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1 minute ago, Tynieness said:

He is an obnoxious irritating little turd.


Used to play football with a lad in Manchester that go-karted with Lewis Hamilton when they were kids. He's (Lewis) very much the arsehole he comes across apparently....

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6 minutes ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

Look at the state of that. Its like something from House Party 2 (The Pyjama Jam) 

He's 32yo FFS! We've been there Bobby in that you hit a certain age and you realise that you can't get away with wearing certain things.....that said, all Lewis is missing is the face paint for his circus clown look to be complete....

2 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

He is the epitome of a c**t.  Looks like a c**t, behaves like a c**t, dresses like a c**t.

He is a c**t.

I'm pretty sure the above would have come into James Hunts F1 commentary of Lewis Hamilton had he sadly not died.

Edited by sjc
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Please don't associate riff raft like that with Elgin. She's clearly from Nairn.

I would argue that not all women from nairn are like that. She seems relatively normal
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We've a Portuguese family next door and the old granny is over living with them just now. She has lots of free time and not a lot of money so my gf and her have came to an agreement that we'll pay her do our ironing, or some of it at least.

She keeps catching us of guard when she comes for it and my gf just grabs a pile of washing, sticks it in a bag and gives her it but there's always pairs of my pants in there. So not only is this old lady handling my pants and ironing them, she now thinks that I'm the type of guy who wants his pants ironed and that's all I think about when I see him.

They do feel a lot nicer to wear right enough.

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Lewis trying to look like A$AP Rocky but would agree he's more like Kriss Kross or one of the kids from Rae Sremmurd. They're never going to look as good as the king of racing driver cool, Jackie Stewart, seen here passing on style tips to Paul Newman:



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I just realised today that Red Bull presumably takes its name from the fact that it contains taurine.

In my defence, until recently I don't think I handled a can of the stuff in about twenty years. It's certainly no Moray Cup.

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I seem to be meeting more and more folk who are intolerant to gluten. I asked one of my recently converted gluten-free mates what made him realise he was gluten intolerant. He said that he kept getting bloated when he ate too much bread. But isn't that just what happens when you eat too much bread?

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