haunter, Gengar, Arbok).

Anyone suggest a good Pokemon to level up to take on her team?

Sometimes I can mash my way through using my Lvl88 Venusaur but it leaves him with hardly any PP to take on Lance.

This is for LeafGreen by the way.

A strong electric pokemon with Thunder might be an idea.

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You can't buy Ethers :(

You can't?! Shit..

First attempt at the Pokémon League, got through all of the Elite Four with relative ease. Lance, just f**k off. Gyarados was no match for my Ampharos, but Dragonite destroyed everything in it's path.

Decided I'd spend my money (which is quickly running out) on some new TM's, and think about it more strategically. Taught Octillery Blizzard in place of Aurora Beam, so that should deal with Dragonite. Ampharos now has Iron Tail. Meganium now has Earthquake. I'm thinking about teaching Meganium Rest too, and attach one of the wakening up berries to him. I don't want to go mad with the TM's though, because I want them to still have space to learn the moves they'll learn while training up.

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Lance's Dragonite kills me every time on the occassion I get through Agatha. I can gub his Gyarados and Aerodactyl in one hit with Solarbeam with my Lvl90 Venusaur, but this thing just swats me aside.

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Guys, I'm on the verge of something special here.

I'm at the Elite Four. My party is...

Venusaur (Level 90)

Dragonair (Level 39)

Grimer (Level 28)

Ninetales (Level 28)

Golbat (Level 23)

Pidgeot (Level 29)

... and this is a party formed solely with the intention of levelling up Dragonair to eventually take on Lance. I have nine Revives, six Full Heals.

I go up against Lorelei. My Razor Leaf Attack wipes out Dewgog, Slowbro and Lapras immediately with one hit. Jynx takes a couple of more hits as she hits me with Confuse and Attract, but I get through her. Razor Leaf wipes out Cloyster.

Now onto Bruno. Onix dies after one hit. Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan take three hits each, as one doesn't quite kill them and Bruno uses a Full Restore. His second Onix is mincemeat and Machamp goes after three hits - the final two with Giga Drain to restore some of my HP.

Agatha next. Solarbeam takes care of Gengar immediately. It takes two hits with it to get rid of Golbat, one hit of Razor Leaf to get rid of Haunter and one more Solarbeam each to dispose of her other Gengar and Arbok.

So it's Lance next... and Solarbeam wipes out Gyarados and Aerodactyl with one hit. But now it's up against Dragonite, and I hit it with everything I've got left. Somehow I defeat it despite him using two (two!) Full Restores on it. I'm left with 3PP for Solarbeam - and nothing else apart from Synthesis, which restores my HP and doesn't attack. Two of my last Solarbeams are used to kill his two Dragonairs, one each.

So, I've beat the Elite Four and I'm now up against Rival... with ONE offensive move on my only decent Pokemon, and only ONE PP for it. I have four Revives left and two Full Heals.

My last Solarbeam kills of Pidgeot, and now I've got no moves. I'm onto Gyarados. My Venusaur is reduced to using "Struggle" - and astonishingly kills Gyarados in three hits, and then Alakazam in three. Charizard next. It's Fire, I'm Grass, it's Level 63, I'm (by now) Level 92... and somehow I win. I come out of the battle with no Revives. My other Pokemon are dead. I have one Full Heal left.

And using only "Struggle" I've killed Pidgeot, Alakazam, Charizard and now Exeggcutor. Every time I hit with Struggle I get hit with Recoil. I am now up against Rhydon, who has just over half his HP and no doubt a Full Restore waiting. I have just used my last Full Heal. Could I possibly do this?!

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And I'm dead :(

Gutted. Rhydon hit me with Earthquake for a Critical Hit. If I'd had a couple more Full Heals I'd have done it :bairn

Edited by Gaz
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And I'm dead :(

Gutted. Rhydon hit me with Earthquake for a Critical Hit. If I'd had a couple more Full Heals I'd have done it :bairn

Aw, that sounds agonising. Why did you only train your Venasaur though?

On the second round of the Elite Four now. First two I left pretty much unscathed, and was down to my Ampharos for Bruno, but he dealt with Machamp. Onto the dark-type lass now, and then Mr. "I'm a cunto" Lance. Why does he become friends with you, and then annihilates you with his three b*****ding Dragonites? It's a bit mean, I think. Hopefully Octillery's up to the challenge.

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Currently playing Diamond but keep getting whooped by the Elite Four. My party isn't great :

Gabite - LVL 28

Dialga - LVL 53

Rapidash - LVL 42

Luxray - LVL 45

Gyrados - LVL 45

And I have a choice between Uxie, Azelf & Kadabra ( Whom was my main pokemon until I received Dialga).

I've defeated all trainers and I am fed up battling Wild Pokemon. Is there any moves I could buy to make it easier? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Currently playing Diamond but keep getting whooped by the Elite Four. My party isn't great :

Gabite - LVL 28

Dialga - LVL 53

Rapidash - LVL 42

Luxray - LVL 45

Gyrados - LVL 45

And I have a choice between Uxie, Azelf & Kadabra ( Whom was my main pokemon until I received Dialga).

I've defeated all trainers and I am fed up battling Wild Pokemon. Is there any moves I could buy to make it easier? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Type Chart

Use those types of moves against those types of Pokémon. What I do, is teach irregular moves to them, so that they receive minimum damage, but inflict maximum (i.e teaching a water Pokémon an electric move, and making it face other water Pokémon).

And train your Gabite up some more!

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Also, is it just me or is it a bit shit that you can only get Pokemon from one of your previous games once you have completed it? (Unless your a hardcore gamer)

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Aw, that sounds agonising. Why did you only train your Venasaur though?

On the second round of the Elite Four now. First two I left pretty much unscathed, and was down to my Ampharos for Bruno, but he dealt with Machamp. Onto the dark-type lass now, and then Mr. "I'm a cunto" Lance. Why does he become friends with you, and then annihilates you with his three b*****ding Dragonites? It's a bit mean, I think. Hopefully Octillery's up to the challenge.

I've set myself a challenge of playing through all the Pokemon games in an attempt to get a fully complete Pokedex, so instead of training up a particular party through LG I've been training bits and bobs in order to fill it, with the intention of levelling up a party by battering two or three of the Elite Four again and again.

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I've set myself a challenge of playing through all the Pokemon games in an attempt to get a fully complete Pokedex, so instead of training up a particular party through LG I've been training bits and bobs in order to fill it, with the intention of levelling up a party by battering two or three of the Elite Four again and again.


Defeated Karen. BRING ON LANCE!!!!1

c**t. One of his Dragonite's used Thunder against my Octillery... Looks like I'll be up all night training again. <_<

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Well, I did exactly the same thing again, but had 20 Full Heals and 20 Revives. And I've only gone and beat Rival using only Struggle and no other moves! :D

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By the way, once you're into Kanto, the game progresses and eventually your Rival starts to explore with his starter following him (because he becomes a nice repentant trainer who loves blah blah YUK). He eventually goes to train at Dragon's Den or whatever it's called and you go to talk to him and Lance and Claire arrive. You end up being in a double battle ALONGSIDE your Rival, which is quite amusing.

Just thought I'd put it out there.

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Sat in Costa this morning for an hour and one minute training my Pokémon to level fifty, got four out of six there before I felt I was in the shop for a bit too long, and I was getting concerning looks from the staff members. It was worthwhile in the end, only downfall is that my cinnamon latté got cold, as I was too "in the zone" and forgot all about it.

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f**k f**k f**k!

I've only just gone and accidentally traded a Poliwhirl for Jynx - a Poliwhirl still holding my FUCKING EXP SHARE!

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