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I love Robyn. I just listened to Dancing on my Own five times in a row.

It's a good thing I'm such a rugged b*****d, otherwise people might think I was some sort of buftie ken eh.

Edited by ICTChris
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First exam next Tuesday - and it's my worst subject, Information Systems. Taught by a substitute Computing teacher who learned the course herself whilst teaching us, nobody attained a pass in the prelim - not one person in a class filled with pretty intelligent pupils got more than 40%. Add in the fact it's the most tedious subject in existence and only a handful of Scottish schools offer it, all roads are currently leading to C or below. Not good.

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First exam next Tuesday - and it's my worst subject, Information Systems. Taught by a substitute Computing teacher who learned the course herself whilst teaching us, nobody attained a pass in the prelim - not one person in a class filled with pretty intelligent pupils got more than 40%. Add in the fact it's the most tedious subject in existence and only a handful of Scottish schools offer it, all roads are currently leading to C or below. Not good.

Look at past paper answers for the past few years, revise the answers.

Look at the course documents as well on the SQA website.

They can only test you on what has been outlined in the course documents.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I love Robyn. I just listened to Dancing on my Own five times in a row.

It's a good thing I'm such a rugged b*****d, otherwise people might think I was some sort of buftie ken eh.

I'm having that hetrosexual inner buftie feeling right now too. Just saw one of those X Factor sob story type scenario's on Youtube and didn't feel completely cynical:


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Conversation between a guy stopping a bus and the driver in Aberdeen:

Guy: Is this the Inverness bus? (10A Inverness is on the front of the bus btw)

Driver: Aye

Guy: It doesnae (note Weegieish sounding) go through all the wee towns does it?

Driver: Which ones do you mean?

Guy: All the wee coast ones.

Driver: I don't go along the coast.

Guy: Well how do you get to Inverness then?

Driver: I go all the way up the A96.

Guy: What road's that?

Driver: the main road and route for most of north-east Scotland.

Guy: No it's not, that's the coast road.

Driver: erm, sorry but it is.

Guy: what towns do you go through?

(By this point everyone's pissed off)

Driver: Inverurie, Huntly...

Guy: But Huntly's on the coast.

Driver: No it's no.

Guy: You're a f***in' idiot

(Guy steps off bus and walks away)


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Just downloaded Robyn's last album.

ErinGoBragh, fancy meeting up to listen to synthpop and emotional X factor stories, then go out for a few pints of heavy in Leith acting like a couple of characters from Irvine Welsh's last novel, whatever the f**k it was called eh ken.

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Just downloaded Robyn's last album.

ErinGoBragh, fancy meeting up to listen to synthpop and emotional X factor stories, then go out for a few pints of heavy in Leith acting like a couple of characters from Irvine Welsh's last novel, whatever the f**k it was called eh ken.

Aye mate.

Harp and Castle, then Priscilla's with the macho gay types, then Planet Out.

Could get pretty messy.

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