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Couple of spoofing b*****ds. I'll agree she's not incredible or anything but she's definitely no howking!! You've chose an awful photo Deeboy :lol:

She comes up to you in the Boooo DB or in Bo'ness local nightclub 8Mile all dolled up you'd both be trying like a bear to get in about her

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Her vagina is the very definition of badly packed kebab

Her vagina looks like it would eat you.

Still wid.


Came onto this thread to share with P&B that I woke up this morning with some excruciating back and leg pain. Thought I had perhaps developed sciatica, or somehow broken myself while I was sleeping. Not long off the toilet, having emptied out a work jobby that must easily challenge Bono's 80 courics.

My back feels fine now.

Edited by Ross.
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It doesn't really get that much attention though, does it? The BBC show much more of the likes of bowls, snooker and darts than they do women's football. The barely-veiled sexism on show here is pretty embarrassing.

Bowls, Snooker and Darts all have participation and interest levels that dwarf women's football. It's not sexist in the slightest to point this out.

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Until recently, having never been in hospital before, I had assumed that people joking about 'hospital food' being shit were just exaggerating and that it was just an accurate criticism decades ago. However, having experienced it first hand I am shocked at what they serve to patients - it's absolutely awful.

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