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But is it snowing on this sea/firth/estuary/river - that's the important point?

It'll have some of the benefits of being on the West Coast with the surrounding Gulf Stream seawater having an effect to reduce snowfall at some level. That and the salty sea spray acting as a natural gritter on the waterfront. Inverclyde Council will be delighted. ;)

Edited by Hedgecutter
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^^^ Still can't grasp the simple idea that just because people of Greenock call it 'the river' doesn't make it a river, just as somebody between Inverness & Dingwall referring to their peninsula as 'The Black Isle' doesn't make it an island. It genuinely wouldn't surprise me if VT thought he was on a separate island when crossing the Kessock Bridge though, especially being a West Coaster.

Eta: To keep it more on topic, it supposedly gets it's name 'Black Isle' because snow doesn't lie there much in comparison to the surrounding elevated areas, hence appearing darker. ;)

I thought it was named the Black Isle by invading Vikings who just saw a wall of darkness due to the density of the forests on the coast. Unfortunately I'm not friends with any 9th century Scandinavians so I can't verify the accuracy of this tale.

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Not if you're on Arran.

If you kept travelling west from Arran then you'd eventually hit the Clyde Riviera. :P

I thought it was named the Black Isle by invading Vikings who just saw a wall of darkness due to the density of the forests on the coast. Unfortunately I'm not friends with any 9th century Scandinavians so I can't verify the accuracy of this tale.

Another, more realistic theory is that it's named after the Black Isle Brewery which is located there.

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We had a bit of snow last night, followed by about 90 minutes worth from 8.00 am this morning. Very sleety snow for an hour from 2.00 pm, which did lie, but now nearly all melted.

Big problem would be if it freezes tonight, it will be like a ski slope down our hill.

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It'll have some of the benefits of being on the West Coast with the surrounding Gulf Stream seawater having an effect to reduce snowfall at some level. That and the salty sea spray acting as a natural gritter on the waterfront. Inverclyde Council will be delighted. ;)

Well I left the slushy slopes of the Clyde Riviera this morning, where it was still snowing, to head 25 miles east to Glasgow, where it was pissing down. I left Glasgow at 4, where it was pissing down, and returned to the Clyde Riviera, which currently resembles Lapland, if Lapland also had a spate of abandoned cars that slid down completely unprotected roads.

River Clyde located Greenock 4 Shit geographers and their bullshit theories 0

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We had a bit of snow last night, followed by about 90 minutes worth from 8.00 am this morning. Very sleety snow for an hour from 2.00 pm, which did lie, but now nearly all melted.

Big problem would be if it freezes tonight, it will be like a ski slope down our hill.

You have your own hill??

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sergie's no1 fan, on 16 Jan 2015 - 08:55, said:

At college in Greenock. Was greeted to a snow storm at Port Glasgow but it's sunny here. Snow on the ground though. Hopefully get sent home early today.

We're due to get snow showers, and maybe a few cms of snow, but I'm not sure it's going to get as vicious today as it's been. You may not be so lucky.

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We're due to get snow showers, and maybe a few cms of snow, but I'm not sure it's going to get as vicious today as it's been. You may not be so lucky.

Nice and sunny again, clear blue sky.Our afternoon lecturer is decent, he stays in Glasgow, hopefully it's snowing down his way and he lets us away. To be honest he lets us away early every Friday anyway so I can't complain. Only 6 people showed up, can see an afternoon of top gear coming up

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