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I think it's relevant to note that he posted the pic on the same day as there were headlines about Harry and Meghan releasing the first photo of the baby. That's the joke! That this is actually the first photo and oh gosh he's not a royal baby he's a little cute-but-dirty-animal-resembling-a-human-in-fancy-garb (I ain't gonna say what animal though)

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2 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Of course he’s aware of the trope. He’s not a Britain First moron. He was going for a performing monkey joke about posh folk wheeling out their kids in tops and tails, but the image coming with reference to a mixed race child meant it absolutely missed the mark. I don’t but that he didn’t know who the mother was, but I do buy thar he didn’t think it through.

A performing monkey in and of itself is not the same as a golliwog, which is an overtly racist toy. He’s not a raging white nationalist/PC-gone-mad halfwit, I don’t imagine. I doubt he laments the days of Bernard Manning.

I’m inclined to believe him - there was no racist intent. But the minute I saw it, it immediately seemed a very daft thing to post. I’m astonished he didn’t think it through. I agree with Welshbain - I assume he was on the sauce and cracked a bad joke. Most of us have been there to a greater or lesser degree. None of us are employed by the BBC or have half a million Twitter followers.


I agree. I said on another thread that when I saw the image last night I didn't see any racist intent but thought he was equating Baby Hewitt to a posh, performing chimp - like many other royals. It was only today when I heard he got sacked that I picked up on the racist connotations. Maybe I'm a bit slow but I didn't see any racism and believed what he said. And another thing, given that Danny Baker's taxes are going to contribute to the obscene wealth that Archie Hewitt is going to find himself in, maybe he should've been cut a bit of slack.

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5 minutes ago, Margaret Thatcher said:

I think it's relevant to note that he posted the pic on the same day as there were headlines about Harry and Meghan releasing the first photo of the baby. That's the joke! That this is actually the first photo and oh gosh he's not a royal baby he's a little cute-but-dirty-animal-resembling-a-human-in-fancy-garb (I ain't gonna say what animal though)

To think that no-one bats an eyelid at the royals being described as a colony of green, bloodsucking, shapeshifting aliens intent on human destruction, but a performing chimp in a nice suit...

PS: young Archie is no lizard, being a product of Hewitt/Markle genes.

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2 minutes ago, RockMusic said:

To think that no-one bats an eyelid at the royals being described as a colony of green, bloodsucking, shapeshifting aliens intent on human destruction, but a performing chimp in a nice suit...

PS: young Archie is no lizard, being a product of Hewitt/Markle genes.

Probably because one is a batshit insane conspiracy theory no one but lunatics believe in and the other is a common racist trope which has been becoming more prominent again recently mainly due to an increasing number of monkey/chimp themed racist incidents at football. There is also a lot of thinly veiled racism amongst royal fans behind comments about her being a “commoner” and not worthy of marrying into royalty and the whole notion of commoners could even be construed a form of indirect discrimination given it betrays supremacist thinking and most if not all members of the aristocracy are white.

I can see both arguments about his intent and ultimately I don’t give that much of a f**k but “royals=lizards” and “black people=apes” is a woeful comparison suggesting a real misunderstanding of the issue.

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14 minutes ago, The OP said:


but “royals=lizards” and “black people=apes” is a woeful comparison suggesting a real misunderstanding of the issue.

I agree with your points but please don't tell me you honestly thought I was being serious.

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I genuinely didnt know Meghans mum was black until Welshbairn posted that picture. Also, having seen her father on tv regarding the wedding controversy and given her light skin, i would never have known that she was mixed race

You learn something new every day

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5 minutes ago, Twinkle said:

I genuinely didnt know Meghans mum was black until Welshbairn posted that picture. Also, having seen her father on tv regarding the wedding controversy and given her light skin, i would never have known that she was mixed race

You learn something new every day

Hiya Danny, hiya pal

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54 minutes ago, Twinkle said:

I genuinely didnt know Meghans mum was black until Welshbairn posted that picture. Also, having seen her father on tv regarding the wedding controversy and given her light skin, i would never have known that she was mixed race

You learn something new every day

I'm the same, I had to have it pointed out to me earlier that she was mixed race as the thought of this being the case had never once crossed my mind. Think Danny B was probably having a sly dig at the Royals which backfired horrendously. Maybe to do with the hysteria the country goes into over their weddings/when they have children or maybe implying that they had someone else have the baby for them and they were picking it up off a surrogate mother at the hospital. Incredible reactions to it left right and centre nonetheless. 

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Anyone following the baby story and claiming not to know Markle was mixed race is lying. It was in every report since the romance went public, especially around the wedding. 

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Anyone following the baby story and claiming not to know Markle was mixed race is lying. It was in every report since the romance went public, especially around the wedding. 


If you have no interest in the royal family and don’t think Meghan looks mixed race from looking at her then it’s very easy to not know she is mixed race. No excuse for DB as a guy who worked at the BBC of course.

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2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Anyone following the baby story and claiming not to know Markle was mixed race is lying. It was in every report since the romance went public, especially around the wedding. 

Some people don’t read reports about the royal family:

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Or watch the telly, or access the internet, or take part in or hear discussions...

It’s not pasted all over the media that she is mixed race though like you’re trying to have us believe. Not everyone is as race motivated as the Daily Mail.
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