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You've been hanging around with that Chris McDonald again, haven't you? Haven't you!?

He's a bad egg. I heard he does illegal drugs. I want you to stay away from the likes of him. You're worrying me. You weren't always like this.

Chris may have dabbled in illegal drugs from time to time but a full litre of vodka was unheard of. Seems like this DarkBlue62 character's taking this level of mentalness to a new level. I'd stay well clear from your posts as they could have a very bad influence. Women and young children read this you know. :angry:

Anyway, I saw the hottest milf in the world this morning and she smiled at me. Sounds pathetic but it were amazing at t'time.

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Chris may have dabbled in illegal drugs from time to time but a full litre of vodka was unheard of. Seems like this DarkBlue62 character's taking this level of mentalness to a new level. I'd stay well clear from your posts as they could have a very bad influence. Women and young children read this you know. mad.gif

Anyway, I saw the hottest milf in the world this morning and she smiled at me. Sounds pathetic but it were amazing at t'time.

Being exposed to this kind of behavior concerns me. I really fear for the futures of the impressionable younger posters on here. No doubt they'll be regaling us tales of them lying in a gutter covered in spew, gibbering rubbish to passers by next weekend. I'm old enough to know better, but think of the children. sad.gif

Edited by Michael W
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My mate was attacked by an alsatian last night while he was out running, and it took 3 decent bites out of his leg before fucking off.

It just got me thinking, i have never even comprehended the thought that a dog might attack me. Obviously i realise it does happen, and that some people are terrified of dogs, but is this not quite rare?

An Alsatian accosted me one night and it was one slight movement from myself from wrapping it's gums around my limbs.

When it's owner got it on the lead I had a right go at him whilst trying to hold in the imminent shite that the near attack brought about.

Scary creatures like!

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I know lots of people are really hoping that the Arsenal vs Man Utd game will be a 'classic' and there will be lots of 'great football' on show, but tbh, I'd rather it was a battle,with lots of cards, arguements and scrapping.

Rather than a 'lovely' 2-2 which will be remembered as a classic, I'd prefer a game with several brawls involving players from both teams throughout the game, then after 70 mins, a mass brawl involving players AND coaching staff in which 8 players are booked, 3 players are sent off and the goalkeepers come tearing out of their goals to get involved.

Here's hoping. *Crosses fingers*


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I know lots of people are really hoping that the Arsenal vs Man Utd game will be a 'classic' and there will be lots of 'great football' on show, but tbh, I'd rather it was a battle,with lots of cards, arguements and scrapping.

Rather than a 'lovely' 2-2 which will be remembered as a classic, I'd prefer a game with several brawls involving players from both teams throughout the game, then after 70 mins, a mass brawl involving players AND coaching staff in which 8 players are booked, 3 players are sent off and the goalkeepers come tearing out of their goals to get involved.

Here's hoping. *Crosses fingers*


Shakey, you say that about every game you watch.

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An Alsatian accosted me one night and it was one slight movement from myself from wrapping it's gums around my limbs.

When it's owner got it on the lead I had a right go at him whilst trying to hold in the imminent shite that the near attack brought about.

Scary creatures like!

On a similar if unrelated note, I have a huge dog who shites himself at the merest sign of trouble. Simultaneously there's this wee collie mutt that wants a scrap with him.

If you ever want to see a man trying desperately to boot a dog in the balls whilst getting pulled away by his dog give me a shout.

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Anyway, I saw the hottest milf in the world this morning and she smiled at me. Sounds pathetic but it were amazing at t'time.

About just over a year ago, i saw the best milf i've ever seen in my life in HMV.

I can still picture her. She was beautiful. Not "hot", you understand. Beautiful.


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I know lots of people are really hoping that the Arsenal vs Man Utd game will be a 'classic' and there will be lots of 'great football' on show, but tbh, I'd rather it was a battle,with lots of cards, arguements and scrapping.

Rather than a 'lovely' 2-2 which will be remembered as a classic, I'd prefer a game with several brawls involving players from both teams throughout the game, then after 70 mins, a mass brawl involving players AND coaching staff in which 8 players are booked, 3 players are sent off and the goalkeepers come tearing out of their goals to get involved.

Here's hoping. *Crosses fingers*


Just like every game, I hope Man Utd get hammered, regardless of the football on show.

If they fail to win the league the megastores in Singapore will have to have a sale. :D

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No, I'm not slagging you. You're just always after a bit of a ruck on the pitch! :lol:

Lol. Yeah, that seems like a pretty spot-on statement tbh. You cannae beat a ruck on the football pitch. Either watching or being involved.

Yet in real life he's a pussy cat.

I'd like to know what evidence you have to back-up the above claim...


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I sometimes hate football.

That will increase exponentially with age.

You begin to realise it's pointless and futile and there are a great number of people associated with it that you will greatly desire to hold down and punch into unconsciousness on a regular basis.

You will resent it in the end.

I don't know how The Phoenix is still attending matches. His mental state at 5p.m. on Saturdays must be a psychiatrists dream.

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About just over a year ago, i saw the best milf i've ever seen in my life in HMV.

I can still picture her. She was beautiful. Not "hot", you understand. Beautiful.


Aye, obviously. There's something about them, and they're quite rare to see, but once you do, it stays 4 lyf.

Why have I always used those shitty headphones Apple give you when you buy an iPod? I've got a massive pair of Sony's on right now and they are the dog bollocks with regards to the quality of sound. Amazing, utterly pwns those rubbish ones I used before.

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Guest The Phoenix

If it's a compliment, then that's fine. Thanks, good sir. ;)

However, I'd like to clarify that I do not have whiskers, or indeed a tail.

It was certainly meant to be a compliment.

Point of order, though - you do have whiskers and a tail.

Everyone has, just not pussy cat ones.

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