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I arrived early in Dingwall today, so went for a look round.

I turned the corner at the end of what appears to be the main street and was greeted with a Tesco. My reaction was one of shock.

I then felt bad for having the subconscious belief that supermarkets don't exist north of Inverness.

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I feel a bit sorry for Twiggy in the new M&S adverts. Of course, she's still looking great, but she's prancing around with young girls in their underwear while wearing a billowing blouse that covers her up entirely. I'm sure she's perfectly happy with the money she gets for it though.

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I bought a NAS device yesterday, but found the power adapter makes a horrible squealing sound. I took it back, but the replacement did the same.

So I've plugged it in at work and I'll leave it on until I leave at around 7 tonight; my logic is that it might need time to "run in", but if not and it's a fault, then I'd rather this place burned down than my house.

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I despise arseholes on MSN that constantly sign in and out with something in their name, such as: "ANYWAN WANTY DAE SUMFIN WAE US". No. No one wants to do 'sumfin' with you tonight - take the hint and go away.

Almost as much as the folk the have "wee shoutouts" to all their wee cronies. "insert name here....ma bezzy". GTF no one cares. Your name will do just fine thank you very much.

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Is there a more annoying person on TV than the stupid bint on the "ISA, ISA baby" advert?

The baby in the Pizza Hut advert. Not fulfilled his career in advertising yet, but I'm sure there well be more.

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