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How does "It'll be the fourth year in a row" relate to twice?


Fail at 1st attempt, fail at 2nd attempt, she's currently trying it for a third time, and if she fails she'll need to do it a 4th time. You her Dad or something?

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Guest honestrae95

Aye, Higher essays are out of 25. English is easy for some, hard for others. I personally found English pretty simple and the whole 'you have to read lots of books to get an A' a load of rubbish. Reading newspapers does help though.

I got two 17s in my essays and 43 out of 50 in the close reading.

Patched Advanced English though, didnt need it for my conditional to do Law at Glasgow.

Aye, basically exactly my viewpoint that if you just get good enough at close reading you'll get an A easy. Although its boring as f**k, I was actually decent at English.

Bizarrely, I'm fairly positive I also got two 17's and 43 out of 50!

Get ready for Law btw, I met a guy in my first week at Glasgow who was doing Law and he had a list of 11 books to get for the course! (Although maybe he didn't have a clue what he was doing!) :lol:

Great, I am absolutely buzzing for Uni now...(I still am actually!)

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Noticed this shop on woodlands road today, not good or even ok but decent sweets... That all sells kebabs and pizzas

ImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1368743447.329524.jpg

There's a kebab shop just off Buchanan Street called Best Kebab. It has most certainly the worst kebab I've ever tasted :barf

Bistro Kebab is where every self respecting man should head to in Glasgow 8)

^^ this. Best Kebab is fucking awful, especially that rotten bolognaise style sauce you get instead of chilli sauce

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^^ this. Best Kebab is fucking awful, especially that rotten bolognaise style sauce you get instead of chilli sauce

Let's be honest, it serves a purpose. At 3am, after 12 pints, dog food would seem inviting to your average pisshead.

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People who moan about traffic wardens should stop parking illegally.

I always love it when folk complain about traffic wardens, invariably it's because they've tried to park somewhere they're not meant to, or been too tight to pay the correct parking charge.

Another favourite of mine is when people claim that police handing out speeding tickets should be 'catching real criminals'. Er, you're in charge of a ton-and-a-half of metal, capable of doing 120mph, that kills nearly 2,000 people in the UK per year. That's more than double the entire UK's murder rate. When police hand out speeding tickets, they *are* catching real criminals.

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I always love it when folk complain about traffic wardens, invariably it's because they've tried to park somewhere they're not meant to, or been too tight to pay the correct parking charge.

Another favourite of mine is when people claim that police handing out speeding tickets should be 'catching real criminals'. Er, you're in charge of a ton-and-a-half of metal, capable of doing 120mph, that kills nearly 2,000 people in the UK per year. That's more than double the entire UK's murder rate. When police hand out speeding tickets, they *are* catching real criminals.

I get on quite well with the wardens in Glasgow City Centre,They have a job to do and so do I and they cut me a bit of slack as if I do get a ticket I just take it on the chin as I was not supposed to park where I did.However some of the rules are silly but they have to enforce the rules or they get in trouble.

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Danny Dyer latest film

Mark Kermode review

And from Wiki

Run for Your Wife met with such overwhelmingly negative reviews upon release that the reviews themselves were widely reported in the UK media.[5][6] The film was variously described as "a catastrophe", "as funny as leprosy" and "30 years past its sell-by-date", with The Guardian reviewer Peter Bradshaw saying that it "makes The Dick Emery Show look edgy and contemporary".The Independent's Anthony Quinn wrote, "The stage play ran for nine years - it (the film) will be lucky to run for nine days. Perhaps never in the field of light entertainment have so many actors sacrificed so much dignity in the cause of so few jokes… From the look of it, Cooney hasn't been in a cinema for about 30 years".[7] The cameo-heavy cast was commented upon by several reviewers, with the Metro commenting that "no one emerges unscathed among the cameo-packed cast that reads largely like a roll-call for Brit TV legends you'd previously suspected deceased".[8] The Daily Record described the film as "an exasperating farce containing not one single, solitary laugh. Comprised of people losing their trousers and falling over, the film looks like a pilot for a (mercifully) never-commissioned 70's sitcom".[9]

[10] As of 18 February 2013 the film has a 0% approval rating on aggregate review website Rotten Tomatoes.[11] The film made £602 during its opening weekend.[12]


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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In the last two days at school

A "lock out" due to an "incident" in the neighbourhood. (Lock out, no-one in or out of the building, doors locked, windows shut, teach as normal.

A fight, genuine one kid on floor being pounded by the other.

A different kid led out of the school, in cuffs, by the police.

Thank f**k it's the weekend

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I'm that bored i'm watching a game between two welsh teams for a place in Europe. Safe to say it'll be a long while if our game ever turns out like this, jesus wept :blink:

:lol: I'm the same


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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