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The problem with this weather is that some people just can't cope with it. Why do people think that 1st gear at the bottom of a snowy road going uphill is an option? Beats me.

The M8, M9 and A90 were covered with ice at certain stretches yet muppets still seem to think that excessive speed is an option. Right enough, further on, cars in ditches.

I have total confidence in my ability to handle the snow. We have 14" of snow at my house. I have cleared the paths, kept me car sorted and only missed work once when the trains didn't come (worked from home). My continual fear though is that it will be one of the aforementioned muppets who ruins it all by crashing into my car.

I also laugh long and hard at fools who drive away with 2" of snow on their rear windscreen. Why would you do that. There are also those who leave the snow over their headlights and then switch them on. Why??

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Polar bears can either learn to swim, or f**k off.

Fife Police have directed them to the Halbeath road area of Dunfermline.

I went to pick up my auld man last night as the taxis weren't running for a while and it was horrendous. My car wouldn't even go up the slight incline of St Clair st and I had a few wee uncontrollable skids towards the pavement and other peoples cars. I don't think I went any faster than 20mph all the time I was out.

It's braw being able to sledge with the kids, build snowmen etc but I wish it would begin to ease off now.

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The problem with this weather is that some people just can't cope with it. Why do people think that 1st gear at the bottom of a snowy road going uphill is an option? Beats me.

The M8, M9 and A90 were covered with ice at certain stretches yet muppets still seem to think that excessive speed is an option. Right enough, further on, cars in ditches.

I have total confidence in my ability to handle the snow. We have 14" of snow at my house. I have cleared the paths, kept me car sorted and only missed work once when the trains didn't come (worked from home). My continual fear though is that it will be one of the aforementioned muppets who ruins it all by crashing into my car.

I also laugh long and hard at fools who drive away with 2" of snow on their rear windscreen. Why would you do that. There are also those who leave the snow over their headlights and then switch them on. Why??

I was on the A90, and the A92, last night and I saw the same things. In the left hand lane there were two black strips that people could drive in but most people were staying at a 35-45ish, or 50ish in bits, because anything higher was dangerous. There were still people belting past everyone in the completely white right hand lane. 

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Without caring to invoke the wrath of Livi_Clyde, why the f**k would you choose to live in the east of Scotland, or like SaintSam, Perthshire, if you really dislike snow and its related disruption?

The East Coast doesn't usually get badly affected by snow. Only in the last 2-3 years or so has it been a serious problem for the vast majority in said areas.

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The East Coast doesn't usually get badly affected by snow. Only in the last 2-3 years or so has it been a serious problem for the vast majority in said areas.

In your lifetime perhaps (and at that, you're wrong as there was a violently cold winter in 1995-96 as just one example).

Next up we'll have Aviemore residents complaining that it's a bit nippy. You generally choose where you live, it has a climate. Grow a pair and deal with it, or move.

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Fife Police have directed them to the Halbeath road area of Dunfermline.

I went to pick up my auld man last night as the taxis weren't running for a while and it was horrendous. My car wouldn't even go up the slight incline of St Clair st and I had a few wee uncontrollable skids towards the pavement and other peoples cars. I don't think I went any faster than 20mph all the time I was out.

It's braw being able to sledge with the kids, build snowmen etc but I wish it would begin to ease off now.

It's quite bad on the streets up your area i see. My dad took me up to get something from pidge's house, we nipped round to his mum and dad's, but my dad couldnt get back up the hill so he had to drive over the grass and then off the pavement to get back onto the main road!

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It's quite bad on the streets up your area i see. My dad took me up to get something from pidge's house, we nipped round to his mum and dad's, but my dad couldnt get back up the hill so he had to drive over the grass and then off the pavement to get back onto the main road!

It's really bad up here. Under the nice fluffy snow lies about 3 inches of solid ice.

I had to plan my route home last night to try and avoid any big hills as the car was sliding back down them whether I had the brakes on or not.

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Without caring to invoke the wrath of Livi_Clyde, why the f**k would you choose to live in the east of Scotland, or like SaintSam, Perthshire, if you really dislike snow and its related disruption?

I live on the coast; it's rare for us to get any snow, let alone the amount we've had recently. 

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Without caring to invoke the wrath of Livi_Clyde, why the f**k would you choose to live in the east of Scotland, or like SaintSam, Perthshire, if you really dislike snow and its related disruption?

Let's see.

East of Scotland/ Perthshire with the occasional disruption of a bad winter, or Greenock, where it snows less but it's, erm... Greenock!

Now where would I rather be ? Tough one, eh?

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Let's see.

East of Scotland/ Perthshire with the occasional disruption of a bad winter, or Greenock, where it snows less but it's, erm... Greenock!

Now where would I rather be ? Tough one, eh?

You'd only be bumping your gums about the rain over here anyway.

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Without caring to invoke the wrath of Livi_Clyde, why the f**k would you choose to live in the east of Scotland, or like SaintSam, Perthshire, if you really dislike snow and its related disruption?

I didn't 'choose' to live here, I was born here. Having said that, I like living here and we rarely get snow in Perth, nevermind this much. I can say with some degree of confidence that this is the worst winter I've ever seen. I took the car out yesterday and had a few moments like Andy C where the car was just moving of it's own accord towards pavements and other peoples cars.

One thing that annoys me at all times of the year are these new housing schemes that are built and the design of the roads that take you through them. All winding, very narrow, lots of junctions. It physically pains me that people park their cars on these roads. They are not designed to be parked on, that's why every house has seven f'cking driveways.

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They are not designed to be parked on, that's why every house has seven f'cking driveways.

It is the house prices to blame for this one. Every house in my estate has a double driveway but the fact that the "kids" cannot afford to move out until their early thirties means that their cars are also needing to be parked somewhere. As a point in case, the house two doors up from me has four cars plus a works transit parked at any one time. Who needs traffic calming measures when you are constantly playing parked car leapfrog in your street?

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