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There isn't much on TV and when flicking through I've settled on the American football. I'm not a huge fan of it but I would watch almost any sport if it's on. What I don't understand is how they can have players who have literally one role, to kick field goals, yet they still miss fairly easy looking kicks. Secondly why every main commentator on American football sounds the same. Deep voiced, neutral American accent with the exact same tone of voice. I'm really surprised how popular Yank football seems to have become recently, it seems considerably worse than Baseball, Basketball or Ice Hockey to me, wonder why it's this weird form of rugby that seems to be the success story.

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16 minutes ago, Günther said:

A league of their own is on Sky just now and I haven't bothered my arse changing the channel yet as I'm too busy looking at holidays on the laptop. However what I have realised is that English comedy is in a poor state, the fact that John Bishop and James Corden are celebrated "comedians" tells it's own story. Both of them as funny as a kick in the baws... Only Russel Howard could make this programme worse!

I don't know, they could get you to host it.

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There's an American football team literally called 'the Redskins', how the f**k is that allowed?

There's quite a bit of controversy about it. But polls seem to show that the public wants the name to stay, even some held with just native Americans. Will no doubt change at one point but the owners say that it celebrates the achievements of native Americans...

Regards to the kicker, there's actually a punter too. So two different guys for kicking it, punter is the guy that places it for the kicker a lot too. A pretty important position because kicking can fair rack up points throughout an hours game. I've never kicked an American football before so I've no idea how hard it is but there are a lot that get missed. Still only 32 teams though so these guys are the elite.
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2 hours ago, jmothecat said:

There's an American football team literally called 'the Redskins', how the f**k is that allowed?

You can expect to see new franchises such as the Wetbacks and the Towelheads within the next four years...

But seriously, they've used that name since before the Second World War; they'd surely to struggle to give that name to a sports team these days. Attempts to get the name changed have popped up regularly in the past few years but, as Lichtie says, opinion's divided. We can be grateful that race doesn't seem to have been much of a consideration when our teams were named.

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Coming up the escalator at Glasgow Central last night, there's a sea of female teens coming down the opposite way wearing ridiculously short skirts heading for the SECC.

Honestly, I didn't know where to look. I thought I was in an Operation  Yewtree sting operation.


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11 hours ago, Günther said:

A league of their own is on Sky just now and I haven't bothered my arse changing the channel yet as I'm too busy looking at holidays on the laptop. However what I have realised is that English comedy is in a poor state, the fact that John Bishop and James Corden are celebrated "comedians" tells it's own story. Both of them as funny as a kick in the baws... Only Russel Howard could make this programme worse!

John Bishop actually made me laugh the other week, he was on the radio & he was on about how his life has changed since fame? He said he's not changed that much but obviously he sees the difference in his kids lives compared to his own upbringing, saying that when he was a kid he'd be throwing stones at the kids gong to the posh school, but now his kids go to the posh school, he said sometimes if I see them coming home I still throw stones at them. 


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9 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


There's quite a bit of controversy about it. But polls seem to show that the public wants the name to stay, even some held with just native Americans. Will no doubt change at one point but the owners say that it celebrates the achievements of native Americans...

Regards to the kicker, there's actually a punter too. So two different guys for kicking it, punter is the guy that places it for the kicker a lot too. A pretty important position because kicking can fair rack up points throughout an hours game. I've never kicked an American football before so I've no idea how hard it is but there are a lot that get missed. Still only 32 teams though so these guys are the elite.


31 of them are elite and then I think Blair Walsh won a magazine comp to kick for the Vikings. 

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