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So where can a junior supporter go if he wants to have his say or discuss something that may not be out and out football but is junior related. Where can he go if he wants such a discussion with fellow junior supporters. The GN forum is not the place ffs its full of snotty nosed wee 18 year old who think they know everything and anything about life.

I want to hear from real people who were really there about how this individual effected there lives.Real football people , good junior people . I ain't gonna get it from that GN forum thats last place i will get it.


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My left toe is swollen. But I'm still away out to play football. If Messi can play with only his left foot I should be able to do it with just my right. Right?

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Got made redundant today, first time this has ever happened to me.

Just kinda stormed out once it was all over with. Caught myself doing 100mph on the way back home too without even realising it which was obviously fucking stupidity, but I calmed down because fucked if I'm losing my job and my license in the same week.

I mean I knew it was coming, got my at risk letter the other week, but I'm gutted because I was spared during a period of redundancies only a month or two ago.

It's really weird because I'm relieved its all finally settled and I know where I stand, but losing my wages and going back on the dole is going to be brutal, hope I can get something sorted sharpish.

Ah well, at least we have a government who are sympathetic to those not currently in employment... :(

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Got made redundant today, first time this has ever happened to me.

Just kinda stormed out once it was all over with. Caught myself doing 100mph on the way back home too without even realising it which was obviously fucking stupidity, but I calmed down because fucked if I'm losing my job and my license in the same week.

I mean I knew it was coming, got my at risk letter the other week, but I'm gutted because I was spared during a period of redundancies only a month or two ago.

It's really weird because I'm relieved its all finally settled and I know where I stand, but losing my wages and going back on the dole is going to be brutal, hope I can get something sorted sharpish.

Ah well, at least we have a government who are sympathetic to those not currently in employment... :(

^^^^ Aaron Muirhead.

In all seriousness, hope you get something sorted soon.

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TDN I was in your position last month, I went mental and didn't know what to do, I have no real qualifications and a trade so Im screwed cause I can't get any work for my trade, I've got a job in a restaurant for now. Every cloud and all that shite

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