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I've always wondered about the Hulk.

Do you think sometimes he's just having a quiet night in, and decides to have himself a wee quick curry for his dinner, and just as he takes the rice out the microwave he goes to peel the film lid off, only to realise that somehow, inexplicably, it's been double wrapped and there isn't a tab for the second layer, he loses all control and ends up standing next to the sink in nothing but his breeks, torn to the knees, while the reflection in his stainless steel toaster glares back, all green and veiny?

The force behind the ejaculation would probably smash through the wall of the house, though.

You'd have a right bother getting the trousers off, actually. His hands are massive, far too big to be fannying about with buttons and flies. Unless of course, he's going to get Little Hulk to just burst his pants off.

He'll be delighted that Asda are doing those £40 suits now though, it'll be saving him a bomb since he switched from Burton's.

:lol: That's quality patter.

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The Body and Soul Exhibition in Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall was excellent and I'm going with some other friends again tomorrow. The only puzzling thing was that there was a small stall with two people handing out leaflets explaining how Jesus is the true faith and how he can heal you and save your soul.

Now I'm NOT having a go, and nobody paid them much mind, but I couldn't help wondering. The hall was full of exhibitors with aromatherapy kits, reiki treatments, Indian head massage, Shamanic drum healing, herbologists, crystal therapists, feng shuei, shiatsu, spiritualism, meditation and visualisation techniques and the like.

Did they get booked into the wrong gig or were they hoping for some sort of mass conversion to take place!blink.gif

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My wisdom tooth is really sore. This would normally be a petty nag but I'm taking it as a win as the boy, who has been in a bit of a bad mood all day, is sound asleep and it's LM's turn to get up with him in the morning.

Lie in, ahoy!

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Now I'm NOT having a go, and nobody paid them much mind, but I couldn't help wondering. The hall was full of exhibitors with aromatherapy kits, reiki treatments, Indian head massage, Shamanic drum healing, herbologists, crystal therapists, feng shuei, shiatsu, spiritualism, meditation and visualisation techniques and the like.

Did they get booked into the wrong gig or were they hoping for some sort of mass conversion to take place!blink.gif

Makes sense. If folk are mental enough to swallow things like crystal therapy and spiritualism, then there's a good chance they'll be mental enough swallow all the 'Jesus' shit.

Edited by Gordon EF
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Makes sense. If folk are mental enough to swallow things like crystal therapy and spiritualism, then there's a good chance they'll swallow all the 'Jesus' shit.

Aye, I suppose you could look at it like that. It's just that they seemed to be as appropriate as a pork chop at a Barmitzvah!laugh.gif

Oh well, a few people took a leaflet out of politeness but I don't think anyone was won over, but full marks to them for trying anyway! I'll look out to see if they're there tomorrow!

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laugh.gif Bet you that was exciting.

Oops. Missed you for a minute there. Sorry.

Aye, it was actually. I went round with one of my friends who is extremely knowedgeable about crystals and who was very helpful in advising on ones to mark the four point daily solar circle. I also got a beautiful silver Goddess pendant like this.....


...with a moonstone set in it.......

Hang about.....you weren't being serious, were you!laugh.gif

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Aye, it was actually. I went round with one of my friends who is extremely knowedgeable about crystals and who was very helpful in advising on ones to mark the four point daily solar circle. I also got a beautiful silver Goddess pendant like this.....


Do poeple like this know that they're taking the absolute pish or do they really believe in it?

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I have a presentation to do on Tuesday, and I have finished my Powerpoint slides, my cue cards and my handouts. I still, however, have the actual presenting bit to do, and I really, really don't want to.

Can I be nosey and ask what your presentation in on?

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I have a presentation to do on Tuesday, and I have finished my Powerpoint slides, my cue cards and my handouts. I still, however, have the actual presenting bit to do, and I really, really don't want to.

I've got one for Monday and I haven't started yet. I've done such a good job in lowering the bar in previous presentations though that I'm sure very little will be expected from it. Which is just as well.

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