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Received a letter this morning, and now I've got to go to the hospital in March for an Echocardiogram or something like that. Mum has a high blood pressure and something up with her heart, so I've to go get checked out.

*sigh* :(

Better safe than sorry, pal. Dinnae worry about it, it'll just be a precautionary measure. :)

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I'm just back from Cowdenbeath. Explain?

I was walking down the street and one of them headlocked me. Turned out "they got the wrong man" and became friends seconds later. I was stoating about Kilmarnock til about 11.

They talk funny.

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I'd really have liked to play in the second-half of the Blackburn vs Bolton game today.

Not because it's the Premiership or anything, but because it was a blizzard. Practically horizontal snow streaming down and a slippery pitch.

Think of the slide tackling opportunities! :D

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I don't know if I want to stay up for the Olympics ice hockey or not. America v Canada- DECENT!!

Same here man. Don't even like Hockey, but it sounds quite tasty. I need to get up at 7 for school though..

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