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Things you want to share with P&B

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I just remembered something my 7 year old said to me on Sunday. He bought me a cake for Mother's day, and I asked him if he wanted a slice. I told him it was fruit cake, and he said that he wanted some. So, I handed him a slice and he said "That's not fruit cake, it's got raisins in it!". Raisins: not fruit.

I've also just asked a friend of mine with tonsilitis to "give me a shout" if she needs anything. Not thinking before speaking is obviously genetic.

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I just remembered something my 7 year old said to me on Sunday. He bought me a cake for Mother's day, and I asked him if he wanted a slice. I told him it was fruit cake, and he said that he wanted some. So, I handed him a slice and he said "That's not fruit cake, it's got raisins in it!". Raisins: not fruit.

I've also just asked a friend of mine with tonsilitis to "give me a shout" if she needs anything. Not thinking before speaking is obviously genetic.

Have you ever thought to sit him down and explain how raisins are made?

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She's a more attractive option than the guy in the film anyway.

Which head were you meaning by the way? :ph34r:

Oooft, I'll have to disagree with you there. That man is well worth one.

As for your second sentence, that's disgusting! Ok, so it was close to what I nearly typed originally, but still disgusting! :lol:

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Oooft, I'll have to disagree with you there. That man is well worth one.

As for your second sentence, that's disgusting! Ok, so it was close to what I nearly typed originally, but still disgusting! :lol:

Heh he's got a good bod I suppose.

I was going to write something an ex sent me in a text message about writing names on the ceiling but decided not to then typed it in this message anyway. :oops

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