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Something I discovered today in my exam, it is impossible to breathe through your nose unless the channel to your mouth is blocked, I never knew that.

I don't think that's right, but I may be wrong. Circular breathing anyone?

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Nah, he's right. Circular breathing involves inflating the cheeks and compressing the air out as you breathe in through the nose.

Interesting... Of no use to me whatsoever. But interesting all the same.

Edit: the circular breathing part. Not spamalots fact.

Edited by Spain
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a letter came for me that was recorded delivery but it was just put through my letterbox...

don't quite know if thats a PTTGOYN because it wasn't properly delivered to me or RTBC as i got 3 hours more sleep

probably the latter

if a bill rtbc as you 'didn't get it'....if concert tickets pttgoyn as might mean negative things.

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Tonight I was robbed of a carryout at virtual knifepoint. Welcome to Scotland: best small country in the world!

I was accosted by a junkie one night just after I'd been to the chinese asking me for a bit of my food.

After telling him to f**k off several times he put his hand in to his jacket as if to bring out a knife and I promptly threw him down a flight of stairs breaking his arm. I know this because he squealed when he hit the bottom and I saw him the next day with a cast. :)

Good times.

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