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No it's still alive, it's dying. It's flew onto the top of the cupboards when my gran tried to get it. I've just shut the kitchen doors and will wait til my mum gets back from work

And while all this is going on, whats your cat doing? Ambling about innocently? Get your cat, throw it in the kitchen with crow, close doors. Problem solved surely?

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If you took your feline friend to London, he could be a fat cat in the city, and all the socialists could have a good green eye session.

Only you could take the fun out of stories about morbidally obese felines... :P

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The gaelic for Raven is 'fiathach'. HTH. smile.gif

Thanks for that:


  1. Irish name meaning "raven." In mythology (from Voyage of Bran), this is the name of a mariner who went on a quest to the Other World.
  2. Welsh name meaning "crow" or "raven." In mythology, this is the name of a giant king of Britain known as Bran the Blessed, who was killed attacking Ir


Obviously Phillip Carr-Gomm who designed the Druid Oracle Animal Tarot acrds was going by the Irish Gaelic version rather than the Scots Gaelic.

I am grateful for the clarification. wink.gif

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