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3 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Billie Piper has been married to Chris Evans and Laurence Fox?   Questionable taste.

i've always liked Piper, so having been married to those two, i definitely must still have a chance to pump her.

Edited by Meldrew
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16 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You missed the bit below when he says that the vaccinations are unproven and won't be for years.

Not at all, you're being quite sleekit here. That's not an anti vax statement to make. Do you have anything of actual substance to show he is anti vaccines or is it just something you've made up to suit your pre conceived opinions? 

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Just now, SANTAN said:

Not at all, you're being quite sleekit here. That's not an anti vax statement to make. Do you have anything of actual substance to show he is anti vaccines or is it just something you've made up to suit your pre conceived opinions? 

I give him the honour of trusting him to mean what he says, so when he recites all the arguments that anti vaxxers use, like they're untested and the Government recommending them are as evil as the Nazis, I take him at his word. He's not just your run of the mill Unionist.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

I give him the honour of trusting him to mean what he says, so when he recites all the arguments that anti vaxxers use, like they're untested and the Government recommending them are as evil as the Nazis, I take him at his word. He's not just your run of the mill Unionist.

You just can't help yourself from misrepresenting views to try and win an argument. So boring, cognitive dissonance at it's finest. 

Neil Oliver is blatantly not Anti Vax, the views he has expressed that you've misrepresented are common amongst posters in the Covid thread.

You and Gordon can try and say he's "radicalised" because you don't like him due to his politics but it's blatantly obvious what you're both doing. I'm guessing the whole working for GB news thing is further proof that he's radicalised too?

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6 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

You just can't help yourself from misrepresenting views to try and win an argument. So boring, cognitive dissonance at it's finest. 

Neil Oliver is blatantly not Anti Vax, the views he has expressed that you've misrepresented are common amongst posters in the Covid thread.

You and Gordon can try and say he's "radicalised" because you don't like him due to his politics but it's blatantly obvious what you're both doing. I'm guessing the whole working for GB news thing is further proof that he's radicalised too?

I've never said he's been radicalised, I just think he's a numpty, either that or it's all to get the GBN gig. If you can find anything positive he's said about vaccines I'll reconsider his views, but while everything I can find that he's said about them has been wholly negative, I have to conclude that he's antivaxx.


Oliver said: “Those Spitfires and Hurricanes were piloted by men, and also by boys not long out of school. They risked everything for freedom, mine and yours, the last full measure of devotion.

“I cannot be sure, but I don't think they fought and died, so a government might seize and hold that freedom like a deck of cards, dealing them out one by one to those deemed deserving.

“I think they fought for unconditional freedom for each man, woman, and child. That's what I think.

“I've been reading about people calling people who have chosen not to take the vaccine, 'plague rats'. I've read about people calling for those plague rats to be rounded up and locked away, out of sight.

“There's another Battle of Britain being fought now. It's being fought by a minority outgunned and shouted down by those who would [won't] accept freedom handed to them by MPs on condition that they do as they are told.

"That's not freedom. That is tyranny. And I for one will not live under that yoke, as I have done all my life, I salute the few. I hope to see you on the other side.”


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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

I've never said he's been radicalised, I just think he's a numpty, either that or it's all to get the GBN gig. If you can find anything positive he's said about vaccines I'll reconsider his views, but while everything I can find that he's said about them has been wholly negative, I have to conclude that he's antivaxx.


Okay it was just because you responded directly to me refuting the idea he is radicalised by saying he is apparantly anti vax, deffo reads like you're adding on to the argument rather than just saying you think he's a bit of a w**k. 

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The people replying to Lawrence Fox are a large part of the problem. Sending him abuse, calling him made-up swears like a wankpuffin or a cuntweasel just give him the audience that those sending him such tweets oddly enough would prefer that he didn't have. The man is at it - he's a male Katie Hopkins and is seeing the pound signs that her little schtik produced before she started racking up the court appearances. He is taunting for a "cancellation" so he can grift it; he knows what he's doing and the abuse and pile ons are playing into his hands. 

Ignore him. Block him, mute him or whatever, but don't engage. He'll probably start a good whinge about free speech, but this does not bring with it the right to an audience. Deprive him of his audience and he will fade away. 

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6 minutes ago, 101 said:

I have just watched my team get rattled off Arbroath and this is the worst thing I have seen today.

I can't think of much worse that could happen. Imagine finishing your graft driving home and that happens. 

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On 27/08/2021 at 09:58, SANTAN said:

You just can't help yourself from misrepresenting views to try and win an argument. So boring, cognitive dissonance at it's finest. 

Neil Oliver is blatantly not Anti Vax, the views he has expressed that you've misrepresented are common amongst posters in the Covid thread.

You and Gordon can try and say he's "radicalised" because you don't like him due to his politics but it's blatantly obvious what you're both doing. I'm guessing the whole working for GB news thing is further proof that he's radicalised too?

He is a nutcase.

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